Sunday, December 18, 2011

Unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel

129667889754052892_388HSBC China launched November manufacturing purchasing managers ' index hit a 32-month low, the downturn in China more apparent trends. Germany bonds stream, Portugal's credit rating downgraded, Japan's credit rating was downgraded hinted that a-shares to build road to the end of a long. Steel tianyuan develop increased expansion and extension of magnetic materials industry chain, magnet themes strengthen the potential of elevating should be able to ensure a successful release, Current price valuation significantly higher. Yearend bridge one seedling industry received funds specializing in seafood concern sold for display body differences clearly.  Main Bay for us when the daily limit of infant milk powder body jiancang obvious the company was "pseudo-high-tech" event and executives constantly resigns as investors wary. Tianyuan steel (002057) the main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) Unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Manganese tetroxide tianyuan steel leading products in national market share reached 35%;Y33 and pre-clouded or frosted imitation glass R12 high performance strontium ferrite products quality level the domestic leading position; magnetic separation and related equipment and efficient dewatering equipmentOccupy the first position in the market of domestic industry. On the secondary market, the Unit study on hollow glass microspheres with high performance access to a major breakthrough in news, volume elevating consecutive daily limit, floating signs of intervention clearly.  The unit is expected to continue to rise in the future, it is recommended that investors recall risks existing in the short term. Beiyinmei (002570) as foreign milkPowder and bright dairy prices one after another, dairy unit attention from the market strong. Although the leading yili and mengniu dairy industry not announce prices, but markets found that dairy product prices expected strong.  The unit changed hands recently frequencies increase, show funds larger differences. On the secondary market, the unit affected by the message appear to speed up rising, touching 120 on a short-term or long-term averages, but the breakthrough of thisRound downward trend has not been back to confirm the trend after the 60-day moving average, late back to confirm the demand, it is recommended that the medium-term concerns, short-attention-band fall risk. Seedling industry of one bridge (002447) is China's leading seafood breeding enterprises, scallop seed market share as high as 70%, in China first. Earlier this month the Government subsidy payments 1135.7$ 30,000 for the current year profit-financial compensation, included non-operating income in the period swtor credits, profit in the current period had a great influence. In addition swtor power leveling, aquatic products prices last week continued to pick up, sea cucumber prices high, aquatic products price increases are certainly beneficial to the aquaculture unit.  The unit from the impact of this good news, trend strength. Technically speaking, can atrophy after sharp jump in the short term, there are signs the callback,Wait and see. Tip: belongs to the research reports section of this article, only for institutions or analysts for a stock's personal opinions and views, and informal news reports, the network does not guarantee its authenticity and objectivity, all valid information about the unit, is subject to the notice on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, please investors risk. 12 next page

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