Saturday, February 11, 2012

d3 gold " the mind had to keep in mind - WJT

129731621486877500_135"First, the carpet against the" comprehensive review of the basics again. Pursuit is as comprehensive as possible not to have missed, even reading material or text notes. Spirit of grasshoppers, sweeping a Department without leaving. "Second, mastery" found links between knowledge. Chapter one chapter has been found links between knowledge. Seek is from the local to the globalFrom global holding in local. More thoughts, try. "Third, the application of knowledge" questions, do all kinds of problems. Seeking to exercise through many forms of problem-solving knowledge. A variety of problem-solving ideas, ability to resolve the issue through analysis of problem solving exercise problems. "Four, pick up the" slag "" search leakage filling. By repeatedly to review, strengthen knowledge on the one hand, again, Look for errors on the one hand, make up for the omission. Find more comprehensive and more depth of grasping knowledge capacity. "Five," "cake pancakes" "review" pancakes ", need to turn a few to well done, not some half-cooked. Memory also needs to be strengthened, not repeatedly strengthened are difficult to remember. So review have two or three times to finish. "Six, Foundation, also is the base" complexWhen learning is doing a lot. There waiting for us to do a lot of review information. A multitude of catch. What is root? Is the Foundation. Basic knowledge and basic skills, is the syllabus and examination of the main requirements. "Double base" on the basis of, then to grasp the basic way of solving problems. Unvariable is built on a solid foundation of knowledge condition on the analysis of a problem solving questionStarting point and start point of a problem. No matter how difficult the subject is an integrated or variable that is nothing more than basic things. Limited review in time for us to make a wise choice, that is the basis to get. Remember that Foundation is the Foundation. "Seven," dead "to" live "to" theory of memory needed "dead" to "live". "Eight," try to line, will be able to win "and" this isDepending on the TV series the 17 don't cry in a line. Examination to have a good frame of mind, to have the courage. "Try" is a product of dice involved in mind, is to dare to struggle, dare to win mentality, momentum is a challenge. Whether on the review is in the examination room d3 gold, need to be in high spirits and spiritual expansion, instead of feeling sluggish and apathetic, you need excitementNot dull and requires bravery is not cowardice. "To win did not win, don't want to lose but to win." "To win" is our pursuit of "cap", do not want to lose is the "lower limit". "To win" effort is required so tight-passive, "don't want to lose" is a defensive and thus relatively calmly and active. Obviously, the latter is more relaxed. Under the relaxed state of mind, Tended properly and achieve good results. "Nine," "psychological health" should do two things: to cheer up when depressed, when you are under too much pressure to be able to absolve themselves, so that they are not abnormal. " People initiative to enable people to control and mastery of their own, so that his State of mind the most. Due to potential strain is the person's subjective initiativeSexual role. Be both opposite and complementary to each other is the book dialectics of everything. Psychological vulnerability is the initiative to give up, and health psychological quality of our more "sturdy"--to be able to adjust their mood and State of mind to overcome the difficulties facing it. "Ten," is fundamentally one examination and comprehensive survey of the psychological quality of power "," strength is the Foundation, is the capital, psychologyQuality is our strength and capital conditions. "Capital" had to be "capital". No capital not to do business, capital business out of things, too. "Following the review of, and power savings is savings capital exam requirements play a dripping to, earned the biggest benefit of" one candidate said "I usually test always fog, but the final exam is always among the topTall Fescue is probably psychological adjustment was well? "As it is, most frightening is the final exam in confused, study little confused tor pvp valor power leveling, not exams not to confuse. "12," the strong stronger, weaker without weak; strong not weak, weak strength "" on several subjects in the examination the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, a person with strong weak, is too normal. Review of policies, is raising a strong partnership. Some students are only reinforcing weak, ignoring strong; Some students are giving up weaker specializing in strong. From the overall look, not wise. Strong do not have "water", there has to be a breakthrough of the weak. Probably is a very clever strategy. "13" subject to hard fill up with poor, achieved above average level of good to outstanding, making it a real advantage. "" The truth here and similar to the above, also treatsA policy of strength. Entrance examination is "team", is a global victory and not have too many things to take care of at the same time. "14," the mind had to keep in mind, however, can not remember not to remember "," in order to reduce the burden of memories, lazy not worthwhile to go hard – would have been enough for the back! Based on the characteristics of knowledge, memory and comprehensionRoom can be divided into four types of knowledge: only need to understand without memory; just memories without understanding (back shot); only memories can understand. Only memories to remember. We make here is "output method of minimum principles rolling review. To review the first chapter, and chapter II of the review, and then review again with the 12th chapter and review chapter, soChapter 123 together review again after sth And so on, as if "scroll". This method requires a certain amount of time to review, review firm, due to meet the memory law, the effect is good. "Five-year plan and the" over-review by "memory is a" law of diminishing returns "" that increase as the number of memory, review the material in mind efficiency decline. This "decline" to competeAnd some students take the "excessive review of law", which had 10 minutes to remember the material, with a time of 3 minutes to memorize – create a "excessive", with a view to "decline is not affected. "16" problem fixed wrong ". Review made the wrong question, once you figured out, never let the "failure is the mother of success, get more from failure, successfully resulting in less, Is what it means. Fail to become our motto. "17, to master skills examination" "basic questions, General questions, not wasted; try to impact more challenges, even if done wrong does not regret". This should face exams answer policy. Test questions are always difficult, generally can be divided into basic questions, General questions and challenges. Above strategy isVery sensible "easy questions do not drop points, challenges must not be zero. "Keep should keep, often is not easy because the easy problems easy to effect that was encountered. Clear easy question lost is also very important. Challenges may not be zero, is a portrayal of the enterprising spirit of the light never abandoned, tenacious struggle to last min and the last minute. "18," bypassing the lion, And then make a backward thrust at one ' s pursuer "" exam will inevitably encounter challenges, a lot will take the initiative to give up when the process still not broken, no endless time with it. After doing this for other problems, is likely to open up and then, in turn, has made it to. Exam time is limited, in a limited amount of time to win is going to talk about policy. "19," on questions holding an inquiry"" Play down the scores, the excellent plan may be easing anxiety. Therefore, questions held a study on the attitude it will make us better in the examination room to play the best level. Have a more calm than a heart is sometimes beneficial. "20," wonderful effect more than reducing mistakes "," this is Korea a thumb of the famous chess player Lee Chang-Ho. He is talking about the nextChess, but our test is not without significance, especially for those who are learning better rather than the good of the children, to achieve outstanding results, creating high, reducing mistakes are to be. "21 and most crucial is to cultivate interest in" United States education scholar Prof Bruner says: "students ' interest in learning materials is the best stimulus". Also famously said that "interest is the best teacher”。 No interest but a last resort also has to do, but how about interesting and fun? Such as political, because its theories are relatively strong, very boring, so they develop some political interests. General policies usually pay more attention to the country's policy, when a problem is encountered, would think of himself as a civil servant, is how to solve the problems of the civil service, politicsVivid, politics on our side. "23, don't take work home to do" sessions very seriously, high efficiency in the classroom. Learn things themselves in school all the time required to solve, what job seeking without a home, home time is your own, you can do the things they want to do. "24, likes to take notes,Clear, comprehensive notes "knowledge to grasp the system of carding and Retrospect of the context, knowledge is very important, with notes can often do a focused review, reviewing the new. "25," don't think terrible examination "," high on good feeling, no pain, very enriching. Don't be nervous, as long as the start is allowed and, efforts made, there must be a return。 "26, be good at summing up, keep exploring" usually do when questions, analysis and reflection on issues, and actively concluding, explored new methods; and also was to do and questions, but should take the initiative and actively pursue necessary relation between the topic and answer, the title quicker. "27, play and good luck is the key" to note examination policy, power is only part of it. SeriouslyUsual examination. Accumulated experiences, lessons learned in the usual examination. "26, be good at summing up, keep exploring" classes are like family, ailments are good friends, were happy to learn under pressure. Partners get along very well, and often joke, talking and laughing, review of thinking, questioning, the atmosphere very well. "29, reasonable time" preparing early, lateNot nervous. Branches to balance, focus, do not scratch it, lost it, eliminate the weak. "30, maintain good mood" how complex life outside the tube, it is important, to have a good mood, good relationships with teachers, students, and teacher appreciation, not as rival students, and students to healthy competition. Source: the lost deerSheila's blog (Editor: Ning Zhaogang)

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