Saturday, December 3, 2011

so the success rate has increased

129667840433427892_66New share purchase terms and techniques under normal trading hours, purchase diablo 3 gold, purchase of new shares to a delegate. Commission procedures and the secondary market to buy stocks the same way. New share purchase, do not charge fees. Require that every purchase in units of 1000 units in Shanghai Stock Exchange, purchase, quantity of not less than 1000 shares, more than 1000 shares must be an integer multiple of 1000 shares; in Shenzhen provided purchase units500 shares, each purchase securities accounts commissioned no less than 500 shares, more than 500 shares must be an integer multiple of 500 shares, and cannot exceed the purchase quantity limit stipulated in the release announcement, or considered valid purchase. Single purchase securities account only once, upon declaration cannot be removed. Purchase delegate more than once for the same account, except for the first time outside the purchase, are consideredEfficient purchase. Purchasing strategies and techniques from which investors can finance network new share purchase section for more information about recent IPO. Such as release date, purchase code, online offline release quantity, price, purchase limits, earnings, and the unit is a member of the industry. After fully understanding and comparison of new shares to be issued on the same period, you can develop a new strategy. Priority select small capsSmall caps are means of szse-listed junior (start code 002) and the gem (code to start with a 300), small circulation market value of stock, generic release number 10 million to 50 million shares. Due to the smaller and more vulnerable to money in circulation hype diablo 3 gold, after the listing of higher yields. Small caps though not as large stocks the success rate is high, but on its first day ofYields significantly large stocks higher. And after the reform of shares system, investors can only use an account with qualifying purchase of new shares, while qualified purchase limit, so the success rate has increased, and chances from the point of view, the success rate is the same individual investors and institutional investors. The new shares is roughly the location of the first to read the prospectus and negotiating with industryListed companies, especially with comparisons are similar to share capital structure of listed companies in the industry, combined with market conditions at that time, estimated about secondary market position. Poor fundamentals, issuing price/earnings ratio is high, shares should be avoid as far as possible, to resolve purchasing risk. Choose purchase time relatively late varieties such as Monday to purchase new shares purchase funds must be weekFive will be able to come back, so Tuesday's purchase, money is likely to reduce, the corresponding purchase success rate is likely to increase. If Friday had the IPO, investors to consider was to purchase more chance, or avoid purchasing twice and select a larger probability of purchase opportunity. Concentrate funds to strike a new listings if you released 3 new listings, you should select the rightTo purchase a warehouse in order to improve the success rate. Select single time under reasonable in theory, no matter what might check order on time, but based on historical experience, just opening or closing a single purchase, check of probability is small, it's like buying a lottery ticket, option 7-digit number to win the lottery, even small probability. It is best to choose intermediate periods to purchase, such as the choiceAfternoon orders between 10:00-11:00 and-1:30. During this period there is waiting time. (According to a Beijing business)

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