Friday, June 8, 2012

1 Diablo 3 Gold 1 - SHWV

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"); return false; } else { var url = '/report/' s1 '.html';; }} 05, 2012 huatai joint Li June domestic jet fuel price cut of 467 dollars/ton: development and Reform Commission announced a downward air-coalOil price notification, effective June 1, domestic jet fuel ex-factory price cut of 467 Yuan/ton, the adjusted, domestic prices of aviation fuel sales of about 7,850 dollars/ton. Domestic airline fuel surcharge standard cut $ 10/person, $ 20/person: implemented from April 1, 2012 for domestic routesOil additional charge standard rates for passenger transport, the comprehensive cost cut of 467 domestic aviation kerosene after Yuan/ton, June 5 domestic routes the highest standards impose a corresponding downward adjustment, of which 800 km flight from $ 80/person rounded down to $ 70/person, flight above 800 km from 150 yuan/person rounded down to $ 130/Person. Considering the price of jet fuel and domestic airline fuel surcharge reduced positive industry: comprehensive consideration, the domestic airlines fall in oil prices generally reduce industry 2012 6 aviation fuel costs about $ 4 billion, the fall in domestic fuel surcharge standard generally reduce industry from 2012 to December earningsAbout $ 2.75 billion TERA Gold, that is, the airlines fuel surcharge reduced oil prices and domestic routes to benefit industry. Investment rating: maintain industries "overweight" rating on investment, we see rebound opportunities in aviation unit in the peak season, the main logic is: 1) link improvement of certainty, industry profits by quarter; the main impetus to seasonal factors, as well as Jet fuel pricesPer cent growth rate continued to decline, according to the current level of jet fuel prices, to the 3-quarter domestic jet fuel prices have been lower than the first quarter of 2011; 2), now the main aviation unit PB valuations between 1-2 times, at record lows, historically, only in the aviation industry in the Red cycle, PB valuation only to this level, andWithin the aviation industry remains profitable cycle, even if the economy remains down, main airlines net worth this year and next will improve; 3), according to our study, 2011 the domestic aviation industry mainly because of the decline of freight routes and international routes have fallen sharply, currently visiting rate of global international airline cabin rally signs of stabilisation levels exist, in the countryBig fall in demand in case of 2013 domestic periodic boom in the aviation industry is expected to improve. Risk: domestic air demand continued to decline Diablo 3 Gold, if oil prices continue to rise, airline recovery than expected. Civil aviation airport shares of stocks involved in the future3-year earnings per share forecast civil aviation airport stocks financial index rankings return rate of return on equity net assets per share net profit growth rate of main business revenue growth profit not distributed in main business income net income per share cash flow from operating activities per share sales marginTop industry tracking function copyToClipBoard () {var clipBoardContent= ""; clipBoardContent = location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text", clipBoardContent); Alert ("replicated successfully, please paste to recommend to your friends on your QQ/MSN"); } Solemnly declare: dongfangcaifuwang publish this information aims to disseminate more information, and the networkPosition-independent. 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