Sunday, November 27, 2011

some sword side. They accused of back-door listing of counterfeiters

129667864315302892_10Each commentator wingceltis muddy water company shorted China concept stocks, some sword side. They accused of back-door listing of counterfeiters, has spread to China is more normative, companies with an international perspective. Muddy water company for all the accused provoked corporate collective resistance in China. Following the public response, and said it would entrust a third party investigation bodies to check it, buying back shares,Including CIC, fosun started several large Chinese companies, bargain stocks, some large companies such as open, investment bank analysts scoff at muddy water makes a mistake. Short of muddy water, fragrance companies such as sildenafil citrate is divided into two steps: first short research reports prepared, were stained by bad did not fight back by short power; second short for interest involving Chinese better publicSecretary, fate is not very good. Southeast facility was the first United States investors questioning, disqualified from driving, almost in the final survey unit. After fake since its alleged performance was questioned diablo 3 gold, at least 18 Chinese companies were suspended on the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange, the city of 4 companies were ordered to withdraw, 24 in the US-listed Chinese companies face suspension or delisting. These companies have been cooked, mouthIs the last shares were weak. Backdoor listing as a bad company listed short cuts. United States public company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) published data show that in the United States over more than 200 Chinese companies listed in the near three-fourths is through a backdoor listing. According to statistics, this unit in the credit crisis, suspension or delisting concept of Chinese companies, the vast majority of borrowingListing. Companies such as muddy water kongyou was forced to retired counterfeiters, improving the system of listed threshold for significance. Backdoor listing of suspicious companies first shot. In June this year, in borrowing way for listed companies, United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a risk to investors. In April, SEC Chairman Schapiro, Meyer said in an open letter, SEC the investigation of violations committed by a Chinese company first began in 2006, and since the summer of 2010, shifted the focus of the investigation by RTO overseas companies listed in the us. On November 9, the SEC said, approved through a reverse merger and acquisition (similar to the internal "back-door listing"), in the United States listed companies to adopt more stringent new regulations. IncludingPrior to listing must be a one-year "maturity", at least 30 trading day closing price above $ 4/share. What game is between China and the cross-border supervision, United States Democratic Senator Schumer to United States public company accounting oversight board sent a letter, recommends that the United States was unable to check China's audit firms from registration or deregistration. Under United States legislation, where it is not possible in a pCAOB register, means that you cannot produce audit reports for companies listed on the United States. Regardless of the cross-border regulatory leadership who hand those counterfeiters as trouble, cannot be regulators of any favors. Air units, so that Sino-US markets are well, back-door listing has become stock market garbage gathering place, SEC not only strictly regulated, the China Securities Regulatory Commission also tightenedBackdoor listing of valves. When companies such as muddy water hand reaching good company, suffered a strong block. This shows that short could not knock down good companies, on the contrary, will make good companies come to the fore, benign and money drives out bad money diablo 3 gold, good quality ecological recovery in the market. The end of June this year, Spreadtrum experienced muddy raids. Spreadtrum Communications respond promptly, on the one hand denied the criticism of their financial data fraud problem, On the other hand to beautiful performance hit back. Muddy water's Research Director Bullock eventually had to admit defeat, recognizing "If Spreadtrum Communications for muddy water company to stack up the questions of appropriate response, you must admit, is that we will in the earnings of some doubt misinterpreted as a signal of danger". Qihoo 360 hits an incense sildenafil citrate of attack, to performance and unitPrices basically stable facts on this short action waged a resolute counterattack, concluded that the fragrant sildenafil citrate does not understand qihoo 360 business model. New East Board of Directors and management pointed out that reports published by OLPGlobal on November 17, 2011, New Oriental's challenge in unfounded. In the new East to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, submitted by 20-FIn its annual report, consolidated financial statements of all the financial information has been really reflect the results of new Oriental consolidated financial statements. Not only that, but in global big four accountancy bodies, under United States generally accepted accounting standards (GAAP) to audit the financial statements of the new East. Of course, all the doubts of mergers and acquisitions in the past, there is a need in the future development of the companyIn the process of clarification. In the United States are two classes of shares, or back-door listing, frequently replace the trash audits, or is the real winner in the private enterprises in China, represents the hope of future enterprise in China. Face short bodies, are summarized in unit has two options, or privatization after the buy-back of domestic listed, or to resolutely counterattack the waiting for the Sun scatters the clouds. Almost unit "tired bird sigui"Not terrible, terrible junk stocks in the United States market after cash back to the Mainland once again cashed; more frightening is the mainland market bad money drives out good money, good company and the only public relations to return to junk, was forced into garbage. Short is a scavenger, wrong result is losing or quit the game, and the good companies will survive. A market with shorting mechanism and strict supervision,A healthy market, was the last laugh by good company. A junk market, will allow an inferior company "small spring" Swordsman.

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