Saturday, June 2, 2012

seminar wow cd-key seminar - MGRK

129829462668473750_147CCTV will create "the tip" brand extends from food to clothing CCTV will create "the tip" brand. Part Beijing News reported on May 31 that the Chinese documentary film on the tongue to become screen of Xiang Bobo, also returning to the domestic class original reality documentary returned to his vision. In a seminar held yesterday, CCTV recording channel Director Liu Wen said, recording channels will increase in the future creation of reality themes, not only at the endShooting of the tip of the second quarter, and extends from gourmet to the everyday clothing, food, lodging, to build the "tongue" brand. Apart from the tip of China Diablo 3 gold, CCTV has just ended by saying the documentary program of the luyi and Word of mouth is also good. Historical documentaries such as the summer palace of the forbidden city before alone compared to now, real class, oral and other disciplineMockumentary flourishing. Future development of documentary, also face talent, funding issues, CCTV will also adopt a series of measures for its development laid the cornerstone of the way. Real class subjects increased concern about CCTV in 2010 not only the creation of documentary channels, whose documentaries have also been launched in recent years by viewers of sought after, caused by the rise of great powers have receivedBoom, 2005 many universities West of the rise of great powers of political and Administrative Sciences teaching films and moved to play in the classroom. The Palace had caused widespread concern; also the summer palace of the Yangtze River have sparked a lot of conversation. However, most of these documentaries are history subjects Diablo 3 Gold, foreign documentaries on such subjects in China approved, while the real classStraight is "short Board". As this year's hot tongue on China, domestic reality documentaries are also finally found its own direction. CCTV recording channel Director Liu Wen said history classes, documentary team of experts had not yet achieved the real class, vision is still relatively narrow in scope. Records after the establishment of channels, increased focus on local reality themes, extensionWide type of documentary films. "Tongue" a start was made in accordance with internationally accepted model to create wow cd-key, a program the camera application reached the 1300, feature a quick, informative, 8 minutes usually tell a story. In the future, CCTV recording channel will also continue to invest more in reality such documentary support, launched the "vitality in China" series collection, and introduced training yearsPower light "young China" documentary species have developed more diversified. Oral history documentary the rise recently, CCTV broadcast of the luyi "oral history" documentary type back in people's eyes. Film for nearly hundred luyi literary artists of the older generation of average age of 90 years for shooting rescue interview. Half a century later, modern youthKnowledge is symbols of Yanan literature and art, or even use it as a synonym for the revolution, but in the collective memories of the old hundred, Yanan literature and art is not, as many people consider, monotonous, only younger, Blackboard, print. CCTV said Chief Editor Luo Ming, restored to oral history, and let everyone see in addition to language, the interviewee's face and eyes,"Always say when they live and work in Yanan, was rendered on their faces when they were young that year's face and laughter. This State was unable to contain any longer, which is to restore in oral history ". In fact, early in the recording channel was first established, Cui yongyuan released oral history documentary the war I, during which 3,500 old man in an interview, integratedImage 2 million minutes, through personal experience told, look to restore the history. When it comes to making "oral" mind, said Cui yongyuan, memories of some eighty or ninety years of age in war, memories when you first love, also be unruffled by emotion, his special touch. Dilemma wastage documentary for a channel, social reputation, and even a television is other classUnmatched programs, competition between the large television influence, in addition to the news, is a documentary. But in fact, in addition to CCTV, mainstream TV now rarely take out dedicated manpower and resources invested in documentary, let alone in the prime time broadcast. At present, apart from a CCTV, CCTV documentary channels, major funding of provincial satellite TV a lotTo buy TV and build a powerful entertainment, little money documentary. As documentaries broadcast time is squeezed, towards many documentary talent to work, making some documentaries, information, commercial films. Documentary that lead directly to the Chinese people, team loss occurs in the country. According to a documentary on the industry, say across the TVIn the industry, engaged in documentary are relatively lonely, suffice to suffice for the poor people, because documentaries produced more time, fewer returns, not dahongdazi more work behind the scenes, by work and to communicate with audiences. Horizons narrow for a generation that grew up in the animal world, foreign wildlife and other naturalDocumentaries have a deep impression, and currently in the country this looks a little pale. Liu Wen said, outside directors are experts in this area, such as the lion, directing their studies before the Lions for years, "we are doubling our books to shoot. View of a narrow, small concerns, social class is also (this issue) ". In the eyes of Liu Wen, Chinese originalSocial documentaries more common problem is, there is no international perspective, General starting point is compassion for vulnerable groups, social classes and overseas movie relative to the perspective of wide, including concerns Afghanistan famine, Iraq war, globalization on India (click to see India film and video of the test) the effect of a village, and so on. Liu Wen, for example, and a foreign social problemsMaterial documentary about France market sale on top of a wig, roots tracing to finally catch up with India in a village. There is a traditional, girl long hair since childhood, teenager cut, the hair are France wig purchase. Because the local remote, no pollution, so the girls hair very well. Film about India such hair how to transfer rural France, theFocus is unique, interesting and attractive. Future development funds and personnel problems to be solved in the recently held in luyi, seminar, CCTV's Chief Editor Luo Ming also talked about a documentary on China's future development, he believed that Chinese documentary creation in the future to be more internationalized, Chinese documentary film have an impact on the world and spread. Luo Ming recognitionFor, any of the development of contemporary Chinese documentary (click to watch long movies of the world is but a little place after all, and the non-) way to go, in particular, he spoke about the financial issues. He at once and France when documentary filmmaker Jacques Perrin, the great Exchange learned huge amounts of shooting of the migratory birds, "the migratory bird invest 40 million euros, equivalent to 400 million Yuan, aA documentary of 400 million Yuan, to us it is a channel for one year. The next movie they want to invest 800 million Yuan, is a very good theme, I really want to do, but the 800 million invested too much ". Luo Ming said China wants to go to the world of documentary films, to have the courage to put determination and strength. "Project support" "young China" looking for new yearPower light is also recorded one of the most important groups of channels, recording channel also launched for college students enrolled in "young China" project plan. Record channel Director Liu Wen said: "I hope that in five years time, combined over 100 colleges and universities training 1000 documentary, discovery, and new horizons, to create ' hundreds of thousands ' of size and influence, real Chinese documentaryBuild up strong reserves. "" Living in China "delegate customized" living in China "series is the second half of 2011, history channel documentary production agency tender activities for society. It now appears that the event is more like for domestic documentary "lack of money, lack of creation, and broadcast platforms" out of a panacea: lack of money is the documentary Community institutionsCommon challenges, for this record channel activity has invested more than $ 10 million in funding, community-oriented documentary production agency commissioned a custom set of 100 real class; to have bidding activity subjects of more targeted, channel was established in the end of the record "living in China" theme, "leading the documentary will look to China's contemporary social reality". Building DirectorStudio recording channels in the future will also be excellent documentary talent from the community "absorb nutrients", strengthening social Studio, established directors Studios, and they start the fastest is the social class of the documentary. By the proposal of the Director, investment record channel. Others:

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