Thursday, November 24, 2011

dismissing the tour interesting company claims. In August 2007

129614852124687500_545In the network's popular novel of the gimmick in turned "online games" caused by a copyright dispute. Shanghai tour interesting network technology think Shanghai City copyright ? long draw limited false selling of the gimmick, to disarm both sides the contract. Shanghai second intermediate people's Court recently doneOut of the first instance decision, dismissing the tour interesting company claims. In August 2007, and visit the interesting company appointment with diffuse City businesses, tour interesting company authorized by the diffuse City businesses to exclusive online game adaptation of the gimmick of the product development and operations. To this end, and visit the interesting company indistinct to diffuse that paid the copyright development fee 200Million.  Unexpectedly diablo 3 power leveling, and visit the interesting company after the team developing online games of the gimmick, Gala Group's Hyun Thunderbolt company, wheat company, with two companies with the gimmick works copyright and online game adaptation of the right to complain to the Court diablo 3 power leveling, request cease and desist Decree swim fun company. Courts concluded that underConcluded supplementary agreement the contract and the, diffuse company contractual obligations are copyright of its image among comic of the gimmick (including characters, scenes etc) authorized tour of interesting companies for developing the gimmick network games but not contains the gimmick novel modification of copyright ownerSeries of right of authorization. Business newspaper reporters Yao Yuke/finishing

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