Tuesday, December 27, 2011

related text very rare kind of ink

129668732793281250_194Kuomintang official Wu Kiwi "track down diary" were found alternative perspective reveals the long great historical Xinhua Beijing November 27 (PNTR) a few days ago, and loyal person in Beijing before and after the founding of the Museum of the Academy, Soviet area and the long period in early gemingwenwu of many, a KMT official Wu Qiwei diary written in 1936, visitor attention. ThisMain text "track down" the long March of the Red Army journal, from another perspective reveals the long's great history. Heritage Collector said Wang Jinchang, long and bitter struggles, related text very rare kind of ink, the diary is extremely rare. Wu Qiwei as KMT officials, then "zhongyangjun" Simon Department Commander of the column, "track down" the Red Army spared no effort. His record ofAt that time and the KMT from within the Red Army, fighting in "track down" on the State and the local people's views on the current political situation on the way, and so on, from another perspective reveals the truth of history. Wu Qiwei (1891-1953) Word clouds and sunny, spreads appallingly fast Wu. Graduated from Baoding Military Academy sixth, the Nationalist Army Lieutenant in the army. In the ten years civil war, participated in the fourth, fifth encirclement。 After the long, who lvbu chasing the Red Army to Sichuan. In May 1949, Wu Kiwi participation and planning the uprising in East Guangdong, power break with the Chiang Kai-shek regime, announced to join the Chinese Communists. Diary records a "national army" and part of the regime not to race single active, will push facts. May 11 journal wrote: "Xiao He Zhuxu units of remnants of the enemy forces, about 5,000 people, xikang joint stock。 Kang of steep terrain to the West, and Red they had run its local responsible authorities, we cannot blame. "Diary inadvertently reveal internal factional struggles and do all fell prey to Chiang Ching-kuo, framed, discriminate against those who hold different views to please. June 10 journal wrote: "Southwest Guangdong, Gui Jun separately into Hunan province, was temporarily stopped, but still building fortifications, focus its follow-up units will continue to move forward,And the central foreign military control of long. "Diary in thick brush and ink record within the KMT against the situation of civil war and the country calling for an end to the civil war of resistance against Japan:" Yue Chen (JI Tong), Gui Li (Zong Ren), white (new worship), North divide forces committed all of a sudden, Declaration against Japan. "" Shanghai worker groups and students and more than 3,000 people, Shanghai National Salvation Association of fujingThe corporate name star wars the old republic power leveling, at eight o'clock yesterday morning set in Shanghai, Beijing requires driving fujing petition to the Central unity against Japan, smelling the osmanthus secretly instigated the cloud. "Even the Wu Qiwei cannot help but speak out:" North China daily worry, really was another civil war. "Diary in particular wrote:" this road is good, but not because the local rice. Back on rice to lose when the army arrived, in the localThe purchase of food, some competition with the residents ' food, and therefore must not favor the local population. Fighting to defend tuanding waiter/waitress at every turn potential local bully, people make a living, and more food to supply tuanding can't help but complaining of health. When inspections of the country, Wen Baojia long moan and groan, cadre's voice isQuo; we prefer the Red Army swtor power leveling!

the market will still select the down arrow. So

129668600966093750_19As agencies allowed to redirect downgraded in Zhejiang rural credit system introduced reserve message, many people in the market will be interpreted as policy point to confirm, but in domestic and European debt crisis deteriorating economic situation under the double blow, policies to benefit has not been a shares responded positively. The Red weekly private reporters interviewed more than Sun, had relaxed its policy "at first glance the warmHan "judgment, operation return to cautious. "When zhanuanhuanhan, the most difficult rest", in the present market environment, seems to be the entire Sun private is difficult to rest.   Main funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) some unit cut meat fled certainly regret the sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: overpriced stocks be saved! Sunshine private equity total return to cautiousThe broader market remained low, approaching early low of 2,307 points, Sunshine private equity overall return to cautious attitude, some of the private equity has appropriate jiancang. Shiji investment senior analyst Yu Wei said: "after falling sharply in continuous, the market may experience some slight rally, but after the rally, the market will still select the down arrow. So, will shortly be on reduction of high process。 "Wuhan General Manager Zhang Shutong jialun investment market is not optimistic about the future. "Since the end of October a shares ushered in rebounding swtor power leveling, funds face seemingly relaxed, but relaxation is only superficial, market turnover before although has been enlarged, but instead of forming a virtuous dynamic pattern. In addition, the policy tuning is not in place, only converted from weak cycle only. Early rebound weAdded a cartridge, but positions have now adjusting back to relatively low levels. "Dragon asset manager Wu Xianfeng the analogy between the current market is" doing push-ups ", now under way on, was a really big shock. "From the perspective of early hot rhythms, culture media, environmental protection, outstanding themes such as software, LED, Internet of things, most suffered different degrees of high phenomenon of stagflation, and market new hotspotsIs scarce, the bottom line remains to end the four-quarter corporate earnings expectations in the market is not strong, thereby constraining the market rebound. Seen from the specification, and future trends are not optimistic, though continue to adjust the space does not necessarily great, but adjusted time may be longer, the time-for space. "Of course, there is also a private continue to see many new value investing Luo Weiguang still retains its freshMing and aggressive style, convinced that the 2,300 point is the bottom of the medium-term, despite current correction star wars the old republic power leveling, but the market upward trend has not changed, the entire rally also did not go through. Cold through the exchange of policy, reporters found that policy has been fine-tuning, but because of the macroeconomic situation deteriorated more than expected, is main factor for private dared not go long. First of all, European debt crisisContinued deterioration of Portugal's credit rating by Fitch, the Grand Duke down, as long as you don't drag a shares well, not to mention the boost a shares and, second, domestic economic conditions facing the real estate investment decline, inadequate domestic demand boosted export slowdown significant drag on GDP growth pattern. The industry widely expected quarter and the first quarter of next year's GDP will decline in China. China's economyWhether the soft landing depends on future monetary policy easing by the Government, but taking into account the 2008 put on the result of a series of negative effects, it is estimated that this even relax, and in 2008 was different. Ding feng, General Manager of asset Zhang Gao, said: "now many optimistic expected one or two quarters of next year is the economy bottomed out at all times, but before the economy hit bottomIs policy turned loose. But if the precondition failed to do? So do investment cannot guess alone, is the most serious problem now, policy shift will be no mass, signs of the economic downturn has not seen under control. "Haijiuge on investment Director Kevin ye also believed that domestic macroeconomic next year at a" 18 "and sensitive period, in order to maintain policy coherence,Controlling price rises and maintaining social stability, adjustment of national macro-policies are not large. "Next year '; the two associations ' opening after the basic identifying policy directions and levels of investment to market. However, where is the end result cannot yet determine future economic growth, economic indicators are still volatile, so, we judge the future macroeconomic expectations ', cold'。 "" Early next year at the end of the year, monetary policy difficult to have a lot of changes, basically maintained moderately tight policies. For example, I think the credit easing is unlikely, at the current growth in credit size, we estimate is around 7.5 trillion for the year, is also 7.5 trillion last year. Meanwhile, the Central Bank during the review of new indicatorsSh, and total amount of Community financing, 14.27 trillion last year, was 7.7 trillion in the first half of this year, it is estimated that can reach 10 trillion for the year. Although this year has been adjusted, tighten, but in reality, money has not significantly reduced the amount of injected, so that next year there will be no relaxation will basically control the size of the 70,000 ~8 trillion. "Connection Plaza investments totalTao said the armed forces, and is only directed easing of monetary policy, credit in the future it will not relax, but fiscal policy will play an active role, a supporting industry opportunities exist. Tao continued analysis: "this year has been implementing the proactive fiscal policy, on economic development in these two years to play an important supporting role, it is more able to meet the needs of the entire economic structure adjustment,Industry has tilted to national support. But without a major impact on the entire market, as it has not major changes have taken place, next year is going to take a proactive fiscal policy is a positive signal to the market, will not have a negative impact. "Little position to participate in new industries now, since the short-term market as a whole, there is, most of the private equity focusFocus on looking for structural opportunities, where new industries are still the Favorites to be. Wu to the expansive opportunities exist in small positions to participate in the policy support of the industry, such as the strategic emerging industries and related industries, its stocks, are currently held in high-end manufacturing electrical, Dr Peng in the networking industry, the Oriental Pearl Tower, wide media, Gehua cable stocks. "Likewise benefited from policies positiveTransportation enterprises change the business tax sales tax pilot, which would alleviate the tax burden on the industry, so we bought a logistics unit. In addition, in accordance with past practice, at the end of each year, China will take '; the first document ' good policies come in the form of agriculture, so early '; lurks ' agriculture stocks is the best policy. "Luo Weiguang on blue-chip benchmarkCautious, "I admit that blue-chip benchmark valuations low, but I do not think that the stock price rose from the low valuation, but from the macroeconomic to the good performance of listed companies and stable growth, that growth and innovation.  I never buy those valuations low, but without growth and innovation, shares not risen nor fallen stock ". War ArmyTao pointed out that in both directions, one is in the process of economic restructuring itself with growing capacity of the industry, such as consumption in the fields of medicine, food and beverage, agriculture in the seed industry, the agricultural machinery industry. "These industries over the next few years in the process of economic restructuring, should be able to maintain good growth. "Second, national fiscal policies and industrial policies to support some of the linesIndustry, including energy conservation and environmental protection, information technology, new energy, manufacture of high-end equipment. "The medium and long term, it is more benefited. But, not all listed companies are able to maintain its high growth under policy support, some did benefit from policy support, their own company with development potential, can continue to make profits and growth over time, their share pricesThere will be growing opportunities. "

set the iron bar

129667697102802892_108On November 25, Anhui Hefei's huancheng Park, appears a "taste hotel", not only have the attractive properties of circular water beds in the room, there are "jail House" star wars the old republic power leveling, "nurse" and SM props. Patron was a generation y women the old republic power leveling, graduated from College in less than three years, "my own itself is very fond of travelling. Open the shop, I would like to for a long time. Now young peopleGreat, I want to construct a warm place, allowing guests to relax, this is a reflection of the love. "The shopkeeper describes, at present the hotel still in trial period, a lot of room layout and props were not in place. "Prison" theme rooms, set in the room in accordance with the pattern of the prison layout, set the iron bar, height, line, also offers toy handcuffs and so on,A day is $ 128. ()

eating only a little bread and bananas for most children

129668731796562500_231On November 23, NIO (pseudonym) spent his 3 birthday in bed. NIO in the hospital a few days without eating the old republic power leveling, eating only a little bread and bananas for most children, my birthday is in the parent company of singing happy birthday to you, against the parents warm arms enjoy warm affection. However Baoji cangqu Chen yangpingzhen NIO (Pseudonym) on the eve of his birthday, but suffered a misfortune.   At noon on November 19, her beautiful face is hands down by his own father on gasoline, ignited a cigarette lighter. That day, NIO's father Cao Xiaoming dragged in 4 days was filled with 3-year old daughter came to his father-in-law, Dr. According to Mr Yang recalled, when Cao Xiaoming prepared two bottles filled with gasoline from the childHead pouring down and pour gasoline on his body. At that time she has only Mr Yang and NIO aunt Addie at home, seeing the scene, and daughter of the second one did not respond.   At this point, Cao Xiaoming, ignoring the children crying and children pulled out of their homes, allow it to kneel in front of, and lit a cigarette lighter. According to the attending physician of the NIO Zhang Chengfeng introduced, children with systemic 13% of BurnsArea, where 2.5% is the third-degree burns, the rest are deep second degree burn. Current child exposure crusted head and facial wounds, both hands bandaged, were spraying treatments, stable condition, there is no life danger.   However, the child's face can be said to have been disfigured, hands functionality will be affected. Talking of what happened, NIO's mother June said: "usual slightlyHe (Cao Xiaoming) meant, he would whip, temper picked up when you hit me with Sha, stool and sticks were used. He usually calls me enough money to spend, not to beatings star wars the old republic power leveling, child hundred days, his family to the lucky money, he is robbed of gambling, and gave him work the money, sometimes I and didn't eat his children no matter. "June said later it had notAnd wants divorce Cao Xiaoming disagreed, she wanted to sue for a divorce ended marriage, did not expect the results because do not want to divorce her husband, making this kind of thing. Currently, Cao Xiaoming was controlled by the police. ()


129667545742500000_30November 23, NYMEX Platinum January period no contracts reduce 582 mobile free access www.cnfol.com-November 26 star wars the old republic power leveling, 2011 Gold network view comments by Beijing 04:20, November 25, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) 201January Platinum 2 year turnover increased by 111 the old republic power leveling, 23rd open contracts with 582. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date commodity trading price yesterday closed 23rd open contracts open to increase or decrease in trading volume on November 25 January Platinum 1543.81558.3594833106-582----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (单位:美元/盎司)

lead by example

129668763150000000_263Blues leaders hit back 13 three-ball questions active dye yellow trap suspected "Shuffle" NetEase sports reported on November 27: Terry is the last guardian deity of blue bridge, Inc., the first open doors by Wolf team, lead by example, hit back at the media before questioning him. Terry was 30 years old, from capacity and motion analysis, Terry continued to be quite a long time to come to Chelsea Neptune needle and spiritual leaders. Three days after the home defeat to Liverpool, Maurits c. BoasChelsea by Leverkusen in Champions League reversal. The premiership hopes and lessen the Champions League even outgoing line is problematic, Maurits c. Boas is facing an unprecedented crisis, such a crisis seems to have affected the Terry, as captain, he was the main object of the media outlet. According to Maurits c. Boas era to the start to the League already is the worst. First 12 rounds only got 22 points, and goals againstExceed the sum of a season when Mourinho led, this may also require additional pressure to bear. Terry was born on December 7, 1980, now only 30 years old, from the history of injuries and capacity point of view, Terry is still at Zhongwei lives at its peak. Maybe Chelsea before losing the ball too much, people ignore the John Terry on the attacking side made to ChelseaContribution. So far this season, Terry has been into 4 balls in 13 games, and is critical. And the Everton game, Terry is also the lead for Chelsea to open doors to victory, neither does this match. 3 days ago, the Chelsea senior celebrity janweiner-Jones recommends Maurits c. Boas retired Terry so as to establish his authority, after reading 1-2 lost to Chelsea last weekend, in Liverpool, Suffered nearly 9.5 years after coming to the arena for the first time two season, Jones is Maurits c. Boas such a bold proposal. Jones said: "If Terry plays down, I won't be surprised this situation (Chelsea slump) continues, sometimes you really have to prepare for action the old republic power leveling, some people would say, ' how can you let people like Terry alternate ', but sometimes when you were other big-name stars ballReplacement coach will become a boss. "Of course, we can recommended Jones as a Maverick and a stepping stone, you know, after the start of the season, Lampard is the rise in question. "Magic lantern" controversial after the team lost to Liverpool, Terry was pulled out by the media after the team defeat to Liverpool. This match, Terry perfect complete defenseServices, also for the team in scoring keys found in the attack. With the help of his, and one side always defiant Louise has become steady. Over the years, Lewis showed outstanding talent, but defiant also makes Brazil people eat a lot of losses, Alex returned in an emergency, United Kingdom media has several recommendations, Maurits c. Boas has continued to find LewisReasons for it. Maurits c. Boas thought is also very easy to read, after all, Lewis is in the rising, and has become the top Centre-all qualities, but Alex has no potential to be tapped, and had been seeking a new challenge, if easily put Lewis back to the bench, Brazil guy a serious blow to confidence. Play an exception with the Wolf team stability, This maybe will add a few minutes to Louis self-confidence, and the next performance in a tough battle, it is Louise is really a sign of maturity. In addition it is worth mentioning that, Terry also appeared to be in this game into a "Shuffle" the whirlpool. 3-0 stable-win situations swtor power leveling, front sent a line drive Terry "hesitates" repeatedly threw the ball out of the ground, ate the result to a yellow card. From the resultsLook, this is probably Maurits c. Boas deliberately arranged to "Shuffle" tactics, Terry accumulated yellow cards in the absence of Liverpool's League Cup next Tuesday, which ensure that the next two rounds of the premiership for Newcastle and Manchester City without worry. Of course, this does not seem to be the FA would like to see scenes.

Monday, December 26, 2011

by 2010

129667750456396642_117By reporter Zhao Yangge Fan Guodong IPO, initial public offerings (InitialPublicOfferings), refer to investors through the stock exchange initial public offering of shares, with a view to raising funds for enterprise development, and after the enterprise development and growth, and rightly give investors a reasonable return. However, in the a-share market 20Years of history, as money market tools, only financing does not talk about return of "stingy person" are numerous. Investor, IPO has been defined as horsepower maximum pumping machines in the market. Far less, only since July 2009 a-share IPO to restart again, this pumping machine has been running at full power. From then to date, inA total of 710 stocks IPO in the a-share markets, financing amounting to 933.806 billion yuan, monthly funds of $ 32.2 billion. Removed non-trading day so people can see about 1.11 open stock software every day a new face, each trading day will be an invisible hand of the market-cable $ 1.464 billion. Yes, a set of sets of data are builtOur market, do not think, we now "was used to" the era of a tiger. In July 2009, the market ushered in the IPO was suspended from the 2008 bear market reset for the first single – Guilin sanjin, ushered in a new round of intensive wave of IPO money. According to the big spirit statistics, 2009.5 years less than in the period the old republic power leveling, total111 stock initial public offering, raising funds reached 202.197 billion yuan, average monthly number of IPO shares to 18.5, the average monthly amount raised to $ 33.7 billion. After entering into 2010, IPO stocks dramatically increase number and size, in the middle of 2010, a total of 345 stocks IPO, the amount raised in 2009 compared1.37 times times, reached 479.39 billion yuan, also in this year, the birth of the 2009 IPO since the restart of the "money King" ABC (601,288, closed at $ 2.54). This intensive rhythm of release in 2011, has been renewed, 2011 so far less than 11 months, a total of 254 new listings was first made publicOpened market, raising reached 252.22 billion yuan. It is worth mentioning that, at the occasion of the Chinese new year on November 21, 2011, there are 7 companies jointly announced the first prospectus (declare release), this has been compounded by market concern about the IPO will shift up. Intensive small GEM listing, 29Month of the IPO frenzy, the reasons, mainly due to the rapid development of small and open frame and gem. From number of IPO shares, in 2009 since the restart, only 71 new listings is an initial public offering in Shanghai Stock Exchange, an average of only 2.45 per month, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange total released 639 new listings, including 363 small stock and 276 second board stocks. From the time, small and in 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively, issue 59, 203 swtor power leveling, 101, gem release number was 42, 116, 118, grow very quickly; from the amount raised, according to the giant spirit according to the small size of these three years were 456.78Million, and $ 203.669 billion, and $, respectively, the gem, and $ 24.699 billion to $ 72.171 billion, HK $. "Three high" ills gives investors more critical of the intractable, "three-high" has become a common phenomenon of the a-share IPO. "Three-high"-high price, high price/earnings ratio, high raise, "three-high"Appear, and restart the corresponding issuing system adjustments after IPO has a great relationship. In the past, IPO offer price on the stock price the Government regulators given a price/earnings ratio requirements, pricing is not the market's behavior. This makes the offer price is usually lower than market price, have sparked a primary issuance and secondary trading market between the huge price difference. ThisPost attracts a lot of money into the primary market, in this context came up with new financial products, large-scale inflows level distribution market, which had an adverse effect on capital markets. In the 2009 IPO after the restart, new share distribution system has been adjusted, regulators no longer made to the issue price and the issue price-earnings ratio requirements, pricing after the release, IPO price was rising fast. Giant spirit figures had just restart time of the IPO in July 2009, new share price remained at $ 13.64 per cent, over time, which climbed all the way, the entire 2009 new share issue price had reached $ 23.48, that by the year 2010, the figure "jumped" to the $ 30.32, Especially in April 2010, IPO price amounted to $ 43.52 even higher. In 2011, with the market's weak performance, IPO price also dropped, but as of yesterday, 2011 average of 26.2 issue price of new shares worth of level, still well above the reset time. While high in IPO pricing, IPO city surplusRates are also rising. Giant spirit according to the IPO is restarted in July 2009, IPO 33.62 times times forward earnings, annual average 52.51 times times, by 2010, this figure rose to 59 times, for April 2010, and of course, if only the Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed company, the increase in the number will also be more"Steep". High raise, has become a special indicator ring money era. Giant spirit according to statistical data, since 2009 IPO since the restart, exceeding amount raised reached 366.265 billion yuan, accounting for 39.22% of the total amount raised, $ 83.603 billion in the listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange, junior and the gem is the separately carved up the 1707. $ 3.9 billion and $. Underwriter "advantage" in the IPO offering, underwriting sponsor costs is the cost of issue of the majority, and underwriting costs is a top priority. On the surface, which is saddled with the burden of listed company. In fact, the costs are from the company by issuing new shares to raise huge amounts of money shall be allocated, in other words, is the majority voteFunding to pay for those costs. Giant spirit according to statistical data, since its IPO restart, a total of 67 brokers bear the underwriters of the 710 companies, after completing all list, eating a total $ 33.629 billion underwriting fees and sponsorship money, in 2009, 2010, 2011, respectively, and $ 5.171 billion to $ and11.672 billion yuan. Sponsor sponsor underwriting agency costs are mostly due to the fixed amount or raise the amount of forms, so higher earnings release makes release super raised, while Super lead underwriting sponsor raised rates rose, to "grow" pockets of the underwriters, in this "interest" driven by the "three high" naturally appeared. InventoryIPO since the restart of "money" big "we want recognized issuer of investment value and want to share results of issuers ' growth investors to purchase, any suspicion of the issuer is solelyIn fact, IPO "money" a war of words throughout the development of the a-share market has always been, in its more than 20 years of history, numerous public companies proved their financing is indeed from the ring away money in the market, but no lets investors see return. So who is the biggest beneficiaries IPO after the restart, or the circle of big money in the eyes of many investors, the dailyJI news reporters counted from a different perspective, or to give investors some reference. Boards are the biggest "money" site now already formed the Shanghai and Shenzhen a-share market Board, these three small and gem listed companies. According to the big spirit of statistical data, from the 2009 IPO since the restart, as of November 25, 2011, a total of 710-EnterpriseIndustry in three sectors in the market, which listed on the main Board, 71 small and 363, gem 276. Although the entire main Board only 71 IPO companies, only a total number of listed companies in the same period the proportion of 10%, but 399.803 billion worth of fundraising scale made small gem "archbishops" as the IPO since restartMost populous place, more than 40% per cent of the total. Found on the market's huge fund-raising is inseparable from a large number of "font size" pumps, IPO since the restart of the top fundraising giant, without exception, come from the motherboard market, agricultural Bank of China, China construction (601,668, closed at $ 3.13), China Everbright Bank (601,818, closed at $ 2.86) in order to occupyFirst three number one position. Gem rings one of the most "growth" potential with the first landing since the gem 28 stocks, the a-share market also ushered in the era of the gem. According to the gem from since its establishment, the proceeds amounted to $ 194.364 billion. While on the financed amount is not yet prominent, but it seems to many investments, gem has a deep understanding of the current ""The essence. Well into 2011, financing environment and atmosphere of the whole market has undergone great changes. Along with the index steadily downward, financing in the stock market has slowed down. Now 2012 new year bells only one step away, raise funds but from a statistical point of view, contrasts significantly with last year. Main Board last year financed amount29.5%, small 44.6%, gem did best of all, for the whole of last year 80.6%. In the eyes of many analysts, which has a great relationship with market valuations lowered Center of gravity. But for the gem, while raising the number has not yet reached the level of last year, but the number of listings are already beyond last year's total, as of November 25, this year's gemListed companies had reached 118, compared with 116 for the whole of last year by 2. "The United States market reference, current NASDAQ after years of development, market size and the New York Stock Exchange at about the same, known as theQuo;

United States personal income growth is slowing

129667889720927892_304United States personal income growth is slowing, worker's income as a proportion of gross national income is in decline, increases risk of decline in consumer spending in the coming year. According to United States Commerce Department data showed November 22, this year between April to September, United States average annual growth rate of gross national income is 2.8% swtor power leveling,After 6 months of growth 4.3%. In the previous quarter, wages as a proportion of gross national income hit lowest level since 1955; in contrast, belong to the company's earnings as a proportion of gross national income is its highest level since 1950, suggesting fears that eurozone defaults will have Member States and the United States deficit reduction onLiable to a situation of stalemate will continue, and United States companies are hoarding cash.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved the old republic power leveling! Analysts pointed out that, as the number of staff and companies employing staff because of no growth, is expected in 2012 United States energy dissipationThemselves will be budget cuts, this means that consumer spending will fall. Bank of America Merrill Lynch global research company (Bank of America Merrill Lynch), Senior Economist Michelle Meyer in New York (Michelle Meyer) said: "the company's cautious attitude, are unwilling to hire employees,Rather as in previous periods of economic expansion as profits passed on to consumers. The wage situation of slow growth, consumer spending is flagging. "United States stocks rose today, due to market speculation eurozone leaders will take additional measures to protect against the sovereign debt crisis. United States Treasury bond prices have fallen, yields on the benchmark 10-year period from November 24Up to 1.89% of. Germany's Chancellor Angela-Merkel (Angela Merkel) yesterday reiterated its position against joint issue Eurobonds, caused bond markets, EU leaders will agree to use the euro to optimism about the resolution of sovereign debt crisis hit. Russia's Central Bank decided to keep its benchmark interest rate at today 8.25% unchanged earlier this year the Bank had two interest-because the eurozone sovereign debt crises lead to a cash shortage of the country's economy.  Russia officials are trying to prevent capital outflows, while Western European countries are withdrawing funds from a bank to deal with the debt crisis. In Asia, in October Japan's consumer prices fell for the first time since June, leading to the Bank of Japan economicOut of the expected deflation cycle is suspected. Japan today announced the national statistical office reported that in October, consumer prices excluding fresh food from a year earlier by 0.1%.

or of release to return to the national team coming up. To find out what the 构词成分

129668763037968750_24Insider: King 构词成分。 regression simply leading a war of words does not affect the Winter Olympics Since King 构词成分。 fighting incident since the outbreak of 构词成分。 King of Zhou Yang has been in solidarity with their team-mate. Recently heard that King 构词成分。 lifted hopeless, Zhou Yang and even fire six questions questions on Twitter, 构词成分。 King of solidarity with the return to the national team. Recently, the news that, at the National Championships, because of the dissatisfaction of King 构词成分。 of the decision, Zhou Yang had negative match, only ranked 19th in the competition, which also makes many people feelOutside. The day before, the national short track speed skating Championships in the 1500 m contest, a lot of people are "accidents" is Zhou Yang finally debut appearance. However, her performance of the more surprising, only ranked 19th. When asked whether she is depressed, or negative match, she asked the reporter: "what game than? "In addition, a person to rememberDisclose, in addition to the State as before, this does not make lists of the World Cup and she bursts on Twitter a few days ago 6 controversial questions to King 构词成分。 of solidarity also relevant, Chinese short track team, after all, there is an urgent need to restore the image in the minds of the public. Zhou Yang was implicated for King 构词成分。 events, yesterday, the reporter also tried to telephone interview Zhou Yang, but the latter telephone is always answered.Then press contact of Zhou Yang's mother, when Zhou Mu hearing reporter will quickly respond to the sound of a sentence: "Zhou Yang is not, you ask her. "Then hang up the phone. However, Zhou Yang is a negative match, short-track team leader Liu Hao had its own views and told reporters: "we all want Zhou Yang would have a very good state, I think we still give her some time, she alsoIn their efforts. "In addition, in the King 构词成分。 events on the penalty decision, although the Centre has been given the tone in winter: Wang 构词成分。 back still needs time, helping and educating work still needs to be continued. But subsequent King of 构词成分。 can be exceptional sounds, or of release to return to the national team coming up. To find out what the 构词成分。 are there exceptional lifting may Wang, asked by this newspaper yesterday, according to one insider reveal, "King 构词成分。 can return only Center leadership in a Word, because the previous bloodshed similar to the King 构词成分。 had no clear penalties, suspension period is, the sanctions much, these are unknowns, bloodshed now only last about 3 months time, wanted to get a centre to forgive and not realistic. Therefore King 构词成分。 return depends on her own performance, but the baseThis does not affect to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, after all, the winter games and we have for a long time, in addition, 构词成分。 is also the national short track speed skating gold medal Wang central figure, these are as winter Centre considered by it. "Journalists have the blue voice" King 构词成分。 can return only Center leadership in a Word, because the previous bloodshed similar to the King 构词成分。 had no clearPenalties, suspension period is, the sanctions much, these are unknowns swtor power leveling, bloodshed now only last about 3 months time, wanted to get a centre to forgive and not realistic. Therefore King 构词成分。 return depends on her own performance, but it does not affect the 2014 Winter Olympics, Winter Olympics, after all, still has a very long time from now, in addition, the King of 构词成分 the old republic power leveling。 StateShort track speed skating gold medal central figure, the basis for these considerations are as winter Canal Centre. "Winter Centre--insider

made out to be a great victory for Chelsea at home fully and delightfully

129668763158437500_281Maurits c. Boas: magic lamp replacements due to teams race to grab the devil NetEase sports reported on November 26: with Terry and situliqi and Mata's three goals, made out to be a great victory for Chelsea at home fully and delightfully, after emerging from a two-season embarrassing, less handsome handsome crisis Maurits c. Boas also eased for the time being. After the match, Portugal who said in an interview with the media, although there is pressure on small lots, but it is hoped that this gameTo become a new start swtor power leveling, after all, the team is currently lagging behind the top Manchester City 12 behind second Manchester United also have 5 minutes away. "We have always been the team, but achieved a good result today. "Maurits c. Boas said," a win does not make us full of pompous psychological, now is a good start, but we have to wait and see, butThe present situation is very difficult, to win, we should be proud, especially looking back after that date, in fact, we're really unlucky, should not have lost so much. "Looking forward to the December race, Maurits c. Boas considered the space of a month will determine the ultimate fate of Chelsea this season the old republic power leveling," this three-part is crucial, because it narrows our top teamThe gap between, to remain competitive, we need to catch up the first group, our game against Newcastle next week, is going to play after leader Manchester City, two tough battle will prove our strength to the world, also has a Championship and it's a matter of life and death. "When it comes to the devil tournament in December, Maurits c. Boas obviously needs to complete its work in January," away to Newcastle at home toManchester City, chewing away to support Turner, was a bloody battle, but as long as you can change our position on the points list, I just hope our Chelsea were worthy of winning at this level. "Looking back on today's events, Maurits c. Boas say Frank Lampard made the alternate only because future Devil schedule needs," some time ago we average a 2 day battle, the team was tired, andMy vice-captain now wear 4 yellow cards, I need to rotate. Wolverhampton W is relatively weak, so I will be discharged according to opponents of conditions of different starting lineup. Persons in need of rest including Didier Drogba, who during this period of time is a fatigue combat, so the second half of the game I will choose to replace him, asked Torres to become familiar with the game. Do the team's combat strength can be sustained that the mainTeams would get proper rest, my portfolio choice, only for the Chelsea team interests. "Victory of course hero, Maurits c. Boas highlighted Spain small Romeu, this is not the first time he represents Chelsea play, names such as the cloud of Stamford Bridge, Romeu as many opportunities," Henrique de Campos Meirelles, and Meeker in lumbar discitis this position did notWrong, I Spain only for rotation, Romeu have long been familiar to this position, I don't even have what to tell his tactics, his characteristic and distinctive, the ball can always make the right choice the first time. The child is mark. "Finally, Maurits c. Boas also spoke of him as a right-hand man of the Dee Special Olympics Ma may left the coaching group's events in the near future,He said of emotional excitement, I do not know who was the instigator, but it is not as messed up as media speculation, di Special Olympics Ma Management just wants to do, and all other speculation is rumor.

a period with the same type of products expected annualised yields only a maximum of 6.55%

129668631880625000_91Not only RMB financial product revenue rose, close to the end, Australian dollars swtor power leveling, US dollars and euro foreign currency financial products expected yields are increased.   In the recent issue of foreign currency financial products, the Australian product, the expected rate of return is still ranked. In an interview with reporter found recently issued by the Australian financial products expected annualised returnsRate can reach more than 6%, but also compared to previous increased. For example, is also a starting point for amount of $ 8,000, is a joint-stock Bank issued a a $ 1-year products expect the highest annualised yield of 7.55%, where the Bank issued in September, a period with the same type of products expected annualised yields only a maximum of 6.55%, that is the old republic power leveling, new products anticipated revenueYi 15% per cent. Same amount invested a $ 9,000, another joint-stock Bank this month issue of Australian products, for a period of 29 days, expect the highest annualised yield of 8%; and the similar Australian dollars in the September issue of a product, for a period of 182 days, expect the highest annualised yields of only 6.05%. A foreign Bank launchedA Threshold Amount of $ 80,000 Australian dollars for the biennium, expected annualised yield can reach a maximum of 12%. Dollar financial products banks "flagship", recently, these products expected yields are rising. Such as Threshold Amount to $ 8,000, a joint-stock Bank at the end of August release of a US $ 1-year product expected annualised rate highestYield to 3.45%, where the Bank is offering a period with the same type of products expected highest annualised rate has reached 3.95%, expected yield growth of 14.5%. Another two dollars issued by joint-stock banks in September and November, starting with the $ 8,000, with 1-year period, expected annualised yields the highest respectivelyAnd 5%, new product is expected to yield growth of 2%.

new standards with international standards

129667697066552892_16Recently, the frozen food brand-name enterprises missing, three full, Wan Chai Ferry Pier have been "the Peddler": sampling and Staphylococcus aureus in foods containing health hazard. Push the law enforcement responsibilities and related accountability in public questioning and enterprises in response to the game, to freeze the new national standard cause for concern. According to the new national standards, detection of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria turned to quantitative and qualitative, in other words,That allows you to check out a small amount of Staphylococcus aureus in food, and the standards have been a number of companies quoted or even become a shield to prove qualified products. In the food security situation remains serious today, food safety standards are lower and lower? How to guarantee food safety? Interests of the consumers who will? Face the public on the new national standard "reverse" questions in the health sector tableAs shown in the new lower standards than the old standard of misreading, new standards with international standards, more in line with international food Microbe sampling requirements. Whether the standard scientific and reasonable, I believe that through rational serious discussions, there will be a final answer. However, whenever a food safety incident, the public tends to eyes focused on "food safety standard", it is food for thought: should have neutralConcept of safety standards, why has raised public criticism to question? ����If food safety standards have lost credibility, food safety and defense should from built up? Any standard, is a product of the times, should also keep pace with the, with the requirements of the times dovetails, and adapted to the development phase. However, one cannot avoid the fact is that behind the frequent incidents of food safety,Standard update lag food management in China, part of the standard long tread water, twenty or thirty years without change. ����In fact, many food safety incidents occurred in recent years, are relevant here. Of course, over the years, food safety standards are not fully "remain firm". Many standard argument back on amendments. However, the development of these new standards, often as a general qualityThe suspect. The reason is simple: as the standards development participants need considerable expertise, this restriction into the relevant departments and enterprises, experts of "shut the habit". ����Such standard-setting process, not only deprived the public of the right, the right to participate, also gave the public a "Maoni" conjecture of space. Over the years, whenever the public question the food safety standards are too low, the totalThere is a voice call standard pay attention to the conditions applied. This view is not wrong in a strict sense, but sometimes it seems irrelevant. In fact, no one knows a bite to eat in a fat man, will also respect the Chinese "developing" a reality. Is unacceptable to the public, from melamine incident to lean events swtor power leveling, many food safety standards already and "State" not relevant to the developmentChina should abandon these outdated food safety standards, but in reality these outdated standards did "peach still smiling spring breeze". Therefore, public concern about food safety, and revitalize the credibility of food safety standards, cannot just respond briefly to the departments concerned should also be thinking about development of food safety standards are already behind the times? Standard-setting made it publicOpen transparent? Whether the right to develop was "minorities", "a small number of enterprises" abduction? Only similar questions have been answered, and food safety standards don't become public anxiety, can also become a food safety firmly "firewall". Excerpts from November 25 to the people's daily the old republic power leveling, the Wen/Jiang �S ()

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Zhong Guan Cun e world [quotation query] tabletsBrain quoting Huawei Tablet product quotation

129667677935615392_111Huawei MediaPad version 3G [reference] $ 3 swtor power leveling,688 [merchant name] Beijing Yun Wei lanxiang technology development co Ltd [contact]13031071808[contact] Chen Li [contact address] c 771 the old republic power leveling, Zhong Guan Cun e world [quotation query] tabletsBrain quoting Huawei Tablet product quotation


129668731611250000_30Report from (journalist, Shi Wen-long) recently, this reporter learned from the urban hotels, many high-end hotel the Dragon new year's Eve box has now been booked up, leaving only parts of the Hall also accepted at the table.   Other hotel reservations is also very popular, subscription rates are more than 50%. "Many balconies in the last year on new year's Eve is coming to consumer customers to renew."History of Quanzhou hotel restaurant manager said.   By Lake United States hotel staff also said about one-third's box has been renewed as early as new year's Eve last year, the rest of the boxes at the end of this year May also be booked up. Journalists from the city of Quanzhou licheng hotel, Lake beauty and hotel hotel catering department was informed that the current year 's-end dinner reservation is popular, the major hotelOnly Hall location available for reservation. It is understood that the hotel has launched its own different grades of packages. "We will according to the needs and the number of customers, provide the appropriate package for their choice. "Fengze Hotel food and beverage department officials said. "This year's new year's Eve menu and the corresponding price is also developing. "Beauty of the Lake hotel staffShao. Licheng, hotel catering department director Dong also admits: "customers want to eat fresh food, it will take until near the end to determine the specific price.   "Most of the hotel staff said that the Dragon new year's Eve price will have risen in past years. Some hotels also trying to launch "new year's Eve package" services, customers can book in advance, depending on the menu again swtor power leveling,On the afternoon of new year's eve day to package food to take home.   So guests don't need to spend too much time to prepare, you can at home and eat a hearty and delicious meals. Although the popular hotel on new year's Eve bookings, but many people prefer to do it yourself prepare this meal on new year's Eve. Who lives in Nanan, currently working in the urban area of Ms Aw said: "the day we mostly fast-paced workAnd live, hoping to take holiday opportunity, carefully prepared for hands-on and family reunion. "Maybe cooking level compared with professional chefs of the hotel, but in the view of Ms Aw do on new year's Eve more taste of home. "A process of working on new year's Eve fun the old republic power leveling, also make people feel warm. ” ()

on August 22

129667837460302892_392Great Wall broadband failed bid last year, this year, Dr Peng (600 the old republic power leveling,804) prepared a comeback.   Today, Dr Peng disclosed equity up for transfer and the company great wall broadband bid intentions. Bulletin shows that Dr Peng Board agreed with the company in accordance with the conditions listed publicly in the CITIC networks in North bid for great wall broadband 50% Equity and $ 484 million debt. CITIC networks had on November 17 in the North by listing these rights.   Great Wall broadband 50% equity pricing $, plus $ 484 million debt, total price amounted to $ 1.084 billion of these rights. Data show that the great wall broadband was founded on April 3, 2000, currently State-owned enterprises, CITIC networksHeld 100% shares.   Performance in recent years the rise of the company, in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 to June net profit-$ 107,800, respectively $ 69.9776 million, $ 132 million and $. This is not the first time Dr Peng stakes in great wall broadband bid. 20On April 21, 10, Dr Peng Board consider the adoption of the motion, to be applied to the China Beijing equity exchange bid for great wall technology shares, great wall computer (000066), kaifa (000021) hold great wall broadband, 40% and 5% respectively, totaling 50% per cent. Never thought, on July 27 the assignment was received by letter sent by: CITICNetwork position will exercise the right of pre-emption, which Dr Peng bid for great wall broadband 50% equity cannot succeed. Compared to the previous round of bidding, this higher cost of over $ 1 billion. Previous acquisition of great wall broadband, the company produced $ 320 million in addition to real money, but also by great wall technology liability for warrant of commitment to pay off the original great wall broadband 550 million yuan of bank loans for a total of 8.$ 700 million. It is worth noting is that this bid, CITIC networks more demanding payment terms. Was identified as the final transferee and transfer within 5 working days from the date of signing of the property right contract. Contract signing one-time payment transactions within 5 working days from the date of the price to the account specified in the North, and within 90 days from the date of its signature of the contract to pay $ 484 millionTo transfer a specified bank account for the reimbursement of standard enterprise transfer debt arrears. However, judging from publicly available information, Dr Peng stores sufficient. Company quarterly results showed that Monetary Fund balances at the end of 1.586 billion yuan. In addition, on August 22, the company received the Bank of China (601,988) issued by the Association of market transactions between the acceptance of registration noticePaper, agreed the issue of short-term financing bonds of companies for registration the amount of 700 million dollars.   On November 14, the application for issuance of not exceeding a total of $ 1.4 billion of corporate bonds is also a condition for the adoption of the Committee made by the SFC. Although Peng said the transaction funds to the company's own funds, insufficient foreign financing by the company address. However, the above information, Dr PengFinancial flows should be sufficient to cover the acquisition costs. The significance of the bid, said great wall broadband stake in favour of the company is quickly cut into the target city broadband access market swtor power leveling, achieved through business integration allows companies complement each other and play collection effect, effectively reducing the operational costs, promote corporate smooth implementation of national broadband Internet access service, and fast forward,Enhance the company's influence in the broadband access market and market share, in line with the company's overall development strategy.

This often causes us more passive ".  Ding Lei

129667889655615392_133All of the past three days, as well as film, focus (Nasdaq:FMCN) Ji Hairong, Vice head, as has just happened. On November 22, Ji Hairong receives focus Board Chairman and CEO Jiangnan spring calls calls for counterattack programme for muddy water. Focus stock of the day under the influence of muddy water studies, tumbled almost 40%。 However. Begin immediately responded with, including holdings of positive responses, such as stocks, focus stock price back up the next day.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! And Southeast facilities had previously been short, and Chinese concepts of tragic huntUnit is different, focus, as well as the previous 360 companies, when faced with questions such as news, selected firmly repelled. "Empty" assaulting units in Ji Hairong said: "empty" unit behind the attack, there is a complete chain of interests. Normal mode is: some institutions or individuals jointly with the investigative bodies, before publishing short reports, from some institution borrowed stock "sell"。  Short body after the report is published, the target company shares fell, participating agencies or individual "low purchase price" share price return of the borrowed stock, so as to earn the middle of the price difference. Wang Ran ECAR capital said short in the United States capital markets more common. Of course, shorting can also be risky hunting "was cut by Eagle eye" of the time. One investment banker said, there was one friendFriends in the United States to study, to bet against her profession after graduation. Learned from the relevant channel a few years ago, a Chinese Internet giant could face negative information exposure, so immediately started with borrowed stock agencies. But surprise surprise is that the anticipated negative information is not on schedule, and during the Internet company's stock price rose, and had to pay stock returned to the body, takeBetween the loss is not small.  In this regard, Ji Hairong said: this is a "listen to the message, wrong time" results.  This round of "empty" attack, short bodies if you include the time, profits should bowl full, because the Chinese Internet stocks was attacked so far, all of its shares fell, including focus, 360, news. Internet critic Fang XINGEast: "empty" killing effect of the attack is so great, is caused by asymmetric information, such as 360, focus media in the United States does not have similar business models, so the United States investment is hard to understand, are the cause of muddy water short the comparison of reported effects. Fang xingdong believes that "leading companies are currently short the body short report deeply flawed. "Muddy water, according to the report focusIts LCD screen overvalued by about 50%. Ji Hairong explained: focus screen consists of two parts, namely, LCD display-building advertising, including first-tier cities 29,707 LCD screen, flat posters 16,118 subtotal, 45,825; second-tier cities 56,301 LCD screen, flat posters 45,979 subtotal, 102,280; 30,018 city three or four line LCD screen, flat posters 259, subtotal 30,277 total 178,382.  But muddy water only statistical number of their LCD screens, formation of confusion. Hongwei Zhou, Chairman of 360 when interviewed by this reporter believes that Citron, which criticizes 360 "specious". CitrOn reported swtor power leveling, qihoo 360 to exaggerate the performance of the company, cut 360 price target to $ 5, lower than stock price US $ 18 75%.  360 said he has "more than 300 million active users", "80% per cent penetration rate", "is the third largest Internet company in China". Citron reference Google's Double CLICK Ad Planner data says, 360 PCs have Internet coverage forecast 360 users only 30 million to 40 million. Fact is just Double click Ad Planner statistics 360.CN traffic. Fang xingdong believes that shorting the company is "have been understood pretend not to know" malicious attackHammer. "Revaluation" United States stock market value and have been compared to the benefits of Chinese Internet stocks face a situation can be "bleak" to sum up. Focus is short, stock prices fell on that day, China concept stocks all fell.  Powerzinc capital An Xin believes that in the current market environment many overseas-listed company, PE values even lower than the net worth. One side is the investigative bodiesShort, while the capital markets are deflated, stocks go from here?  Wang Ran believes that choice is twofold: first, with United States capital markets said goodbye, privatization of delisting, looking for a better environment; second, adjusting psychology, accepting the rules of the game. Just as the focus stock was short, Gala networks announced privatization transaction protocol, Chen Tianqiao, parent company controlled by the family on a perUnit price of US $ 41.35 Shanda networking all remaining stock.  Timothy Chen for the United States capital markets was palpable discontent early, he believed that "Wall Street did not know the Grand", he also didn't want to "talk behind Wall Street perform to SB. 's baton". Grand network will return to the a-share rumors.  In response, the Grand fails to respond. For big privatization, ECAR capitalCEO Wang Ran: "Timothy Chen road you choose, are for all overseas-listed Chinese Internet companies exploring in the future. "Timothy Chen also held the same views are Sohu Board Chairman Zhang. Sohu in the latest quarter results at the meeting, Zhang said when interviewed by this reporter, "Wall Street temporarily blind". He kind of emotion that: "the deer and the cauldronDid not seem to see hot, Sohu video leader is looming (youku), dog in an explosive growth phase, none of these seem to giving due value. "NetEase CEO Ding Lei has repeatedly expressed discontent over Wall Street," went to the United States listed it means that the transparent operation of the company, such as NetEase must each quarter announced its own detailed financial data,This often causes us more passive ".  Ding Lei, even in an earnings asked institutional analysts, business and you do not know NetEase, "was more than my wife asks, so what?"  Baidu CFO Li Xin晢 has called for the International Board rules, facilitate the return of Baidu shares. In fact, as of October this year, only PE participating in overseas listing of Chinese enterprisesCase of privatization, in the United States listed Kang, Peng chemistry, Dalian Fushi group, Pacific Electric, CFE and the Singapore-listed the new technology.  An Xin believes that seek privatization delisting of overseas listed Chinese companies, some of them are met with some problems, but underestimated the value is the main reason for the privatization of power. Adult ceremony short body almost share victory inDoes not mean the failure of the target company.  In the attack on five companies are currently short bodies, Spreadtrum, 360, divided after the plunge of stock prices in the short term return to normal. And the South East combination and Skaj is short compared to the dilemma, encounter of Spreadtrum, 360, the focus is entirely different.  Wang Ran says reason is that these companies have excellent performance. Focus suffered air raidsJust released third-quarter earnings before, results showed that its third quarter net revenues of us $ 210.7 million, an increase of 53.3%; a net profit of $ 62.2 million, compared with the previous quarter's $ 42.8 million rose 45%. On November 23, fosun international exchange announcement saying in Hong Kong, the company in United States on November 22 in the open market and downgradesFunded US $ 10.35 million for 602,700 shares United States depository shares (ADS) the old republic power leveling, ADS costs about US $ 17 per share.  After this round of overweight, fosun International holds 22.2156 million shares in total focus media ADS, equivalent to focus media total issued share capital of 16.42%. 360 in the face of "empty" attacked two weeks after the earnings announcement, his place ofHigh innovation of income, to $ 47.49 million, an increase of about 207%; net income of $ 10.9 million, an increase of about 186%.  In the context of Chinese concept stocks lower collective, focus, 360 outperformed shares suffered after the air raid as a whole, does not appear so-called "avalanche". Short, will share why respond? WeekHon 祎 said when interviewed by this reporter: now that enter the United States capital market, you have to accept the rules of the game.  Ji Hairong said: the United States more normal, rational look at this thing, other people's choices will not affect the focus. Consultation is looking Lubbe look, Chief that, in the face of short body, in the unit has two options, or privatization after the buy-back of domestic listed, orTalk to resolutely counterattack by a performance, the performance is fundamental. Lubbe hope that: except for shares in collective underestimation, as some companies encounter outside the air raid, new generation of Internet companies in the United States listed or delayed or cancelled, attest to the "United States operation mode, United States venture, a quick listing of the Silicon Valley model have failed", to return to the fundamentals of the Internet in China, convinced investors to performance, whichAlmost unit is "adult ceremony".

the Hang Seng index has low

129667786264677892_236Hong Kong critics interview with Cao Renchao China Securities Journal reporter recently said the outflow of hot money, would not seriously affect the Mainland's stock markets, but significant impact on the property market. China not optimistic about next year, is expected in most of the time between 16,000 and 20,000 shocks, it is estimated that a share is in shock, investors do not have to worry about the future a-shares will fall sharply. Outflow of hot moneyImpact on the property market in China Securities News: people's Bank of China released data showing a few days ago, foreign exchange balances first negative growth in the past four years, this was interpreted by some outflow of hot money in China. Affect the mainland stock and property markets? Cao Renchao: the recent balance of China's foreign exchange deposits to negative growth for the first time in nearly four years, representing the funds being out of China is a correct analysis. IBelieve that it would not seriously affect the Mainland's stock markets, because the a-share adjustment as early as beginning in August 2009, but significant impact on the Mainland property market the old republic power leveling, as adjusted by the second half of 2011 will begin. The China Securities journal: recently, the European debt crisis flared again, how long do you expect the crisis will last? Cao Renchao: Europe's debt crisis has appeared in 2009, but the United States in 20June and March 09 launch of QE and QE2, international capital continues to flow to the eurozone. May 2011, QE2 is completed, United States not to launch the QE3, forming recycling dollar area, upgrade the European debt crisis. When resolved? I am afraid that is not in the foreseeable future, believed to be no end to it. Not to worry about a shares plunged ChinaSecurities News: the last interview, you made it clear that, the Hang Seng index has low, stock index up after. However, began to fall again in the near future, do you think a stock market rebound began in October, has ended, falling back channel? Cao Renchao: Hsi on October 5, 2011 at 16,000 points, when P/E 8.9 times times swtor power leveling, on behalf of China into the low zone,Stocks fall further reduce risk significantly, formed the broader market rally. But looking ahead to 2012, global economy is still subject to the economic environment in Europe and America, United States economy fails to recover, European debt problem cannot be solved in the short term. Since June this year, the Mainland began to adjust the property market in 2012, adjusted quite a lot of pressure, so poor 2012 Hong Kong economy will be higher than this year. Therefore, 2012 is not a good year on the economy, in the absence of basic factors supporting Hong Kong's stock market and how much? Estimated that in 2012 the Hang Seng index hovered between 16,000 to 20,000 points most of the time, keep playing stock, game, not fried. The China Securities journal: for the a-share, and back to 2,400 points near, in the region, do you have a larger support�� Cao Renchao: my understanding on the a-share a lighter, as property prices beginning to scale back until the second half of 2011, I believe that both amplitude and time than Hong Kong real estate, shares may be less than the Hang Seng index in the coming year. From another point of view a share per cent beginning in August 2009, theory in light City out to three years, investors do not have to worry about the future a-shares to fall sharply,A letter in interval fluctuations. Shares of profit ability China Securities journal: at present, mainland regulators encouraged to reward shareholders of listed companies, increased cash dividend. For the average investor, best way to get in return is to acquire bonuses or getting the bid-ask spread? Cao Renchao: stock price movements are not generally is determined by how much dividend, but the company's earning power. Such as publicSi Chunli annual rising share prices will rise sharply, commonly known as companies such as growth stocks. In contrast, depend on the high interest rates to support the share price called "strong defensive" stocks, such stocks in a down market rigidity is very good. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, it's hard to say what kind of good company. In Rose City, should invest in growth stocks; in the broader market uncertainty, should invest in resilient and strong unit.Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

Friday, December 23, 2011

superior agricultural products exports in October was US $ 1 billion before

129668732706093750_10New Kunming, November 27 (Hu yuanhang Zhang Dan) Xiong Qinghua, Director of the Office of Yunnan province revealed here on the 27th swtor power leveling, in Yunnan province in October before total imports and exports this year is close to levels last year, the province's total imports and exports for the whole year is expected to be above $ 15 billion. Trade between Yunnan and ASEAN countries reached US $ 4.93 billion, total more than last year, an increase of 38.35%. According to customs statistics, Kunming, Yunnan province, the first 10 months of imports and exports amounted to $ 13.22 billion, close to the level of US $ 13.37 billion last year. Compared with the same period last year, jumped 20.8%. Among them, export reached $ 8.07 billion, an increase of 25.9% imports US $ 5.15 billion, an increase of 13.7%. Xiong QinghuaAnalysis from the perspective of product mix, machinery and electronic products remained the largest export commodity in Yunnan the old republic power leveling, occupied the proportion of 21.9%; superior agricultural products exports in October was US $ 1 billion before, continue to maintain 20% per cent of the average increase, called rising star in the export. By continuously adjusting and optimizing, Yunnan export commodities are from a resource-intensive to technology intensive and labour-Change-intensive, trade structure more balanced, stable and sustainable. In terms of imports and exports, and fast-growing South Asia trade between Yunnan and ASEAN. Where trade between Yunnan and ASEAN countries reached US $ 4.93 billion, total more than last year, an increase of 38.35% and engagement with the countries of South Asia to strengthen, under the 22.5% per cent, total import and export$ 936 million, total more than last year. Bilateral trade between Yunnan and ASEAN countries commodity convergence this issue, Xiong Qinghua, said on the face of it, industry structure is similar between Yunnan and ASEAN countries, particularly in the agricultural industry, but in fact, competition between the two sides of conflict is not, on the contrary can be complementary. For example, mainly temperate fruit in fruit for export in Yunnan, the ASEAN countriesProduction was mainly tropical fruit, happened to be "cold fruit fruit heat". In addition, varieties of vegetables in season and also on both sides are able to adjust to achieve complementarities. (End text)

07 A.M. There are indeed a lump sum value of $ 138 to draw

129667837409834142_264Miss King received credit card has been request for SMS notifications. PayPal page still show the merchandise without payment. Ji Yuxuan photo taken Dragon Tiger network yesterday afternoon, Miss Wang showed this newspaper calling the people said, she gave her this morning at the time of payment the goods on Taobao bought the day before yesterday encountered a very strange thing. She alwaysUse quick pay, after you enter your PayPal password, page long response, but when a Web page after the jump shows failed due to network problems trading. Then Wang got SMS said when her credit cards in 10:07 A.M. successfully paid 138 Yuan. So Miss Wang immediately see myself of purchased items swtor power leveling, but purchased by the EastWest still in outstanding condition. Since the transaction was not successful, what about how credit cards will make payments to merchants? Recommended reading Bank channel count of the day: counting the world's most bizarre coin (photos) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: bottom of the deep development of some banks the first set of rising mortgage interest rates 10% custody mother depositsNot be liable to pay interest in black men equal principal repayment was blatantly stealing money in the Bank passed one-third prepayment? Yesterday morning, Wang told reporters that her the day before a store bought two items in Taobao, and preparations for the boss after you modify the postage payment again the next morning. This morning, she is going to buy goods payments, so they have a jointPayment page PayPal page is ejected, she paid as usual shortcut is selected, and enter your PayPal password. Is always different, enter a password, the Web page does not appear for a long time successful payment, after a page has finally jumped out, but on the Web page displays a transaction fails due to network problem. Soon bell rang her SMS, SMS content is throughShe, her PayPal credit cards when 10:07 A.M. successfully paid 138 Yuan. Miss Wang is very surprised, transaction is not successful, what happened to her credit card has been deducted the money already? She quickly review the items purchased were found, the night before the purchase of two items had not yet paid. Miss Wang thought, SMS, confirmed the Bank hadThe remit, of possible system haven't changed, so she received contact seller to see if the purchase price. Sellers told Miss Wang, they had not received payment notification from Miss Wang. ����Miss Wang is very strange, the Bank said to have paid, how businesses without receiving payments, her money so which imitates, wonder if I meet "phishing website". In mindAccording to Wang describes contact Ann banks and credit card belongs on Taobao. China Merchants Bank (600,036) credit card Department staff after inquiry said, Miss King's credit card at 10:07 A.M. There are indeed a lump sum value of $ 138 to draw, but their bank is responsible only for money transfers, if transactions will needRefund is required, and billing contacts of business. Display which is meeting this deal to the account name account paid for PayPal shortcut, but temporarily missing each other specific accounts. Phone so reporters dialed Taobao station, website staff told reporters that they checked the transaction, did not pay the goods bought by Miss Wang. TaobaoWorkers told journalists, after find payment details, they found Wang Alipay in lump sum $ 54 entering early this morning, but there is no $ 138 recharge any of the information. ����So told reporters that they are determining which didn't go into PayPal. So where did the $ 138 to? Miss Wang is not willing, himself a call toChina Merchants Bank credit card. A hands-free, Miss Wang will appear when payment due to network issues were not told of the deal Lee head of credit cards. Head of Lee after inquiry said banks did was Charge Off, and accounts receivable account name really is PayPal, should not be at fault. Later, Miss Wang is reflected to the Li Manager answered in Taobao, head of LeeReply to miss such a situation is not the first time they met, as long as PayPal came forward to contact the Bank, be refunded to the user. Miss Wang and then get in touch, after confirmed answer Miss Wang the old republic power leveling, sum bujianzongying is because of problems with their systems, they will be next Monday before 6 o'clock in the afternoon returned to the King of small loansSister's PayPal account. Subsequently, the reporter contacted again. The other, this question, although less frequent, but it is the reason in the PayPal system "appears" issue, money not to PayPal in the trading platform, so staff are missing. For such a situation, remind cyber consumers, as long as the calling PayPalCall staff reflect the situation in a timely manner and for the record, after the system is back to normal, will contact with staff and consumers. Of course, provided that the consumer is made in the page Taobao trading, rather than the other "phishing".

unlike most HTPC chassis out of it

129668571662500000_42Scolded baidu扯蛋loaded radiator channel November 27 as well-known domestic radiator brands, each player absolutely understand the heat sink is very familiar with the Kyushu Fengshen (DEEPCOOL), over the years has focused on the heat sink market they had too much with us suppress the CPU anger classic products. Not only in domestic, overseas Kyushu FENGSHENVisibility was also high. Recently in Spain hardzone website, Kyushu FENGSHEN under high pressure radiator blue shark won the site's editors ' choice award, its thermal performance must be very sturdy. The heat sink clip as a high-end heat sink, blue shark packaging is very delicate, attachment only partially separately by two separate rigid trays packaging protection, richFasteners used it enough to support mainstream platforms. Strong compatibility means that blue sharks more cost-effective, even later replaced platform compatible can continue to use. Radiator the appearance of Kyushu on FENGSHEN Bluebird shark uses a push-type structure, but ultra large radiation area make it comparable to the tower structure radiator, a 14cm fan perfect evidence that the blue shark is spacious body on the market can hold 14CM fan pressure radiator under absolute handful. Fin 6 heat pipes and heat pipe design and Tower radiator, blue shark used pure copper heat pipe heat to the top of the base passed large fins, as many as 6 thermal efficiency of the heat pipe configuration to ensure a strong and 14cm fan at the top you can ensure that the waste heat can be quickly discharged. We can see from the picture this radiatorStyling is very beautiful, almost "s" graceful curve extending from the base to its "twin towers"-finned meet. Good compatibility with memory compatibility they have players now radiator headache, if you and your own memory conflict one of the things that would be very depressing. Thanks to 131mm height, blue shark, even with "red card" Chi Chi RipjawSX memory perfect use, so I compatible completely without worry. Said height, hardzone also stated that it had insufficient blue shark, under huge pressure as a heat sink swtor power leveling, unlike most HTPC chassis out of it, but no one would use such a high-end heat sink to mix low-power platforms. Temperature test Prime95 loaded 20 minBell tests, i5 2500K shark blue by default with the assistance of frequency temperature 33 ° c, even overclocked to 4.5Ghz is 48 ° c, have the ability to meet the needs of most of overclocking enthusiasts. Fan speed award of standby 14cm fan speed 770RPM of blue shark, large fans at such a low speed is absolutelyNot you noticed. Overclocked to 4.4Ghz the old republic power leveling, its speed is up to 1240, until the 4.5GHz mining has improved significantly, 1350RPM. Compared to low-end radiator it can result in better thermal efficiency than the original fan, and muted effects, so powerful, hardzone website natural deserved editor's choice awards.

as a starring Chen Yan XI also said he likes the feeling of the song

129668732878281250_377Hu Xia Blue of the those years summer debut Awards red carpet Hu Xia Wu with the cast accept the Group's visit to the night of November 26, 2011, 48th Taiwan Golden Horse Film Awards at the ceremony in Taiwan Hsinchu. Nominated for "best original film song Award for" popular singer Hu Xia with the enactment in the years that we have with all the girls, creative common debut Golden Horse. AlthoughEventually home the trophy, but Hu Xia in the field of soulful interpretation also earned all unanimously affirmed. Because sea-attend Taiwan famous talent show "Super Avenue of stars" would win 19-year old boy Hu Xia debut received widespread attention in the mainland China, Taiwan and many musicians and fans. Young summer singing power should not be underestimated, whether personal first album under theHu Aixia was for the film of the year swtor power leveling, we have of girls singing the theme song of the year, have been well received by people in the industry. So this time nominated for Golden Horse Award "best original film song of the year", with music predecessors together competing for prizes such as Jay was undoubtedly a milestone of far-reaching significance in his musical career. At the Golden Horse Awards site, Hu Xia loveSing of the years the old republic power leveling, as a starring Chen Yan XI also said he likes the feeling of the song, and directed nine knife is flavor of Hu Xia was full of young, well suited to this song. Although eventually holds the trophy, but Hu Xia has said that participation in it is a great honour, and said it will continue to hope to be able to have the opportunity to compete for Golden Horse Awards again.

000 yuan/square meter

129667889645459142_106The city houses standard adjustment, significant price rises as a result of a "pseudo-luxury" zhaimao, enjoy preferential tax policies.  Yesterday, the city construction Committee, the municipal local taxation Bureau promulgated the announcement Beijing, preferential housing average transaction prices of circular, implemented from the new deal since December 10. Houses lower threshold of main capital stocks (11/25) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!  Criterion of houses mainly related to the community of plot ratio, floor space of buildings and regional average transaction prices, once the deal was identified as a normal residential, to enjoy the tax concessions. The sets new standards on the trading pricesMake adjustments used to be calculated according to the price change on a per square meter price calculation. In accordance with the notification, the city average trading price adjustments for preferential housing: in 2010 the city's average trading price of housing 18,000 yuan/square meter calculation, link zone and orientation for coefficient of adjustment. First of all, the factor divides the city into northern and southern regions, then broken down into four rings, four central to fiveRings, five ring to Liu Huan, six ring. When adjusted, preferential treatment of ordinary houses, this is the maximum price: four 38,880 Yuan/square meter in North, Central and southern regions was 34,560 Yuan/square meter, four Central-Northern five rings was 32,400 Yuan/square meter, 28,080 Yuan/square meter in the southern region the old republic power leveling, five to six northern ring is $ 25,920Southern area is 21,600 Yuan/square meter/square meter, and six in the outer rim of 17,280 Yuan/square meter. In accordance with this standard, the city houses standards relaxed.  Average transaction prices of housing in the city and regional adjustment coefficient will be based on Beijing housing market changes, and so adjusted and published. Extend the scope of preferential taxation as ordinary housing standards relaxed,More houses will enjoy preferential policies. Under the rules, individuals will purchase more than 5 years (5 years) of ordinary housing foreign sales, the exemption of business tax. Personal purchase ordinary houses, and the houses belonging to the family (members include the purchasers, spouses and minor children) the only housing, halving the contract. Individuals buy 90 square meters and below normal housing and the livingHouses belonging to the family the only housing, according to 1% rate contract. New standard average trading price per square meter price cap formula = (18,000 yuan/square meter)0 (inclusive) or more; single construction area in 140 (including) square metres; actually sold for less than the same regional preferential housing average trading price of 1.2 times. According to the latest requirements, average trading price adjustments for preferential housing in Beijing: last year, the city's housing average transaction prices of 18,000 yuan/sq m, link zone and orientation forCoefficient of adjustment, adjustment coefficients for the four rings on 1.8 in Northern and southern 1.6, four to five southern northern Central 1.5, 1.3, five to six 1.2 in Northern, Central, South 1, six ring 0.8.  North-South differences than standard consistent market view insiders said, which sets new standards more refined, more in line with current market developments. The firstFirst, in accordance with part circular distinction between North and South, more detailed, non-ordinary residence only in accordance with the circular of distinction before.  Beijing home prices in southern and Northern parts of the difference is larger, the same five-ring, North five rings may house prices higher than the South five rings above 30%, the new standard obviously consider more reasonable. Second, increased ordinary housing standards, basic anastomosis present development of the market. For example, toEast Ocean five rings home project, for example, traded price of about $ 18,000 two 90 square meters, and sold for the sum of the $ 1.62 million. Need to be classified as non-ordinary housing before, deed tax, in accordance with the 3% pay, when you pay $ 48,600. After December 10, prices of houses are classified as the same type of houses, first suite minimum only need to payDeed tax $ 16200. If only for their own lives, will save you taxes $ 32400. Obviously the new deal in the fight against speculation in the investment while protecting their own homes.  Property control combination more powerful, executable and longer. The new standard will release more "false Mansion" currently States are controlling housing prices, the city increases the regional general housing standard limit on housing prices have any shadowSound? Central University of finance and taxation College Vice Dean Liu Huan said the price under the influence of factors such as land costs more swtor power leveling, new deal-price impact is still limited.  Overall prices are affected by this policy impact in the city should not be too large fluctuations. Liu Huan also believes that this time from the overall look, ordinary housing standards are relaxed, allowing some previously not in the context of general housing"Pseudo-luxury", the future will be turned into "normal housing."  That is, the part housing will have to pay taxes and fees will be reduced, for consumers in this city, was considered more favourable to a new deal. Visiting Professor, Central University of finance and Economics Institute of finance Liu Yuzhang believes that after price increases in recent years, after the general housing standard clearly lagging behind, not many just want to enjoyGeneral preferential policy, such changes would make it more in line with Beijing's actual situation, implement the relevant provisions of the national real estate market regulation. "Pseudo-luxury" tax cuts exceeding 100,000 yuan chain estate Lin Qian, Deputy Chief Executive considers, in the context of current house prices, new criterion of houses in broader appropriate buildings, for non-luxury buyers, mostlyTax and fee burden has been reduced.  There are four types of "pseudo-luxury" been liberated, and reduce the amount of real estate trade tax burden exceeds $ 100,000. First class 90-140 Mi Pu housing burden of over 100,000 in the past price standards, but in the context of high house prices, once the purchase area of more than 90 square meters within six loops, are classified as "non-home". RootAccording to the new standards, as long as not more regional price cap on improvements and some "one-step" rigid demand extends to a majority of 90 square meters-140 square meters of housing, taxes reduce the amount over $ 100,000. Second class five-ring to Liu Huan-six residential tax burden reduction 70,005 loops loops Daxing, Fangshan district and other places are just need among first-time home buyers by concentration areaDomain under the old standard, here is the General standard of price in 1 million Yuan/sets, while the actual average of the purchase price in the region of Super old standard close to $ 500,000, mostly "non-home".  Six rings most of the new standard is sufficient to "non-ordinary residence" redefined more than just reduced first-time home buyers tax burden more than 70,000 yuan, greatly increasing just need to purchase credits or chips. Third-class partsLow-end House tax at General House parts sector such as the Tongzhou new city, yizhuang relatively closed, purchase flow is weak, low end slightly higher house prices in the area sold for more, under the old standard was broke into the "non-ordinary housing" category.  New level Cap space larger, some low-end House tax at General House, alleviate the tax burden on a similar special buyers. The fourth classNorthern dwelling reasonable position under the new standards, six loops in the loop line north of price caps, are higher than those in the South of 3,600 Yuan/square meter, which greatly reduced the price of houses in the Northern than southern, lumped together under the old standard "misjudgment" possibilities, especially for price differences between North and South the biggest buyers in four rings, Northern home buyer demand will save more than 110,000 yuan of taxes and fees.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

seizing strategic opportunities for the capital times and the financial community

129667864474365392_413With general elections coming, United States put pressure on China exchange rate again. Last month, the United States Senate passed the 2011 rate oversight reform act.  Although China believe that the United States will not support and passage of the Bill, but in the United States election year special political time, China must prepare for the worst. June 2010, China once again starts currency reform, the peopleCurrency exchange rate flexibility to further strengthen the end of October 2011, compared with the beginning of the July 2005 exchange rate for the first time, the Renminbi-dollar exchange rate has appreciated 30%, up from an increase of most currencies against the dollar. Appreciation of the Renminbi will continue in the future, how can the future face of exchange rate changes? On November 17, international business and Economics held its "manCurrency exchange rate reform, trend and countermeasures ", the lecture, Dean of College of international business and Economics Finance, Professor and doctoral supervisor Ding zhijie on explaining this in detail. In his view, despite the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate has been relatively substantial, let its currency appreciate weakened but persisted, suggests that the Renminbi exchange rate has slightly undervalued, economic fundamentals decide the currency remains stronger currencies;But moderate appreciation is not all bad, strong currency conducive to industrial restructuring is conducive to expanding domestic demand swtor credits, it will help improve people's livelihood and quality of life, growth and development of a more concerted, avoids not only growth development. Continued appreciation Ding zhijie believed that Americans may not really want the Yuan to appreciate. Countries in the past decade ChinaSoaring import prices of commodities on the market, processing into made in China, prices have little or no rose, the Chinese took over most of the burden of rising global commodity prices.  Cheap policies unsustainable appreciation so that companies, and China is to raise prices of goods of space, as a major importer of Chinese goods of the United States will be affected. United States edgeWhat force RMB appreciation? Ding zhijie believed that is mainly because the United States domestic political factors, "my own judgment is that Americans are more of a take rate card, with China in other areas the asking price, exchange rate is not his real purpose, Yuan up 20% to the United States and what will be then? Bring nothing just makes United States inflation. "In fact, this year7 August, the United States is concerned about the rising prices of goods imported from China, fearing that this will be the United States an important factor of rising prices. He said, "because the Chinese believe that the exchange rate is important, do you think this is your life, plays the snake played seven meters, hit this place you will to compromise more concessions. "However, still there is appreciation of the Renminbi. Ding zhijieBelieves that if the Yuan back to within $ 6, equal to the level of the end of 1993, then-current price $ 5.72, "now appears to have little appreciation of around 10%. "The negative impact of exchange rate appreciation is not as big as imagination. On July 21, 2005, China began to implement based on market supply and demand, reference to a basket of currencies for adjustingFestival, a managed floating exchange rate system. $ Currency no longer pegged to the single, one-time from 8.2765 against the dollar to 8.11. That year, the vast majority of economists in China believe that, if the appreciation of the Yuan 20%, China's exports will be affected by a huge impact, especially in labour-intensive industries, such as clothing, shoes, textile industry. In factRMB exchange rate from 6.85 8.27 per cent in 2005 to 2008, those years growth in Chinese exports to nearly 30% speed. Ding zhijie said that the clothing, textile industry, China, in those years the employment of labour force has increased, these industry profits increase, but at the same time all of the changes brought about by these industries export product qualityRose.  Appreciation of industrial upgrading in the context of Ding zhijie believed that its currency and not as terrible as imagined, in fact, the fundamentals of the economy to adapt to the rise in favour of the industrial structure adjustment. Appreciation in the tradable sector impact, but the impact is short-term. Ding zhijie believed that the long term, due to the upgrading of industrial structure, will enableChinese goods on a new platform for international competitiveness, Chinese companies will live better, "but this process is a bit painful. "He said that overcapacity in some comparative advantage in labour-intensive industries and have transferred abroad, is at the beginning of a stronger industry international transfer of important forms. To compete in big business swtor power leveling, appreciation for its global strategy to provide aA good opportunity.  Going global investments, in the short term there is a risk of RMB appreciation, but conducive to long-term development. Ding zhijie believed that RMB appreciation trend, business strategies have to adjust, hit exports and import substitution industries, Midwest labor more cheaply by shifting production to reduce costs, or by improving product quality,Increasing product variety, extending the value chain to improve competitiveness, but a more fundamental transformation is the method of production, turned to China under the new exchange rate environments remain internationally competitive industries or potential, in particular capital-intensive and technology-intensive industries, with a pain in the short term costs for long-term development.  This phenomenon has occurred in the past few years. Foreign plans for EMBA capital management ", trend and countermeasures of RMB exchange rate reform", the lecture, is the University conducts the EMBA Auditorium serial lectures of master teachers. Following last year's launch of television media authority after the EMBA, duiwaijingmaodaxue plans to newly established a capital at the end of the year featured the EMBA classes, Ding zhijie is the EMBA swing backA Professor of zizhong. From strength, business administration, international business and economics education for nearly 30 years, as one of the first allowed to operate EMBA Education colleges also has 8 years of rich experience, is famous for its excellent teaching quality in the domestic area of University City with EMBA. International EMBA is committed to exploring ways of Chinese enterprise development, the Chinese economyThe process of globalization, has been aggressive positive innovation. At present, Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University in organizing capital operations, but it is the nature of the workshop, mainly to domestic teachers of teachers, there are no degrees conferred the EMBA courses. Whereas the University planned to start capital operation in EMBA class, is an international high end lineMaster's degree courses. The capital operation in EMBA class, a comprehensive University EMBA class basis, to preserve the Basic module courses and some of the core module courses, and for each niche offering specialized courses in the capital as a feature module. Curriculum as a whole sought to advanced the concept of enterprise capital operation in the West and the actual situation of Chinese enterprisesThe combination, and in line with the State of enterprise financial management requirements and the legal framework of rules, allows students to proficiency in capital operation concepts, processes, seizing strategic opportunities for the capital times and the financial community, deal with investment and financing risks.

raising money at that time a net decrease of $ 831.1076 million. Company quarterly disclosure

129667889641240392_96A few days ago, the Commission launched the GEM Listing private placement bond, for the subsequent financing of growth enterprise market has opened up new roads.  In this context, the Sunflower (300,111, closed at $ 14.29) disclosed today of a resolution of the Board raises concern. Sunflowers announced today, the company complies with non-governmental developmentBill adopted by the Board of Trustees considered the conditions of the company's bonds, will issue bonds coupon not exceeding a total of $ 600 million, term of not more than 5 years of corporate bonds swtor power leveling, raising funds to be used to pay off some loans, optimize the structure of corporate debt and liquidity in the company planning to replenishment of the remainder, improving the financial situation of the company. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths)Unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Data show that sunflowers in August 2010, IPO, raising money at that time a net decrease of $ 831.1076 million. Company quarterly disclosure, raise funds have been put into phase II of the annual production capacity of 200MW solar cell production lines to increase capital projects (With an annual output of 100MW solar cells and components) and 160 million 8-inch Solar polysilicon production projects. Almost since the time swtor credits, issuing corporate bonds market on the second board companies are concerned with the issue. Since the Commission had previously started listing on the gem after the company closed the work of the issue, responsible persons of relevant departments of the SFC and in second Board last week dedicated to the publicDeified judge of right and wrong open matters related to the issuance of corporate bonds open to answer a reporter's question. According to the daily economic news reporters have learned, after most of the second board company have chosen mode of financing such as issuance of short-term financing bonds, and the Commission directed the company announced the launch of gem after non-public debt, gives companies a new choice.