Saturday, March 31, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling manage family planning. Later - BMT

129771823082906060_34On December 28 last year, Governor of the fortress of Jiangyin branch of ABC Sun Feng Xia Yaqin, parent, two children and a wife family "outing" Thailand. Then, with no sign of "disappeared".  From here, a bank involved in illegal fund-raising amounts or amounts to $ 200 million in only Governors having flight case "silence" after more than two months, rose to the surface. On March 6, WuxiMunicipal Public Security Bureau for "suspected of harbouring crimes of harbouring" on Standard Chartered Bank Singapore Chinese Embassy staff Wu Eden to criminal detention, she most likely to hold Singapore passports Sun Feng capital flight has provided some help. Family flight carrying on March 6, 2012, President, Wu Eden by Shanghai Police called to talk again, she is the Shanghai Xintiandi branch of Standard Chartered Bank private bankingLine of business client consultants, 31 years old this year, Singapore nationals. On March 6, Wu Eden is not the first time police interviewed by Shanghai, since January of this year, she was questioned by the police several times a customer named Sun Feng. And several times in the past the difference is, this time, her fiance Jason outside the police building failed to wait her out. An hour later, aPolice officers referred to him for an envelope, which is Eden watch Wu, Tiffany necklace and engagement diamond ring received two weeks ago.  Police and gave Jason a cell phone, he and Wu only do short farewell to Eden on the phone. On that day, Wuxi City Public Security Bureau issued a notice of the detention, the 61st Council under the criminal procedure law, to "suspected of harbouring crimes of harbouring" Eden Wu criminalDetention.  At present, Eden, Wu was detained at the detention center of Jiangyin. Eden to customers of Sun Feng Wu, Jiangyin, Governor of the agricultural Bank of Fort branch, on December 28 last year, Sun Feng without the approval of the Organization will go to Thailand Tourism, and never return. Until the Police Office by Jiangyin, Sun Feng's colleagues knew him "escape" tera power leveling, and his flight directly related to the $ 200 million loan shark money gone gone。  Early Sun Feng about 40 years old and steeped 10 financial systems, business skills, corporate world wide connections in Jiangyin, holds a large number of customers. Although disguised cleverly in front of colleagues, but ran away Sun Feng has been prepared. "In late December last year, Xia Yaqin resigned, very suddenly. "Xia Yaqin, says former leader. Xia Yaqin is the wife of Sun Feng,In Jiangyin City, a large clothing company before administration. In addition to Xia Yaqin, along with his parents and elementary school's daughter and son to kindergarten are abroad.  Before the flight, Sun Feng in Jiangyin housing mortgages. Jiang Yin Zhou Wenjing, the new Governor of Fort branch, the agriculture Bank, said Sun Feng carrying flight, its funding is not its depositors ' money, but its individual chipsPrivate lending. "Lenders see Sun Feng" Governor ".  "The Jiangyin police claims that ran away in Sun's $ 200 million less than the amount, but local in Jiangyin, people generally say that throughout the course of illegal fund-raising, Sun Feng mastered the amount of up to $ 300 million. According to local enterprises of Jiangyin executive briefing, Sun Feng "financing" does not specificallySolid project, lenders see was Sun Feng identity, reputation and the ability of local connections and, Sun Feng out of the loan interest is usually more than 20%. Jiangyin branch, the agriculture Bank of people's personal feelings are, Sun Feng fried Futures has been keen in recent years, and suffered heavy losses in the second half of 2011, this may be the cause of its loan repayment no doors, finally chose familyEscaped direct trigger. It is understood that police investigation system of Jiangyin have according to some intelligence, turns different investigators were sent to the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries several times.  Is a message there was widely spread in Jiangyin, holders of Singapore Passport Sun Feng has most likely via Singapore to Canada. Jiangyin City Council police officer said of the police one fan last name, "to SunFeng is a village in Jiangyin of lending funds up to, there are several tens of millions of.  "But because Singapore man Wu Eden in the investigation phase of the case, Jiangyin police unwilling to disclose more information. Private lending chain rupture according to an insider close to the Jiangyin City Public Security Bureau, after Sun Feng Pao Lu, the police find long sand village Party Committee secretaries Zhao Jidi had talked to tera power leveling, as far as the latter says, she mobilized to participate inPrivate lending funds of $ 98 million. According to sources, to Sun Feng Zhao Jidi lending funds may be the village of provident fund schemes. Local villagers say is 80 million, but the local government official said, "had misappropriated at least $ 50 million. In addition, Zhao Jidi myself as an intermediate-level funds to others. "According to the Hua Shizhen who didn'tWilling to reveal the names of cadres said Zhao Jidi didn't know Sun Feng, she nearly a billion yuan of funds borrowed to Sun Feng diablo 3 power leveling, was by a man called Zhao Rufeng. It is understood that the last century 80 's, young Zhao Jidi, Zhao Rufeng duo Hua Shizhen do women work, manage family planning. Later, Zhao Jidi Dragon sand village was elected Secretary of the village Committee, and became a village-owned entrepreneurs, Zhao Rufeng became the head of the Office of the Bank of China, Hua Shi town, retired, Zhao Rufeng jointly opened a pawn of others. In 2009, Zhao Jidi started collective asset lending to Zhao Rufeng pawn shops in the village.  Dragon sand village, Director of the Commission for discipline inspection Wang Qi said, lending to the pawn shop is the result of collective assets in the village village Party Committee discuss and decide. Zhao Jidi to pawn lending, Along with the amount increasing year by year. According to Hua Shizhen the cadre with knowledge revealed, Zhao Jidi also began to attract private financing.  In 2011, the Zhao Rufeng Zhao Jidi describes two projects, one is lending to the agricultural Bank of China President Sun Feng, is lending to China. According to these people, human Feng Sirong days of actual control technology can produce a study a few years ago calledNew films of high-profit products, plans to the products for leading companies to create a public company, such as Zhao Jidi investors lend money to the company at this time, not only can enjoy 30% high interest rates, its capital contribution or as a corporate asset, restructured into joint-stock company converted the original unit. On March 21, the Lotus is located at Jiangyin Hua Shizhen Bridge South of Tin WahTechnology deserted, looking outside the locked steel doors of the company, was deserted, the company built a new factory buildings leaving only the exposed steel foot skeleton.  Lodge a old man said, at the end of last year, the company collapsed. Day of China Science and technology history last name accounting and company money chain is broken, debt of 150 million Yuan, Feng Sirong is arrested by Jiangyin. Then Sun Feng has lostTracing. After Sun Feng incident, Zhao Rufeng is done by Jiangyin police please go to related record. Others:

swtor credits as well as marine business contribution is expected to increase - XRY

129764880431875000_30Citi: Swire Hong Kong office rents stable price rise to $ 100 Citi believes that Swire 00019. HK 21% core net profit fell last year to $ 8.7 billion tera power leveling, over the row and poor market estimates swtor credits, reflecting Swire 01972. HK and Cathay Pacific 00293.HK weak core contributions. However tera power leveling, as the Hong Kong office rents stable, as well as marine business contribution is expected to increase, increase in surplus-measured 14-18%. Assumptions than net asset value packsAbout 10% unchanged, rising target price from $ 90 to $ 100, rated a "buy". Property investments in Hong Kong and China remains a focus, Pacific place is seeking investment opportunities in Southeast Asia. Others:

tera power leveling her jumping is still very high - LSP

129770869311093750_130Fenghuangwang sports news Beijing time on March 24, 2012 world diving series ending women's three-metre final in Beijing railway station, the Chinese He Zi and Wu minxia take Championship. Wu minxia first four jumps have been in the leading position, but He Zi last played better the tide and her total score of 395.55, 1.05 Min advantage fanchao Wu minxiaWon the champion Wu minxia only runner-up, Italy's kagenatuo got the third place. The top two in the semi-final He Zi and Wu minxia tera power leveling, who placed last in the final appearance. First of two Chinese women to jump have opted for difficulty coefficient 3 405B (flexor churning within two and a half weeks), Wu minxia took the lead in debut, action in the air and into the water is done fairly well, be78 points than Wu minxia then came He Zi RIP effect, get 73.5 points. After the first round of two Chinese women break one or two. Wu minxia action is the difficulty of the second jump 2.9 5335D (a week and a half reverse somersault rotation two and a half weeks), pressure plate, swinging in the air and water are controlled well, a judgment made by 9.5 points, 78.30 Min. Then came He Zi have chosen difficulty coefficient 3.1 107B (flexor churning forward three and a half weeks), her jumping is still very high, and are quite well into the water, resulting in 79.05. Wu minxia 156.3 continued to lead after the end of two jumps, He Zi 152.55-second place in the ranking. Third jump of Wu minxia was 107B, her airIs in place, water pressure is good, into the water sound is crisp, have two referees made 9.5 minutes, get a score of 83.7. He Zi showed up with actions are difficulty coefficient 3 205B (flexor churning back two and a half weeks), she also finished very well in water treatment, two referees to 9.5 points, get a score of 81. After the first three jumps, Wu minxia, 240 min continues toThe leader, He Zi 233.55 followed. Wu minxia was fourth action of difficulty 3 305B (reverse somersault two and a half weeks of flexor), beautiful air, water pressure, two referees made 9.5 points, get a score of 81, total of 321. Choose the same action He Zi diablo 3 gold, she was jumping strong and highly enough tera power leveling, open into the water effectsNice, but overall performance than Wu minxia, two referees made 9, this jump is 76.5, total 310.05. After the end of the first four jumps He Zi and Wu minxia still occupy the top two, Italy ranked third in kagenatuo. Action is on the last jump Wu minxia 205B, air movement is pretty good, but in the water a little, resulting in waterIt's a bit, gets the 73.5, total 394.5. He Zi showed up, her actions are difficulty coefficient of 3 5152B (churning forward two and a half week rotation in a week and a half of flexor), her jumping is full, there is high enough, air Rotary action very nice, six magistrates play 9.5, which jumped to 85.5, total 395.55Min. Outstanding performance with the last jump 1.05 superiority He Zi fanchao Wu minxia win the Championship, Wu minxia only runner-up, Italy kagenuotuo for 353.25 finished third, Mexico's Sanchez 346.2 ranks fourth. Others:

diablo 3 gold "now fans hope that I continue to develop throughout the country - LHW

129770966726093750_76Spring Festival evening "coat" Zhu Zhiwen (information) Sichuan news network-Chengdu business daily reported on March 24 Dragon spring night, "coat" of Zhu Wen a song I want to go home, moved to a national audience, on the rise in popularity diablo 3 gold, a new star rising the grassroots. Today, he will take part in an activity in the Metro, and Jun Dai, Tong Zirong, and other stars performed in order toThis event yesterday, Zhu Zhiwen arrived at the Chengdu, the Chengdu business daily reporter Hotel interview, the last few days now he has made no secret of their tiredness, "I don't want to go, too tired. "Haven't been back home after the Spring Festival evening before yesterday to see Zhu Wen, has repeatedly stressed that he was tired of its brokers diablo 3 gold," 6 points to catch a plane in the morning, too tired to death. "Hotel of Zhu Wen wearing a dark purple shirt from walking out of the room, strong to cheer up a mouthful of Shandong Chamber and talk to reporters. Before and after the Spring Festival evening show live, Zhu Wen's biggest sensation is tired than before, very short amount of time at home. He said recently in a time of 4 days, "not used". His home knows that he is not at home now, "I do not,Look at my family's yard, see I keep chickens and geese, are holding the State of mind. "But he also said, before and after the Spring Festival evening appearance fees and no change. Too tired want to go on Zhu kept coughing during an interview, interview was interrupted, "cold", he said. Lift themselves held in heze city CPPCC members, did not attend the meeting, heTold a press conference there is always a lot of delay, "not that I don't want to meet, there is always a lot of things take time, such as going to a meeting, Spring Festival evening show is not to go on, program group does not agree with the holiday over there. "Today he would sing the song of the rolling East passing the water of the Yangtze River. His fame also expressed frustration to myself, "now fans hope that I continue to develop throughout the country, what can I sing betterIt. "He was the topic of conversation, and" I don't want to go on like this. Conditions are now better than in the past tera power leveling, but especially tired. "Zhu Zhiwen effect fame life to his character," used to be very kind gentle, now so tired that my character was bizarre. "(Editor: Cao Shuangshuang) Others:

tera gold expected price US $ 70 million. United States national broadcasting company on 23rd - BVV

129771694348593750_20 <a href="">diablo 3 gold</a>According to Xinhua News Agency Switzerland a jeweler to create the world's first diamond ring tera gold, expected price US $ 70 million. United States national broadcasting company on 23rd, Switzerland the manufacturer "Chavs jewelry" launched the world's first diamond ring. Ring weighs 150 carats, by the Chavs jewelry President and CEO muhanmode·shaweishi spent a year designing and manufacturing.On with the policy of supporting different diamond tera power leveling, the "real" diamond ring Diamond to create a full block, using laser technology combined with traditional diamond cutting and polishing techniques, has applied for a patent, expected price may be set at US $ 70 million. () Others:

swtor credits we have passed 5 - CXG

129760783657812500_23Tan Jin London concert broadcast on, "for the ocean in" new coordinates Tan Jin. NetEase entertainment on March 12 the night of March 10, CCTV prime-time broadcast of the national people's Congress, ensemble singer Tan Jing "London Agreement" United Kingdom concert in Royal Albert Hall, was welcomed by all Chinese people found the carrier of Chinese culture through music, rapid rooting, flowering stage in world culture, "for the ocean"Is becoming a new fashion of Western culture. Golden Hall in Vienna from 2006 to 2011, United Kingdom Royal Albert Hall, we saw a thought, of the history of China's young musicians also followed Tan Jin common witness of Chinese culture from the inside out dazzling Guanghua moving charm of sporadic, let us more with "only national,Is the world of "this classic quote. Throughout history Chinese culture had its heyday of prosperity "to celebrate" shengjing, settle for "cultural colonialism" of humiliation. However, whether it is "he" or "cultural colonialism", both the good times and the adversity, cultural influence in the spread in the course of history, as well as the confidence of the national culture and consciousness are the sameAnd so important. For thousands of years diablo 3 gold, passing from has not been devoid of roots of the culture of the people in flesh and blood, Yangyang continue, we have passed 5,000 years of culture resources. In particular held 17 plenary session last year, but blew the Horn of cultural development and prosperity, the party and the Government "out of Chinese culture" slogan, making Chinese culture in access to national identity, There are to the world, the opportunity to take root in the world. Tan Jin became one of the few dared to "person to eat crabs" for artists and cultural workers in China and actively carry out bold exploration, continuous innovation tera power leveling, and strive to spread a good start. Carefully watch the concert is not difficult to find, start from Tan Jin debut, European audiences emotions after the novelty of stunning,A little change to the amazing after being conquered. If the sky and the qiaojia courtyard let the audience see the strength of the Chinese singer, from the beginning of the Silk Road, demanding the European audience to experience what is real Chinese music, what is the Chinese nation's music. Chinese folk music and Western combines rock, blues, such a break with tradition, daringInnovation is the need for courage and daring, this step out, will be subjected to tests from the audience and industry peers. Concert was ultimately critical of European audience recognition and love, also received a high evaluation of mainstream Western society, also spoke highly of by Chinese and overseas Chinese at home and abroad, even by the mainstream Western media and spoke highly of the Chinese and foreign media in China, which also makes the cultureMore confident, more conscious. Tan Jin will sound forever in a 151-year history of the Palace of Europe's most outstanding art "United Kingdom Royal Albert Hall" swtor credits, also became the first picture hung in the Hall Art Gallery on the singing artist in China. This is not only proud of Tan Jin, is the pride of Chinese music. Others:

Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling 32 - TYM

129773160454531250_23According to voice of the Yonge-Canton news reports, from the mysteries of massive staff retrenchment by 2011 results, data, midea electric appliances annual report revealed the dramatic changes of home appliance giant. Behind the layoffs of more than 30,000 people, midea electric appliances are going through what? Midea electric appliances recently released its 2011 report tera power leveling, big layoffs of more than 30,000 people hit a record of a-share listed companies laid off in recent years. Annual reportIn 2011, the end of America's total number of employees was 66,497 people, 32,179 people less than at the end of 2010, plummeted by more than 30%, and the sharpest production personnel to nearly 35%. People may think that winter comes, the goods cannot be sold, reduced production, firms are laying off workers is the most direct expression, is not surprising. Not, The relevant figures also show until the first half of 2011, the United States remains in the mass recruitment of staff tera gold, that is to say until last year, there are many new recruits for college graduates. If you take into account these new, beautiful cuts last year will be more than more than 30,000 more. Expansion or contraction is the United States? In accordance with the relevant data show that electric of the United States in recent years has beenMass employee enrollment, when in late 2008, only the total number of US 40,800, just two years after the end of 2010, this figure becomes 98700 people (about 100,000 people). Analysts believe that "layoff" is likely to be electric of the United States under pressure from the publication of the annual report, no choice but to make the move diablo 3 gold, because the data is goodAlways one of the master key to investor confidence. In good time, in order to allow more investors to invest, for the annual report should also have a corresponding processing. Fang Hongbo, Chairman of electrical response of the United States, American sales company is really tight for the winter, but not "organized" and "specific quantitative indicators" jobs. Midea refrigeration Group Vice President, spokesmanWang Jinliang said, under the influence of household electrical appliance industry as a whole, the present initiative is a business initiative, increase the added value and operational efficiency of transformation of a performance. The actual situation, you may also continue to watch. Background big expansion appliance development strategy has been the United States, corresponding to the number of employees doubled is a leap in investment in fixed assets of the company in recent years has increasedLong. According to the end of 2011, American Electric Appliance 08 5.024 billion at the end of the carrying amount of fixed assets increased by 113%, end by 08 in amount of construction in the book, at the end of 2011 and construction of fixed assets rose by 08 in total amount. Seems fine lines and the blind pursuit of scale of expansion may not meet whenSituation before, main crop production mass layoffs by the end of last year, more than 30,000 people left the production line is not seasonal layoffs. With the phasing out of State for consumer stimulus, chill in the household appliance industry sales weak market strong, blind expansion of scale lead to overcapacity, steering us appliance before this expansion of sharp contraction,Sino-US electrical 2011 represents a new development environment, successful development of original size-oriented model is unsustainable, timely to propose and promote the strategic restructuring of the company, which appears in the industry under the background of dramatic changes of the current electric of the United States is seeking a restructuring, it means that the United States end of electric expansion era. For the United States, and overcapacity led to bigAmount of idle assets is a business enterprise within a long period of time have to deal with the problem in the future, a large number of idle capacity not only occupy the companies huge amounts of money, and the resulting depreciation expense will rise in production costs, weaken cost competitiveness of the enterprises, layoffs of short-term economic benefits cannot offset the huge amount of idle assets risk of, so I have to say the United StatesThis is a stopgap approach but move. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not show confirmed its description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

swtor credits "therefore - ZLH

129773160538437500_198Headquartered in Washington, the World Bank announced on 23rd, from United States Jin Jin Yong engeqi・aokongqiao-Ivella, Nigeria and Colombia's José Antonio Ocampo, will participate in the race, Governor of the Bank of new. Korean-American medical expert, United States President of Dartmouth College Jin Chenyong received the same day United States President Barack Obama's nomination. "Now is the time, we should letOne for development professionals to lead in the field of the world's largest development institution, "Obama said in the rose garden of the White House," I believe that no one is qualified to play Dr Bicking this task ". According to Reuters, jinchen nomination be Korea, and Canada and France support. France Foreign Minister Alan・zhupei said, there is no reason to break the "practices". The face of United StatesIn World Bank voting mechanism holds the largest single voting share of advantages, Finance Minister of Nigeria, one of the candidates aokongqiao-Ivella did not lose heart. "I think it is a very important global institution of the World Bank, in particular for developing countries, (candidates from those countries) have the ability to play the best leadership," aokongqiao-Ivella 23rd says tera gold, "therefore,I look forward to a strong competition between candidates, do I believe? Absolute. "Aokongqiao-Ivella's nomination is South Africa, Angola and Nigeria supported. Brazil country nominated Colombia Ocampo, former Finance Minister. Prior to this, in the field of poverty relief and development experienced United States economists, Colombia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, volunteer, made to stand for electionPresident, also Kenya tera power leveling, Member of the World Bank's support, but did not have the support of the White House. 23rd Sachs gave up competing support jinchen compete for World Bank President. The World Bank said in a statement the same day, 25 members of the Executive Board of the World Bank from 3 candidates will elect the new President. The next few weeks, the World Bank in Washington on 3 candidates for interview,Step is scheduled in April this year prior to the spring by electing new Governors, summarizes the consensus.   World Bank's current President, Robert Zoellick, announced on February 15, he will not seek re-election after expiry of the term of Office in June this year. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. VoteFunding operations swtor credits, at your own risk. Others:

star wars credits 129760628585937500_0 - ZVI

129760628585937500_0Nielsen survey shows 56% of United States households own a game Consumer research company Nielsen Entertainment, has released its annual "United States game: a 360-degree perspective" report. According to the survey results show that more than 56% of United States households own at least one modern consoles tera gold, 24% family owns at least two games host, host family only has three games 6%. This survey reportResults will also display, mobile and Tablet PC game rise significantly, have three families of children aged 6-12, while you have a Nintendo DS or Sony PSP buy swtor, or has Apple iOS devices. IPhone games as a whole are evenly distributed among all age groups, and play a game using the Android platform star wars credits, most ofAdults. In the United States among families, 24% consumers would choose two or more games on the gaming device, in 2009 the number was 17%. According to a survey, 65% game console is placed in the living room. Nielsen survey report surveyed the number of up to 3,000 people. Others:

tera power leveling 129773438554062500_18 - AWD

129773438554062500_18 <a href="">swtor credits</a>Kidney transplant tera power leveling, it is not that simple star wars credits! "Transplant" what conditions must be met? Kidney transplant will have any impact on people? Kidney transplant about how much it costs? (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

tera power leveling won the national Derby - XKS

129773184546406250_186March 26: 2-0 defeated Inter Milan, won the national Derby, Juventus still in the points standings behind AC Milan 4, had not been opened the gap. Juve coach Antonio Conte accepted an interview with the Sky Sports after the game, he praised his players, and wished the AC Milan can beat Barca. Antonio Conte in tears after the match, particularlyLess handsome explained that "Unfortunately, yesterday one of my Aunt passed away diablo 3 power leveling, she was very good to me, just like my second mother, she has taught me many things, I know that she has been with us. We have won this important game in order to continue to compete for champions tera power leveling, at the same time also allows fans to enjoy the joy of victory. "Inter Milan to Juventus in the match makingA lot of trouble diablo 3 power leveling, Antonio Conte said on Inter Milan's ranking is not to understand, "I have been on Inter Milan's ranking is very confused, in a single game, Inter Milan can beat any team in the world. Matt had a scoring opportunity of the first half and we, but they had many break chances. "Antonio Conte then refers to a poor first half performance by the team because" IKnow what kind of problem we are suffering, our week and AC Milan playing 120 minutes in the game, so we are both pressure and tension, but inter are different, they have no baggage. We performed very well in Florence, and not at the door let the points gap 7. Milan has been praised for the strength of the team, if not the Juventus hardClose to follow, you can almost see their Pocket champions. "Del Piero leave message after the end of the season, Antonio Conte said," del Piero, Buffon was the team's valuable asset, is now, del Piero is now in good condition, so his playing opportunities. This ball is the return of all his efforts, he contributed to fans, for me and for the team to enter theA goal. We believe that the interests of the present team is the most important, the rest still have plenty of time to resolve. "Just 53 minutes of the game for two players on one after another, Antonio Conte is the explanation," intermission in the dressing room when we all want to change the odds on the field, and I announced the forthcoming adjustment tactics and personnel. We are fortunateReplaced by bonucci and del Piero, we reversed the first half and weak. Bonucci and again gives us a high quality defense, we discovered the benefits of his body. "Finally, Daniele Conti speaking of a AC Milan's championship race," we are champions still have faith? Milan have won the League Championship, I must objectively say: that AC Milan is Italy's most powerful teamsAnd I hope that they will race in Barcelona in the outstanding Italy glory. Although they may be a little bit tired, but this little thing can be hard in Milan. �� () Others:

diablo 3 gold but calculate return on capital investment - LYV

129760833649375000_54Bank Governor denies "Bank profits," said "Banks are profiteering industry? "This economic group of the National Committee on a panel discussion of the March 10, causing bankers and economists attending the discussion. Bank executives denied the Bank profits, think that the present high profits in the banking sector mainly due to expansion in assets, return on total assets is not high. "Banking profits in the end how many? "The end, Hong Qi, China Minsheng banking said, "sometimes the profits are too high tera power leveling, embarrassed himself published" this banking profits in the forefront of public opinion immediately. According to the China Youth daily reported, on March 10 on the group discussion, former Deputy Director of the State administration of taxation Xu Shanda has once again raised about "Silver industry profits" problem, he asked Finance Committee, "You read in the newspaper that said that your bank has announced profits are high I'm sorry, after all how much profit for you? "In response, Li ruogu, Chairman of China import and export Bank believes that" banks 7 trillion in new loans every year, to 12.5% the capital adequacy, banks profit of 1 trillion a year, 800 billion additional capital, the rest of dividends as well as costs, Big government has taken away! "In another venue, the Governor of the industrial and commercial bank of yangkaishengti and the topic also said, said Bank of China poor depends entirely on usury for high profit this is not quite true, current banking General spreads level is around 2.5%, around the world, the Bank spreads are not high, is on the low side. "Banking capitalReturn is 20 times the real economy "at the meeting, but the date of the original Bureau Deputy Director Li deshui believes that" banking capital is high, but calculate return on capital investment, return on capital of the Bank was 20 times that of the real economy! Profiteering is a bit bias, but tricks a lot the last year the banking industry cash-strapped and cardiopulmonary bypass financial advisory fees, such as fees, the new pop upTo many issues. "The national people's Congress, Chongqing Mayor Huang qifan, had also said that the interest on bank deposits and loans between the gap in China by more than 3 percentage points, thin air than any Bank of the world took two points, both of these points are more than 10 diablo 3 power leveling,000 yuan. If the Bank does not take more than 10,000 yuan, has meant that industrial and commercial enterprises, the real economy of more than 10,000 Yuan LiRun, or reduce the cost of more than 10,000, banks in this area "does not enjoy special privilege to eat too much." According to the latest statistics of the China Banking Regulatory Commission disclosed according to the 2011 commercial bank net profit is 1.0412 trillion yuan diablo 3 gold, compared to 2010 net profit growth rate amounted to 36.34%, commercial banking day "gold" 2.853 billion yuan. Expert saysBank high profit contrasts with the collapse of private enterprises by the Central University of finance and Professor Guo Tianyong (Twitter) told reporters that in 2003, began his banking reform in China, nearly 10 years, Bank-high growth rates. In 2011, the real economy problems, sharp drop in the business performance of enterprises, small and medium enterprises loss close down more. Under such circumstancesConditions, banking profits continued to maintain a rapid growth, and contrast for the formation of large banking blamed that fire and ice double days. Resolving Bank profiteering issue, on the one hand, to break the monopoly of State-owned commercial banks and big banks, reducing barriers to financial institutions, further opening up the market, in order to support private finance, into the orbit of legalization, Sunshine�� Full competition in the financial markets. The other hand, the promotion of market-oriented reform of interest rates. The Bank cut interest rates through unilateral or bilateral and spread out. Others:

swtor credits gold is also an asset. Central banks in General to hold dollars - HQK

129773214326250000_19 <a href="">diablo 3 gold</a>United States uncertain economic recovery, European debt crisis and scudding clouds. In this uncertain situation, avoiding systemic risk, capturing wealth creation opportunities swtor credits, has become a matter of concern to investors. "Gold's upward trend has not ended, if you have a relatively low position this year swtor gold, you might consider approaching buy some gold. "DBS Bank Treasury marketing Senior Vice President Wang LiangOn March 25 in the "journey to 2012, DBS Bank a big Fortune Global Forum", said DBS Bank continues to look after the future of gold movements. WANGLIANG believed that Lehman bank failure and the European debt crisis, highlighting the vulnerability of some wealth on paper. Choice of after the financial crisis, many investors tend to be real. Real choice is not much, precious metals are all the more confidence of real。 Although from 1900 USD/oz Gold fell to more than 1600 dollars, but gold is higher monetary properties of metals. In addition to higher foreign currency properties, gold is also an asset. Central banks in General to hold dollars, but now has become a gold buyer. Others:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

diablo 3 gold Superior multimedia performance flagship solo LT18i latest reported $ 2 - PYH

129773162600312500_56 <a href="">diablo 3 gold</a>Superior multimedia performance flagship solo LT18i latest reported $ 2,497 Edit comment: LT18i in addition to exquisite styling and powerful multimedia features for hardware performance is good, MSM8255 high-throughput single-core 1.4Ghz CPU diablo 3 gold, running both the practical application and the results are quite satisfactory, 512 RAM, while a small but the whole machine runs smoothly and confirm next year upgradeable 4 system, the valueWas concerned. [Reference]: Sony Ericsson LT18i (Xperia Arc s) $ 2 diablo 3 gold,497 Others:

diablo 3 gold on the offense and defense onTo make adjustments. "Thunder - OES

129773438788593750_628 <a href="">swtor credits</a>Yahoo Sports News March 25, local time, Western sheep Thunder arena 103:87 blow heat, won a battle of focus, Kevin-Durant won 28 points 9 rebounds 8 assists, deweien-Wade cut team high 22 points. After the match, Wade in the dressing room was "impetuousness" not only face in thought and in response to a reporter's questionWhen pain team defense "stink", twice refused to answer questions about the attack. After the match, Wade was lost, bare upper body sitting in the closet there, his face with both hands, looked painful. Well, he is packing up ready, press conference, he said, "they played very well, on the defensive, they handle the ball very well, on the offensive diablo 3 power leveling, they show very good execution. They useOur mistakes, our defence in the stink, we have to play our own style, have to make adjustments. "This evening, Wade gave talked about adjusting a couple of times," frustrating "meaning," they are a very good team, we must not be taken lightly and then diablo 3 gold, we have to make the necessary adjustments, repair his mistake, on the offense and defense onTo make adjustments. "Thunder, he said," their movement capacity is very strong, and we played them last year, now they haven't met for a long time, we will have to make adjustments. "It is clear that Wade for bitter failure, and appeared for the team's problems, he was very angry. A reporter mentioned his three got 22 points, but the fourth section has noHand, no score, this is going on, Flash, the coldly says, "I would rather not comment on this issue. "Later, also a reporter that they attack on the implementation issues, Wade is also a sentence," I don't want to talk about the attack. "Not very angry, Wade acting not so this evening. This fiasco may have genuine tenderness Dwyane Wade and the heat! (Editor: Wang Fengxiang) Others:

star wars credits 129773214437812500_240 - WOK

129773214437812500_240Bridgestone Corporation announced the other day looking for new resources to replace the current natural rubber in tires of the main raw materials accounts for a large proportion, the natural rubber from rubber trees.   As one of the Bridgestone United States tires the company is in the United States Southwest on "Silver rubber Chrysanthemum" research and development. Bridgestone as a major component of agriculture and supply chain processesTwo-pronged programme on "Silver rubber Chrysanthemum" breeding and cultivation techniques tera power leveling, optimization of process conditions, such as natural rubber processing.   This research to be undertaken by thematic groups in the 2012 new experimental farm and is expected in 2014 was put into use by processing technology research facility tera gold, is expected by 2015 to begin test production. Bridgestone wants pass"Silver rubber Chrysanthemum" for representatives of various biological materials for research and development star wars credits, and ultimately tire of sustainable raw materials 100%. Others:

swtor credits list of alternate all-star game in the United States on Thursday local time - DBA

129732242318908750_287SINA sports news Beijing time on February 6, list of alternate all-star game in the United States on Thursday local time (Friday Beijing time) announced that Dirk Nowitzki in an interview today, themselves enough to play all star. Dirk Nowitzki said in an interview: "the data in this field are 15, 16, I do not think that qualified as an all-star.Of course, we know to wait and see the results. In my opinion, all star is a build-up of those where players of great talent, I think there are too many talented young players in the League are qualified to go there. I think Aldridge (microblogging) is one, he is a great young player, his level of competition very ornamental. Blake-Griffin (Micro-blogging) and Lefaux, they have a great competition diablo 3 gold, in short, in my position, there are lots of good choices. "At present, the striker of the candidate in the West swtor credits, Aldridge was top, Lefaux, Millsap, Gasol, who has hope. As of this season, only Kobe, Garnett (micro-blogging), number of Duncan winning consecutive all-star Dirk Nowitzki, Dirk NowitzkiAs of this year was selected for the all star lineup for 10 consecutive years. Dirk Nowitzki doesn't care about this, he said: "for me tera power leveling, now the most important thing is to find the match, let my body recover for the feel of the game, feeling helps me to get my shot. In my opinion, it is much more important than participation in all star thing. We (calf) hoped that after the all starCharge forward, which is why I consider reasons. "(Big face cat) Others:

tera gold see profits pressure - URZ

129764880433437500_34Kuangminbin: China temporarily under 21,600 stick to one's guns KGI Asia chief operating officer kuangminbin said the United States chiefly unemployment benefits fell to a low level in recent years, continued expansion of manufacturing activity and production price controlled, closed up about 0.5% New York comprehensive high last night, the Dow and NASDAQ closed and 13,253. In addition, the funds out of bond markets, further interest rate 10-year bond edged up to 2.28. Hong Kong stocksAfter approaching again top of the infested area, see profits pressure; and published after the performance, many companies financing programme, also the city constitute a certain pressure. In addition, investors also watched performance of the a-share market after the recent sharp fall. Hsi main point of resistance in 21,760. Hsi Thursday closed the hammer form, technology tera gold, large fall in 20 antennas (21,299), Plus the MACD remained poor bear diablo 3 power leveling, reflects the technical trend is still weak. Hang Seng index for February first resistance high 21 swtor credits,760, and the next resistance is seen in 22,000 points. Support, the Hang Seng index's first line support for 250 days (20,823), the next support line is seen in 50 days (20,533 points). Others:

diablo 3 power leveling and we must maintain stability. "After the match - RAD

129773214977968750_45Bynum: poor defense led to defeat Bryant: grizzly bears very comprehensive Yeah sporting March 26: Beijing time on March 26, the Los Angeles Lakers to take charge, Staples, acting mengfeisihuixiong, end the Lakers in a 96-102 loss to the Grizzlies. Before today diablo 3 power leveling, the Grizzlies suffered its third season, lost to Kings respectively, pioneer and fast shipping, but they ended the season, beating the Lakers. House competitions, cover cut 18, MayoGet 16 points, 12 of which came from the fourth section. "This evening, we can sleep at ease," grizzly bear master Conley said after the game, "I wanted to in the past week, we have been sleeping too well, and am glad to be able to get a victory. "Conley House out of 13 points and 8 assists, Tony-Allen contributed 12 points. "We started to play very well,"Grizzlies coach Hollings said, "our first play with passion and commitment. Our team is full of energy. "The Lakers, thanks to Mani Ratnam investment and cut down 30 points in 11 of 16 swtor gold, Bryant got 18 points and Sessions respectively, Gasol-15 4 get 16 points and 14 rebounds. "We cannot ignore is what makes us a great team, that isTo do a good defense, "Gasol said that" offensive end, regardless of whether we can play better, but at least at the defensive end, and we must maintain stability. "After the match, when talking about the Lakers what problems, thanks to Mani Ratnam brief summary says," Defense let a setback. "Grey Kumaki said, victory is a victory not only for today, but also to help them out of theRecent downturn. "In the past 10 games, we've been playing is not very good, we were bored, we believe that we are a better team than that. "Mayo said," for us, this victory is out of the mud, is also out of the downturn. "Section earlier, grizzly bear was once set up a 14-point lead, but the LakersThen play a strong wave of offensives, regarded the score fanchao 1 diablo 3 gold, but the Grizzlies responded quickly. "They are a very comprehensive set of team," Bryant said, "they have height, speed, good passing hands. Extension of their players are very good at passing. "" They have a great performance at the defensive end, their hands are very active, and sent out a lot of tackling�� �� Others:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

tera power leveling often it's patents will not be able to get very good protection - XRH

129762943202187500_104Gree electric appliances Dong Mingzhu: shelter allow electrical equipment store Interview with Dong Mingzhu, President of gree electric appliances NetEase finance, March 14-day, Dong Mingzhu, President of gree electric appliances said in interview with NetEase finance, its main recommendations made two this year, is hoping to standard location for storage of electrical equipment of buildings, the second is the hope Enterprise independent innovation and intellectual property protection. Previously diablo 3 gold, American electrical and gree electric patented technologyControversy has caused widespread concern in the community. Dong Mingzhu, which is one reason why its relevant recommendations. Dong Mingzhu suggested that enterprises at the time of invention, research related to environmental protection and energy saving technologies, often it's patents will not be able to get very good protection, between us and the United States, for example, our product patent is stolen by it, we lawyers case for three years before winning. SheThat, for lack of patent protection is detrimental to the independent innovation of enterprises, but also grow reluctant to innovative enterprises prefer to steal other people's ideas. In addition, mentioned Dong Mingzhu, many users want to install for homes with central air conditioning, the current building did not set aside space for a good, bring life to the installation can not be guaranteed, this is aVery big problem. Dong Mingzhu, air conditioning bracket after the aging may fall down, if any danger is pedestrians walking below, we imposed the construction of country houses per household has to have three square, square or two of electrical equipment store, easy to normal repair and maintenance, as well as electrical installations. She said, believe that the proposed Department of housing building soonCan be accepted. Writing memoir: NetEase finance: can you talk about some of the points you brought the two sessions this year? Dong Mingzhu: actually, I brought this idea is still just around our industry is that we now find the housing, urban housing that also change air conditioning requirements, many users is to install this type of household central air conditioning,Right now this long structure building process, not to set aside a good space, which brings life to our fitters is not guaranteed, is vulnerable to danger, dozens of buildings, for example, how do you ensure the installation of life, this is a very serious problem. Second is because the machine is large, where do you hang a wall, a long timeWeather yihou, does not necessarily which day may it of bracket appears problem of when, on may collapse down, past we also in heard had has so of phenomenon diablo 3 power leveling, such as in with has ten years, and eight years of, consumer themselves with with also no this feel, but actually that steel frame ten years yihou on occurs changes has, so does not know what when day just off down has, following if has linePeople walking is very dangerous. So I think that in a civilized society constantly change when these security issues before us is. So I make a suggestion, proposed housing construction on the construction of housing in our country, to have a forced requirement, is that every household must have, should have a three square, square or two externalElectrical equipment of a secure storage place, easy to normal repair and maintenance, easy to install, this is a general question of daily. I believe that this proposal should be housing construction will soon be adopted. But there is a more important issue we have, is the current transformation and upgrade of our country have been imminent, and in fact also said last year, thisYears in a main position, how we produce products energy-saving, environmental protection, is also necessary to solve the problem. But at the time of invention, research on these technologies, often it's patents will not be able to get very good protection, between us and the United States, for example, our product patent is stolen by it, we lawyers case for three years before winning,In this case, I think it is detrimental to the independent innovation of enterprises, combat enthusiasm, but also grows, is to give them those reluctant to innovative enterprises, is because you don't have any severe punishment, they prefer to steal other people's things, than to create something better, because, after all, come too easy. China to go to the world, to moreEnterprise to go independent innovation of road, so we had playing this lawsuit really of is two a purpose, a purpose is to playing woke up he, sued this lawsuit to called they head sober, must to go independent innovation of road, second a to told integrity, told moral, you really of must think I this technology very good tera power leveling, you can to buy I of technology, you does not should with so of a way, So I in joke, this 2 million is District money, if I purely to recovered back this a pen economic loss words, it should pay I several billion, because you in accordance with Taiwan number to broadcast, you three years sold has hundreds of thousands of Taiwan, on 's, so I think is we of purpose does not is purely is to a economic Shang of loss, and more is wanted to hope by so a action, makes we eachEnterprises should have a respect of themselves, to respect other people's thinking. NetEase finance: after the case is there through research? Dong Mingzhu: of course, we do not have the case actually before we knew a lot, but I'd not experienced, I today is one I personally experienced this one example to illustrate this problem.In fact why intellectual property protection issues raised by? Not only because of my own experience I would like to ask, I am a NPC, unable to stand at a corporate level to talk about this question, should stand at a higher level, on behalf of the people that matter. In fact, many enterprises are engaged in independent innovation, and of course our industry enterprises engaged in innovation,But industry independent innovation of the industry more than, their patents, they infringed sometimes only because one can do no better, for example people invented something, support something, well, this man be poached, and he took this thing. As our business is concerned, might you take away something is something we lag behind, we continue in the inquestSome of the more advanced patented technology. But after all you are is a harm to others, especially those companies, finally developed a patented, individuals have very soon, after being poached, so this is a serious business damage, so I suggest is not on our behalf, because I've experience, no, I told you about the mainIs this example tells you. Is like this, for example about patent protection, then it's startup enterprises, such as food safety, I think it is related to patents is, if you invent your own patents, a life which does not harm others, that are very nutritious, then this is the case, then the enterprise sustainable development, the key protection patentsIs to protect some good business to sustainable development. Others:

tera gold the line due to the limited voyages shorter and transport business - VBJ

129760833646718750_47Orient Overseas container traffic growth in Asia will slow Orient Overseas International announced results, looking ahead to 2012, expect a difficult operating environment will continue. In view of the slow economic growth in major markets such as North America and Europe, their level of demand can hardly be a breakthrough. Added delivery of the 2012 budget Super 2011, large new vessels more devoted to European and Asian routes. Shipping since the beginning of European diablo 3 gold, Asian and Pacific routes have changedGood, but due to increased fuel costs have been synchronized, such levels are still not enough to make the operation of the routes to break even. OOCL volume about half comes from Asia route, the line due to the limited voyages shorter and transport business, low profit, but for East-West routes and trade deterioration, provides cushioning. However diablo 3 gold, the Asian economy is not immune to the European andNorth American export market sluggish growth, expected 2012 container traffic growth will slow in the Asian region. 2011 performance failed to work very well in the second half, the group still holding Ying baotai, and through cooperation with the members of the Union and to invest in the future, well prepared for the future. Group capital, financial strength tera gold, have adequate funds to meet emergency needs in the future. Others:

diablo 3 gold 2 - GWQ

129765260872812500_15China Shenhua pays premium being questioned 3,996 gondola curious appreciation As of March 15, China Shenhua on his controversial asset injections, still not explained. On March 2, China Shenhua (601,088. SH) announcement, the company intends to $ 3.449 billion acquisition of power coal-related equity asset of the Shenhua group, further action by the listing of the Shenhua group as a whole. Listed as a whole, for Shenhua group is alreadyThe strategic objectives. But China Shenhua in the asset injections, 3,996 gondola cars travelling no profit record not only assets, value-add 16.49% and inject assets acquisition in high premiums other cases, its profitability is not optimistic. The a-share markets this choice "voting with their feet". Voting with our feet in the market from March 5 to March 7, China ShenhuaShare price drop even Yin-three lines, high stock price from $ 28.17/share to $ 26.45/share, Trojan or 4.67%, is the Shanghai composite index 2.39% or nearly twice times in the same period. "This a day before, the company announced a programme of acquisition of assets of the group, but as a large stocks, China Shenhua decline is far beyond market decline over the same period."Who has long concerned about private persons in Guangzhou of China Shenhua on the China business newspaper reporters, although shares decline of coal stocks as a whole during the same period about, but as the assets into the" good "news of the company, it is clear that investors in Shenhua group injected into the assets of a listed company a bit disappointed this time. Points out that the above private persons, disappointed the market on the one handIn, the company acquisition of part of assets of the Group on the high side. According to the company with the acquisition of assets and the associated transaction notice display, proposed initial public offering of shares of the company stock funds $ 3.449 billion acquisition of Shenhua Group's assets, including: Shenhua group-owned 3,996 railway gondola car assets; guohua power guohua Taicang 50% stake in the company held by GodThe Shenhua group and intertrade company each hold stakes of Hong Kong companies and 99.996%; bayannaoer 60% stake in the company held by Shenhua group. Among them, Shenhua Group intends to transfer to China Shenhua's physical assets for Shenhua group-owned 3,996 railway gondola car assets, the railway gondola cars purchased in 2005 1 November. Up to 2011, September 30, the railway gondola cars the net book value of the asset is $ 3,996 to $. To September 30, 2011, as the base date, the railway gondola car appraisal value is $ 3,996 to $, value-add is 16.49%. Liu Zhicheng silver in the international coal industry analysts noted that such gondola assets is not aloneState enterprises, to date no profit record. Points out that the above private persons, 3,996 railway gondola cars of the company group is a group in 2005 and had to buy tera gold, that is used to calculate the date of purchase, has been used for nearly 5 years to the present time, usually has a certain amount of fixed assets used in each depreciation rate, coupled with its not independent businesses are notProfitability, 16.49% capital increase rate of slightly higher. Takeovers of other assets--Taicang China company. Vibration bimaweihua certified public accountants to audit data showed that guohua Taicang net assets of the company on December 31, 2010 and September 30, 2011 2.373 billion yuan respectively, 2.341 billion, compared with a net profit$ 247 million and $ 180 million, respectively. To assess the baseline date September 30, 2011, the assessed value of the net assets of 2.836 billion yuan. Calculation according to Liu Zhicheng diablo 3 power leveling, guohua Taicang power corresponds to the price earnings ratio of 10.8 times times 2010 estimated earnings and 2011 assessment is 11.2 times times. And also is the acquisition of power assets, Anhui ProvincePower (000543. SZ) acquisition of large shareholders of asset acquisition price is a lot cheaper. On February 24, Anhui electric power said, intended to be used to issue shares to raise $ 1.8 billion, including $ 960 million for the acquisition of Anhui power 80% stakes in fuel companies held by the group, Lee in linhuan coal gangue power plant (2) 50% stakes, qinshan phase II (4) 2% equity. According to the relevant data show that this part of the proposed acquisition of assets totaling $ 125 million annual net contribution interests profit corresponds to purchase price $ 960 million, corresponding to buy PE 7.68 times times. From the acquisition price corresponds to values of the PE, China Shenhua PE to Taicang power acquisition to China than Lee in Anhui electric power acquisition in linhuan coal gangue power plantPE in three assets such as high a lot. Oriental securities analyst Wu Jie, China Shenhua's proposed acquisition of the Group's assets currently look less profitable than acquisition cost higher PE, more than 15 times. This is mainly because: the railway is not a direct contribution to profit; power assets earnings after adjusting electricity price is expected to increase; bayannaoer city still under construction, has not yet entered a period of return.For market on the question of high price, reporter's relevant question interview request made by fax to China Shenhua, said interviews with the outline of the propaganda Department of the company has received, according to the relevant program reporting to the leader, as of press time, the reporter has not received a reply. Private persons, small impact on the performance of the above noted that market injected some assets of the company for this disappointing performanceOn its profitability diablo 3 gold, institutions generally considered that part of the assets on the company's net profit in the short term impact. Ping an securities analyst Zhang Shun in the coal industry pointed out that the injected into the company's assets in favour of reducing and controlling shareholder of the company of the Shenhua group competition, reduce the potential connected transactions, but operational assets, guohua electric power, and Shenhua Shenhua international Bayan NurEnergy company net profits totaling about $ 160 million are expected in 2011 net profit ratio only for 0.4%, less performance. "This quality of assets than in early 2011 the acquisition of assets, acquisition of assets last year contain at least a coal mine and coal-related assets. "Liu Zhicheng believes that in view of the assets are small, its effect on improving the profitability ofAre not obvious. In fact, this is already the second acquisition of Shenhua of China Shenhua Group's assets, but new skills do not inject assets on the company's performance for the first time. In 2007 return Shenhua of China a-share market, pointed out in its a-shares in the prospectus, as part of the business there are differences, Shenhua Group intended to take "mature one, into a home", Through the business assets of the coal and electric power market as a whole. But investors did not expect is that this class is for 3 years. Companies in initial public offering for the first time only at the end of 2010 8.702 billion yuan a-share stock funds, acquisition of 10 held by the controlling shareholder of Shenhua group and its affiliated companies engaged in the coal and electric power-related businesses in the company's equity.Changjiang securities analyst Liu Yuanrui said when referring to the company's acquisition of assets of the group for the first time, although the first acquired the company resources and reserves increased and 20.98%, respectively, but acquisition has little effect on company performance, attributed to the parent company's net profit rose only about 2.3%. Gold analyst Cai Hongyu pointed out that the Shenhua group, there are still a large number of excellentCoal quality (volume of resources about listed companies twice times, 2011 yield to public company 44%), coal chemical industry (2011 tons of coal oil project and 600,000 tons of coal gasification project net profits of $ 400 million and $ 1 billion, respectively) and wind power (capacity 3.37 million-kilowatt the end of 2011, profit margin over 30%) and other assets. Others:

buy swtor after the market in the beginning of the year more than 30% - OJH

129765260869843750_6Fund research, gold rush, weak: Wang yawei leading hot spots offer company Public placement fund research on listed company again showed an image of a "weak gold rush in" map. With the gradual disclosure of listed company annual report, the daily economic news reporter found that in 2011, funds researchers conducting field research is mainly real estate, medicine, hotspots, manufacturing companies, as well as a number of policies to benefit industry stocks, or will occur this year for this FundSought after hot spots. In the overall context of fund research, fund companies around looking for opportunities to clear the intent of the policy, based on the "Twelve-Five" plan, thoroughly become the main purpose of the trip, a researcher at the real economy. The daily economic news reporter from part select more than the typical company in the industry, by showing details of funds field research, with a view to show 2012-year institutional investment and researchAuthority, to be entertained investors. Si Erte: "two kings" overweight research hot spots listed just over a year since the beginning of 2011, Si Erte quickly into the vision of public fund, in April or May of last year the company attract harvest Fund, Zhejiang securities and guangfa securities and securities institutions, such as the field research of the Yangtze River. At the end of last year, institutional investors again set off research heat, only in December, Western International, China Securities, on securities and Cheng Rui 5 institutions such as investment researcher to field research. Research hot spots for Si Erte this agency company, and Wang Weidong Wang yawei management of Chinese strategy optimization management of Xinhua grew both before entering the Division at the end of last year's top ten trading stock shareholders, after the market in the beginning of the year more than 30%, which is about to dispatch"High to go" feast. Two star as the first big raise from the secondary market, or will get money revenue. China vanke a: Research Fund 2011 real estate divestment backhand plate exceptions out of, but as a leading enterprise of real estate, Lyon, wanke, still attracts shenyin wanguo securities, asset management company, China Post venture capital of Wellington, Yinhua Fund, China assetAnd Bo Fund both at home and abroad, such as brokerages, investment agencies and domestic large and medium-sized firms in the field visit visit, meeting and conference call more than 620, is one of the most popular stocks in Shenzhen. Only four quarters of last year, the companies, funds and securities firms will participate in the meeting of up to 24 times, respectively in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Chongqing to conduct. When Bo involved in research fundsBackhand in the last four quarter reduction, body attitude of a typical. Bo theme underweight 1.0435 million shares, fair value when growth reduction of 25 million shares Boshi fund management of social insurance 103 combined reduction of 3.4 million shares. Almost the same period, a bonus insurance gallon more than 53 million shares owned by China life, leading institutional investors in the firm's camp.Drunkard wine: top holdings Fund missed the performance of market in 2011, driven by alcoholic wine since the beginning of this year, ushered in a wave of spectacular rally, rose as high as 50%, has significantly outperform the market, and industry leading dwarfs Guizhou maotai and wuliangye. Top holdings of the unit actually voted the Swiss new creative power and ocean energy and top holdings last year fourQuarter shares to decrease, to a certain extent, missed the proceeds. The same period, long Cheng Tongde gallon theme growth and access to the top ranks of trading stock shareholders a share, to be lucky. The daily news reporter learned that, as early as the first quarter of last year, changsheng, Pu Yin Axa Fund, Fund, Lion Fund fidelity fund and International Fund on 13 fund publicSecretary to field research, thus sparking a public fund layout of alcoholic wine boom last year. However the four quarters last year, participate in field research fund reduced to Boshi, tianhong the company, BNY Mellon 4, massive holdings of the Fund in the secondary market of the wind change, it also makes public fund rather to market participants criticized the effect of participation in research. Xinmao science and technology: offering free performanceWorrying that was presented by new energy stocks xinmao science and technology, suffered in the crash last year snubbed, is not a fund company "visiting" in 2011, the market as a whole down star wars credits, making another typical case. Xinmao science and technology according to recently released annual report, although the reporting period operating income $ 1.209 billion, an increase of 40.06%, but its ownership in listed-$ 65.0029 million net profit of the shareholders of the company, no distribution of profits. Corresponding with, fell in the last year, xinmao science and technology hosted a Shanghai Securities, Taikang asset management Corporation and China International Capital Corporation 3 institutions field research, there is no shadow of a Fund, and as early as 2010, there were Chinese in the institutions involved in field research fund andChina Fortune SGAM funds offering fund the company. But reporters noted that the shares in the company after continuous frustration, selected Morgan Stanley huaxin factor has two consecutive quarterly increase since the third quarter of last year. CR 39: research funds saved differences CR sanjiu 2011 receive the social security fund 111 5.145 million shares to increase its stake, although the shares fell sharply in the first half, notAs the public placement fund research rising in the second half, bodies floating in the consumption concept again heat holds the background, is expected to grab chips hot again. In August or September 2011, China Fund to fund, Jianxin, harvest Fund, Fund, Invesco great wall in the South and more than Morgan Stanley huaxin fund companies going to field research, Jianxin Fund and Bo Fund has repeatedly to research, Showing keen interest. Layout context from the Fund, visited offering fund the research of differentiation becomes evident in two camps, Everbright value of prudential advantage configuration, easy to grow and harvest theme fund holdings of leading the new power cartridge, Invesco great wall reduction of selected blue-chip 1.3 million shares, Taikang life its a bonus insurance product or reduction of 2.4 million shares. �� extended readingRead fund research "followed by" policy since the beginning of the new year, fund companies have nonstop, a researcher at the new round of "grassroots research". "Each week Fellows out there on business. "A Fund's Research Director in Shanghai, told the daily economic news reporter," new changes in the macro-level gradually, some focus on hot spots began to appear in the market, will have to pass more detailed micro-Research for validation. "Since the beginning of this year, with the easing of monetary and credit policy and the real estate is expected, there have been a wave of more substantial rebound in the market. "At present, passive plenty of liquidity, Enterprise real profit downward, from mobile games to the fundamentals of the market game. "Macro-policy Department General Manager Wei Fengchun Boshi Fund said. Thoroughly research and various institutions have come to the conclusionAlso a big gap between. A Fund for small and medium-sized companies in Shanghai, "said combination of credit, import data and feedback of grassroots research, we believe that the domestic economy is still weak, economic data have significantly improved in the short term. "A large fund company managers are clearly optimistic in Shenzhen," from the bottom up research, solid economic fundamentals, in particular the costs proper to develop in a good direction buy swtor, Market expectations of economic fundamentals weakening trend would stop, so we see more of the medium-term economic performance. "The research findings among different is also reflected in the investment policy of the Fund, reporters learned from the number of fund companies show that current industry differences are larger. Real estate research in this year's survey, real estate industry became concerned about CokeOne point. Early in the attack on the real estate sector, long on power of the institutions is one of the major, in this year's policy improvements and advantages under the dual role of the valuation, judgment of the institution for property stocks clearly changed. According to the economic daily news reporter learned that many large enterprises in Shenzhen has received many organizations to research. In addition, two or three lines of urban real estate market researchIn the schedules of many fund companies. "We discovered through research, individual cities of depression than expected. Such as Wenzhou 2011 contract only 90,000 square meters, in million square meter level in previous years diablo 3 gold, is the local government sit. "A Shenzhen fund company managers said. At the same time, real estate researcher in the North after a survey found that althoughRegulatory policy has no signs of loosening, but market demand has begun to rise. "Our investigation in Shandong, transactions are significantly warmer since this year. "" You can see is that property being rendered by the unit's policy up trend. "A real estate fund company researchers said, gradually easing in monetary policy environment, home buyer credit level is also on the mend�� Bo selected fund managers said Malo, variables in the real estate market, possibly after the end of the second quarter, performance for real estate investment, new construction area were Cliff fall. But only in terms of investment in real estate stocks, macroeconomic policy changes may occur in the second half, the current can also be considered. Based on "Twelve-Five" and in the "Twelve-Five" plan in the first year of year aroundIndustry related hot spots for the new five-year plan is undoubtedly the concern of the institutional investors. Reporter learned that, since the beginning of this year, machine building, chemical industry, energy and electronics industry become the object of institutional-intensive research of listed companies. Dacheng Fund said, the demographic dividend ebbs, resource shortages, deteriorating external market environment, macroeconomic policies will be furtherEconomic model, enhance the consumption structure, needs to focus on investment opportunities include the upgrading of traditional industries and emerging industries of strategic investment opportunities. "With the deepening of economic restructuring, strengthened its own advantages, to achieve some success of import substitution of heavy machinery company will be able to come to the fore, and the industry is far from in the stage of duopoly, good future marketThe vast. "The Fund Manager said," we on some segments in the near future, a researcher at industry leading companies for a new round of research to determine the profitability this year will be better than last year, but the profitability of different companies may appear larger differentiation, which also requires we follow up to further tracks. �� Others: