Friday, March 30, 2012

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129773160538437500_198Headquartered in Washington, the World Bank announced on 23rd, from United States Jin Jin Yong engeqi・aokongqiao-Ivella, Nigeria and Colombia's José Antonio Ocampo, will participate in the race, Governor of the Bank of new. Korean-American medical expert, United States President of Dartmouth College Jin Chenyong received the same day United States President Barack Obama's nomination. "Now is the time, we should letOne for development professionals to lead in the field of the world's largest development institution, "Obama said in the rose garden of the White House," I believe that no one is qualified to play Dr Bicking this task ". According to Reuters, jinchen nomination be Korea, and Canada and France support. France Foreign Minister Alan・zhupei said, there is no reason to break the "practices". The face of United StatesIn World Bank voting mechanism holds the largest single voting share of advantages, Finance Minister of Nigeria, one of the candidates aokongqiao-Ivella did not lose heart. "I think it is a very important global institution of the World Bank, in particular for developing countries, (candidates from those countries) have the ability to play the best leadership," aokongqiao-Ivella 23rd says tera gold, "therefore,I look forward to a strong competition between candidates, do I believe? Absolute. "Aokongqiao-Ivella's nomination is South Africa, Angola and Nigeria supported. Brazil country nominated Colombia Ocampo, former Finance Minister. Prior to this, in the field of poverty relief and development experienced United States economists, Colombia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, volunteer, made to stand for electionPresident, also Kenya tera power leveling, Member of the World Bank's support, but did not have the support of the White House. 23rd Sachs gave up competing support jinchen compete for World Bank President. The World Bank said in a statement the same day, 25 members of the Executive Board of the World Bank from 3 candidates will elect the new President. The next few weeks, the World Bank in Washington on 3 candidates for interview,Step is scheduled in April this year prior to the spring by electing new Governors, summarizes the consensus.   World Bank's current President, Robert Zoellick, announced on February 15, he will not seek re-election after expiry of the term of Office in June this year. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. VoteFunding operations swtor credits, at your own risk. Others:

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