Monday, May 14, 2012

experience stores wow power leveling experience stores - UFQO

129810431490156250_32Acer denies rumours Super cuts half the sales plan Ultra-this is undoubtedly this year and the new stage of the PC industry's rescue magic weapon, but multiple factors such as high prices, lack of user knowledge, also called for Intel and its partners to resist the pressure of the industry chain. Acer will cut half of a super-the sales plan this year rumors, Acer has denied the charge. Sales plans mystery "we do not know the story of sources", AcerPublic relations manager Cao Linye told reporters "there is headquarters to the China market has not issued a directive to cut Super sales Rift Platinum, also have not heard of such a scheme. "Acer and uproar in the industry news from a few days ago Taiwan media reports, says Acer" has decided to 2012 Super cuts the plan, does not intend to share increased to 25% per cent, but reduced sales accounted for more thanTo 12%-20% ". This means that Super sales of Acer may be cut in half. In January of this year, Acer Chairman Wang Jen-Super hold to very high expectations that "Super will occupy 25%-35% Acer total notebook shipments this year". A month ago, to Beijing's SanLiTun for Intel hyper-active Web experience pile of Acer's Executive Vice President of China,Consumer and small and medium enterprises and institutions General Manager Zhang Yonghong is convinced that "hopes to take the m-series and s-series Star Super pull of this product wow cd-key, expected to shipments of Acer 20%-30%". Acer high for new Super plan intended to present is not known, but Cao Linye stressed that, as of now, Acer of a super-the sales plan this year "spread bore"Unchanged, remain of Mr Wang and Zhang Yonghong expectations. In fact, very high prices, super markets fitness is not a strong keep, but outgoing PC manufacturers "empty" message for the first time. Analysts pointed out that this shows that not only consumers and critics, industry chain is also extremely controversial this progress for Super, because it involves the transformation of PC manufacturers. Super pole ridingTigers ultra-what does this mean for Acer? Acer reported in the first quarter of this year, revenues fell 11%, net profit fell by 72%, only US $ 11.2 million, four-quarter last year to turn around the world's fourth-largest PC manufacturers need to boost sales. The Royal Bank of Scotland analyst Wang Wanli (transliteration), Acer Super very much under "betNote ", but the current market performance is not yet clear. But Super and had to rely on a new concept. Authoritative market research firm Gartner released reports display, Acer 9.2% per cent decrease in shipments in the first quarter of this year, is the decline in the world's five largest PC manufacturer's largest, its market share from 12.2% per cent, fiveLarge PC manufacturers in the same boat with only Dell, HP, Lenovo, ASUS, shipments and market share is growing. From the perspective of market share, the traditional PC Acer advantage is not really evident in the field. For very extreme PC of this is expected to lead the next, Wang Wanli pointed out that Acer, there are currently more than half of its revenues from high-end notebook, but for very very sureIs not clear. "Acer was in a very difficult situation. Competition is intensifying, especially in the European market even more so. "Is worthy of note, one of the rival Dell Super business" good progress " wow power leveling, Dell recently announced that sales of its first XPS 13 ultra-pole in the two times the expected, and" short supply ". Intel told reporters that the Super promotionThe whole industry chain, including PC manufacturers, commercial channels, appliance stores, experience stores, and so on, "not because of the adjustment of the individual partners, change", "any new technologies and concepts will need time to adapt and address". However, Intel says, does not listen to Wen Hong�� adjustment of a super-sales plan. Others:

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