Sunday, June 10, 2012

product openingIssue Diablo 3 gold product openingIssue - LPJO

129828564397656250_114Yang yuanqing: controls the balance of production and sales is your company's strengths South reporter Gao Lingyun polarization PC industry, mass retrenchment of 27,000 people at HP Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Dell published net profit decline 33%, the world's second-largest computer manufacturer Lenovo publish the best results in the history of the group. On May 23, Lenovo Group announced results for the quarter and the whole year of 2011 fiscal year as of March 31, 2012. Sales for the year increasedLong close up 37% dollars, Lenovo's record Diablo 3 gold, up 73% up to 473 million dollars in net profit for the whole year. Lenovo 13% per cent of the global PC market share, only one step away from the PC King. Yang yuanqing, Lenovo Group Chairman and Chief Executive of good mood in telephone lines by reporters, said, "by effectively implementing ' defend the attack ' double fistStrategy, we have yielded excellent results in the past three years. Next, double boxing strategy will continue to be central to our PC business strategy. "As to when the top PC champion, Yang did not give a timetable," If the competitor runs a little slower, we catch on fast. "Global economic instability, legend how to maintain high growth in net profits? Yang is not worried"I think the Association still has a lot of room for improvement of profits. Lenovo net interest rate in market and business in mature markets in China or 4%, close to competitors. Consumer business in mature markets, to scale, to profit. "Mainly to Japanese traditional household appliance manufacturers in the world, Lenovo, high profile, why reverse into the smart TV? Yang believed that Japanese manufacturers productsLack of innovation, high labor costs, appreciation of the yen had increased the burden on enterprises. Lenovo smart TV, on the cost structure is close to the PC, Lenovo's strengths is a substantial balance controls production and marketing, channels, and inventories of raw materials. "We believe that there is a process in the education market, you need to provide users of the smart TV is different from traditional television. "Yang revealed that Lenovo's second generationSmart TV products will be better, the price will come down, quickly entering the mainstream market, increase sales. For Internet giant card smart-phones, Yang was not good, "Lenovo enters to the Internet will not be easily successful, I believe most Internet companies ' access to the hardware will not be successful in the field SWTOR CD-key, because the design is more than just a product, product openingIssue, more important is the ability of end-to-end operations, this is a test of the core competitiveness of enterprises is completely different. �� Others:

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