Sunday, June 10, 2012

bad factors continue to release Shanghai zinc short term capture rebound Diablo 3 power leveling

129823520560781250_71Agile response to all golf says its non-violations NetEase finance (/10) forwarded to Twitter being agile is known as "otherworldly nature" of the clear water Bay Golf course occupies one of the most beautiful Bay in Hainan--best in clear water Bay lot, and the "top international links course" and really increase the sales to clear water Bay projectColor a lot. However, reporters found on the ground in recent days, agile--Hainan Hainan branch agile real estate development company's scope does not include golf. clear water Bay Golf Club is located on the southeast coast of Hainan Island, Hainan Province, Sanya from more than 30 km, is the East China SeaBank one of 5 great Gulf, belong to the tropical seaside tourism in Sanya, Sanya Phoenix airport is only 40 minutes away by car, traffic is very convenient. htTp:// sea view Golf is one of the main selling point of propaganda in Clearwater Bay of Qing dynastyWater has admitted to 6 top international brand hotel in the Bay SWTOR CD-key, Raffles Hotel, which has been under construction. clear water Bay Golf course covers an area of more than 2,300 acres. Two stadium includes a total of 3 standard 18 hole golf course. stadium by United States famous SCHMIDT-CURLEY DESIGN,INC. (Rob Schmidt-Golf design company) designed, by United States famous stylist bright supervision. agile company has clear water Bay in Hainan exclusive exploitation rightsWill invest 20 billion yuan, the overall development of about 15,000 acres, has a 12 km long shoreline of clear water Bay Resort project. Figure for the clear water Bay Golf Club price list. in fact, long before the agile 2004, construction golf course has not been allowedXu. Hainan ethnic village in the clear water Bay. however, according to the Ministry of land and "ban", clear water Bay Golf course has been developed on suspected irregularities, developers should be unable to get the golf course qualification. To clear water Bay Conference Center. year, get agile project at the land of clear water Bay, Ministry of land and "ban" has come into force, which means clear water Bay Golf course has violated the relevant provisions of the Ministry of land and. yesterday, agile Hainan QingWater project golf course is media means "alleged violation", saying it violated the land Department in 2004 publication ban prohibiting construction of golf. "The company management through survey, has now found that being ' arrested for violation of the ' golf courses are not agile all. "Agile journal is a senior person on the securities tablesAs shown in. However, insiders believed that golf course and other facilities on a tourist real estate sales play a very important role, although non-agile all above the stadium, but the stadium and Clearwater Bay project is the "neighbors" project sales will help to clear water Bay. Worthy of note is that agencies have recently bad-mouthing sales prospects of the clear water Bay. These people mean, This is likely to be made of the agile performance of clear water Bay "backbone" project, the project may even be agile "children from the preceding marriage." Clear Water Bay project is agile on alleged irregularities in Hainan to spend heavily to create integrated tourism projects, planning involving residential and commercial and office facilities, and hotels. And the golf course is located next to the project of Hainan Lingshui CountyBritish State town of clear water Bay Road, covering an area of more than 2,300 acres, standard 18 holes of championship-level golf course in the world. Yesterday, the media reported all these golf courses are within the meaning clear water Bay project, and was arrested for violation of. The report pointed out that the 2004 State Council General Office issued a moratorium on the new golf course of notification, and clear water Bay project agileIn 2007, so is an obvious violation. And the project-led Development Corporation is a subsidiary owned by agile, agile, Hainan real estate development company, and there is no golf course right. "As a tourism estate projects, especially high-end tourism property project, its positioning customers for asset strength of high-end person, golf courses, and related distributionFacility sales for this type of project plays a very important role. "The Riverside Center for financial asset management General Manager Zhao Yijun to the securities Journal said. It is understood that the clear water Bay home product category for the project on a high-end Villa and cost up to $ 40,000 per square meter. In this regard, insiders say SWTOR Credits, the golf course is agile all,If this is all, and the irregularities were true, agile, are "worse", clear water Bay project would therefore again under pressure. In addition, the results also will owners and future customer exception is raised concerns. Agile says its not all of this, the morning of May 23 Diablo 3 power leveling, journalists call Agile Property in charge of verifying the relevant facts, head of theTold reporters, after seeing the reports of the company, management is meeting to understand the situation, discuss relevant issues, reply survey results came out for the first time. Subsequently, the reporter to call the Lingshui County Government, and relevant responsible persons told reporters, is also unclear situation, you want to make it clear to the authorities and then reply. However, the person to the reporterSaid Clear Water Bay project does not build golf course. It is worth mentioning that, after a full day of meetings and investigations, that evening, agile has come in response to the event. "The company has to investigate, report says Golf is located next to the clear water Bay project, but ownership is not part of agile. "Agile such management person told reporters. DisplaySo, it was a "misunderstanding". However, agile "be unjustly accused", with people in the industry believe that, even if all these golf courses not part of agile, project sales will take the clear water Bay Golf, high-end tourism property project, after all, is not only the residence of the realization of function, peripheral facilities to their customers more attractive. Is expected to produce about $ 4 billionWorthy of note is that recently, some agencies to clear water Bay project sales prospects are pessimistic. A research report of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch pointed out that Hainan property market of the season in the first quarter, but sales were only for the more than 3 billion yuan of the clear water Bay, fell by more than 30%. In view of this, company sales for the year through the difficult. In this regard, agile, as of the end of April, the Qing dynastyWater projects have achieved $ 3.5 billion in sales. Although the views of the above-mentioned bodies have their own concerns, but agile will endeavour to complete its sales target for the year. Industry veteran who also told reporters, developers have entered now the third generation of Hainan gold rush, competition is fierce. If the customer purchases behind the Hainan property market recovery will become empty talk, the clear water Bay salesAlso will be negative. However, agencies bad-mouthing attitude of clear water Bay, said Zhao Yijun, high-end tourism real estate project sales cycle is very long, held back on their agile "too early". More notable is that since the first quarter of the year, agile active in overseas markets. According to management of the companies above told reporters, the company actively raising funds to clear water Bay project salesDue to company's financial stress and nothing. The financing purpose in addition to the day-to-day management of the project, a spending plan also prepared to buy. In fact, agile does gains enormously in the land market in the near future. It is understood that on March 20, to $ 270 million won in Wenchang, Hainan Moon Bay 356,447 square meter plot. At this point, the company of Hainan land reservePreparation of 9.385 million square meters, the total storage 30%. On May 8, the company announcement said the total cost around $ 696 million won to a residential and commercial land, Dadukou district, Chongqing, floor price of about 1999 Yuan per square meter. Industry analysis, this means that the above block land price is not high. This agile aboveManagement disclosed that as of the end of 2011, the company did not pay land transfer payment less than $ 200 million. 2012 on the expenditure budget of the company is more than 4 billion yuan. But he also stressed that this amount is only budget, is specific to make strategic adjustments based on market trends. However, the companies concerned about the block will be for a long time to invest actively. RelatedNews: Agile land Department in violation of clear water Bay Golf courses violate the ban in question being agile is known as "otherworldly nature" of the clear water Bay Golf course occupies one of the most beautiful Bay in Hainan--best in clear water Bay lot, and the "top international links course" clear water Bay project sales of colour and really give a lot. However, the reporter field surveys in recent daysNow, agile--Hainan Hainan branch agile real estate development company's scope does not include golf. 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