Wednesday, June 20, 2012

[scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May

129836519549687500_180Discount rate cannot stop the reduction of frequency being shareholders of the selling brokerage unit Yesterday, this newspaper for investment securities 8 day 18 big deal within the track. In fact, since the beginning of this year, guangfa securities, Pacific click here, Southwest securities brokerage Unit staged reduction of shareholders ' relay race in succession. Innovation transition in the brokerage industry, and occasion of the brokerage stocks higher, runs counter to the shareholders of investors to decrease chilling. Guangfa Securities accumulated transaction 9.6400 million GF 32 big deals this year, total contract 38.28 million shares, total trade amounted to $ 964 million. From the selling party, GF Guangzhou Huangpu road securities business departments handle 21 deal, total contract 28.28 million, $ 650 million turnover. Through the sales prices were higher than those of the stock's closing price on the day of transferSite discounts ranging from $ 8% per cent, reduction of selling firm attitude can be seen. By GF Nanjing Beijing East Road securities business departments selling 10 million units, large transaction discount rate during the 2% of the lower interval, reduction of the parties than to calm many of the former. Analysts believe that the GF strong this year, current stockholders ' highImpulse was inevitable. Securities times read recent announcements found being GF 5th largest shareholder China circulation shimao sells GF 28.0781 million shares per cent as of May 17. About $ 330 million of after-tax profit, which depend on playing with stocks of textile enterprises really get return on investment is difficult to calm down. Southwest securities sold for 3 new threat definitions.12 big deals this year 9.6 billion Southwest securities, total contract 43.05 million shares, amounted to $ 396 million turnover. From the transaction details diablo 3 power leveling, except February 17 Northeast securities outside Xian road, Changchun securities sales department sells 500,000 units, all the rest is Southwest Chongqing Jianxin North Road securities business departments selling of securities. Southwest securities discount rate 12 bulk dealIn higher levels of 9% per cent, secondary market price in a certain impact on the share. Media reports, Southwest securities may be reduction of the party's third-largest shareholder Chongqing international trust company limited in circulation, and the reason is needed financing to complete a purchase. This cannot help but remind journalists that reduction of stockholders took turns Southwest securities in the past a few years. 2010 Southwest securities issuanceEve, the unit of State-owned shareholders of Chongqing water assets management limited reduction of six degrees, reason seems to raise huge amounts of money to invest in the project. August 2011 Southwest securities after the resumption, then the unit is the second largest shareholder of Changzhou in circulation in Asia company limited by guarantee discount 8% speedy clearance through a block trade platform, over 7 times. Shareholder reduction reasons of five flowersThe eight, Director Southwest securities but not prevent them once a year to reduce flood peak. Cumulative contract 263 million Pacific Pacific 14 big deals this year, total sold 36 million shares, a total of $ 263 million turnover. On April 27, the EMC Corporation Headquarters Pacific breath throw 30 million share, price $ 7.51, representing the unit whenDaily closing stock price of $ 8.01 discount 6%. This selling being Chase securities business Department of Shanghai Minsheng Lu securities business departments 10 carved up, Jian Guo men Wai Avenue, Beijing securities business gold buying Consortium 5.7 million shares, Shenzhen huatai securities qiaoxiang road securities business departments are also eating 5 million shares. Combined with related announcement, second-largest circulation in the Pacific shareholders Beijing, XI cute investment company, limitedHandle the reduction of mentioned above. According to the November 18, 2011, concerted actions of the company shareholders have been underweight Pacific 90.17 million shares, 6% per cent of the total share capital of the company. At this point, 4 concerted action in the company shareholders (seal cute home buyers, Hua mark six investment, great China mainland and stored in shares) has accumulated the reduction of 166 million shares, 11% per cent of the total share capital of the company, one-third per cent of its equity, cash amounted to $ 1.36 billion. Reduction of causes, 4 different companies, respectively to their own business needs and repayment of credit or investment income. Worthy of note is that since its listing, shares all the way down in the Pacific has been super 80%. But even so, the cost to $ 1 stakeOriginal shareholders still profit more than 6 times, this may be the reduction of their power. 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