Monday, February 22, 2010

the corresponding contraction in 2009

the corresponding contraction in 2009

With the recovery of real estate construction, FAI has continued to grow, despite a number of provinces in north China after winter progress of construction activities in the continuous slowing down. Real Estate Construction - about FAI is a strong rebound in runescape power leveling- (November real estate projects under construction to increase the gross floor area up 44.9%). Real estate prices rising and speculative demand has prompted the Government to raise concerns about the cost of real estate speculation and the corresponding contraction in 2009, started to take some measures.

My sources indicate that one of the current leaders of the Detapa Council is actually a former Obsidian Order operative.From Commander Korak, Klingon Intelligence:The Cardassians are worthy opponents in battle. They are fierce warriors and fight with honor. We fought, and defeated, them in the Dominion War. The Dominion suckered them, the poor bastards. They had no chance once they allied with those honorless targs.Now, the Cardassians are trying to rebuild their empire on a lifeless ball of rock. It would be a miracle if they succeeded, after the Dominion bombarded their planet at the end of the war. Sales tax exemption number of years to 5 years to restore the land to purchase a minimum down payment ratio has increased to 50%, and the banks have been instructed to insist on implementation of the second suite of mortgage loans 40% of the down payment ratio requirement. In aion power leveling, as the real estate section of the housing investment has improved significantly - we expect an increase in the supply of new housing will slow down the pace of the recent price increases. As the government departments, new investment projects to be even more strictly controlled, so the whole year, FAI will continue to slow down, focus on the completion of already started projects. Title: Prohibition of insurance funds invested 200 billion commercial real estate capital market fall Content: Net Ease Finance January 21 hearing, according to China News Service reported that China Insurance Regulatory Commission Chairman Wu Dingus today's statement said that the investment of insurance capital of the relevant provisions of the upcoming real estate, insurance, investment funds do not allow residential housing, commercial real estate as well as in the Housing real estate development. The industry believes that if this news is true, after the industry's insurance fund that can invest in commercial real estate is expected to fall, however, insurance companies are allowed to buy shares rooms stand or commercial properties held by the company to an indirect stake in the market. According to last year enacted the "New Insurance Law" provisions of the insurance company from October 1, 2009 onwards can be direct investment in real estate. By the end of last year, the balance of the use of insurance funds reached 3.7 trillion Yuan. Meanwhile, the industry widely expected, it is estimated there will be 5% of total assets can be used for real estate property investment, which means there will be almost 2,000 billion insurance funds to the influx of real estate market. Prior to this, the industry's insurance funds that invest in real estate there are generally two ways: directly involved in project development and real estate companies invest in equity investments. From international experience, enterprises and other commercial properties for institutional clients, the general large-scale, centralized management, lease and sell buildings or floor as a unit, for a huge amount of money the insurance fund, investing in commercial property is more suitable.

According to China News Network reports, CIRC Chairman Wu Dingus’s position has clearly do not allow risk capital investment in world of warcraft power leveling, commercial real estate as well as in real estate development. This will enable the industry had expected a fall. "Even if does not allow direct investment in commercial real estate as well as in real estate development, insurance companies are allowed to buy stake in housing prices or buying commercial property held by the company's equity to carry out financial investment’s Largest commercial real estate will continue to benefit." A well-known international property consultancy, who said that nearly 200 billion of risk capital invested in a way, even through a stake in real estate, the impact is also very large.


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