Saturday, March 31, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling manage family planning. Later - BMT

129771823082906060_34On December 28 last year, Governor of the fortress of Jiangyin branch of ABC Sun Feng Xia Yaqin, parent, two children and a wife family "outing" Thailand. Then, with no sign of "disappeared".  From here, a bank involved in illegal fund-raising amounts or amounts to $ 200 million in only Governors having flight case "silence" after more than two months, rose to the surface. On March 6, WuxiMunicipal Public Security Bureau for "suspected of harbouring crimes of harbouring" on Standard Chartered Bank Singapore Chinese Embassy staff Wu Eden to criminal detention, she most likely to hold Singapore passports Sun Feng capital flight has provided some help. Family flight carrying on March 6, 2012, President, Wu Eden by Shanghai Police called to talk again, she is the Shanghai Xintiandi branch of Standard Chartered Bank private bankingLine of business client consultants, 31 years old this year, Singapore nationals. On March 6, Wu Eden is not the first time police interviewed by Shanghai, since January of this year, she was questioned by the police several times a customer named Sun Feng. And several times in the past the difference is, this time, her fiance Jason outside the police building failed to wait her out. An hour later, aPolice officers referred to him for an envelope, which is Eden watch Wu, Tiffany necklace and engagement diamond ring received two weeks ago.  Police and gave Jason a cell phone, he and Wu only do short farewell to Eden on the phone. On that day, Wuxi City Public Security Bureau issued a notice of the detention, the 61st Council under the criminal procedure law, to "suspected of harbouring crimes of harbouring" Eden Wu criminalDetention.  At present, Eden, Wu was detained at the detention center of Jiangyin. Eden to customers of Sun Feng Wu, Jiangyin, Governor of the agricultural Bank of Fort branch, on December 28 last year, Sun Feng without the approval of the Organization will go to Thailand Tourism, and never return. Until the Police Office by Jiangyin, Sun Feng's colleagues knew him "escape" tera power leveling, and his flight directly related to the $ 200 million loan shark money gone gone。  Early Sun Feng about 40 years old and steeped 10 financial systems, business skills, corporate world wide connections in Jiangyin, holds a large number of customers. Although disguised cleverly in front of colleagues, but ran away Sun Feng has been prepared. "In late December last year, Xia Yaqin resigned, very suddenly. "Xia Yaqin, says former leader. Xia Yaqin is the wife of Sun Feng,In Jiangyin City, a large clothing company before administration. In addition to Xia Yaqin, along with his parents and elementary school's daughter and son to kindergarten are abroad.  Before the flight, Sun Feng in Jiangyin housing mortgages. Jiang Yin Zhou Wenjing, the new Governor of Fort branch, the agriculture Bank, said Sun Feng carrying flight, its funding is not its depositors ' money, but its individual chipsPrivate lending. "Lenders see Sun Feng" Governor ".  "The Jiangyin police claims that ran away in Sun's $ 200 million less than the amount, but local in Jiangyin, people generally say that throughout the course of illegal fund-raising, Sun Feng mastered the amount of up to $ 300 million. According to local enterprises of Jiangyin executive briefing, Sun Feng "financing" does not specificallySolid project, lenders see was Sun Feng identity, reputation and the ability of local connections and, Sun Feng out of the loan interest is usually more than 20%. Jiangyin branch, the agriculture Bank of people's personal feelings are, Sun Feng fried Futures has been keen in recent years, and suffered heavy losses in the second half of 2011, this may be the cause of its loan repayment no doors, finally chose familyEscaped direct trigger. It is understood that police investigation system of Jiangyin have according to some intelligence, turns different investigators were sent to the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries several times.  Is a message there was widely spread in Jiangyin, holders of Singapore Passport Sun Feng has most likely via Singapore to Canada. Jiangyin City Council police officer said of the police one fan last name, "to SunFeng is a village in Jiangyin of lending funds up to, there are several tens of millions of.  "But because Singapore man Wu Eden in the investigation phase of the case, Jiangyin police unwilling to disclose more information. Private lending chain rupture according to an insider close to the Jiangyin City Public Security Bureau, after Sun Feng Pao Lu, the police find long sand village Party Committee secretaries Zhao Jidi had talked to tera power leveling, as far as the latter says, she mobilized to participate inPrivate lending funds of $ 98 million. According to sources, to Sun Feng Zhao Jidi lending funds may be the village of provident fund schemes. Local villagers say is 80 million, but the local government official said, "had misappropriated at least $ 50 million. In addition, Zhao Jidi myself as an intermediate-level funds to others. "According to the Hua Shizhen who didn'tWilling to reveal the names of cadres said Zhao Jidi didn't know Sun Feng, she nearly a billion yuan of funds borrowed to Sun Feng diablo 3 power leveling, was by a man called Zhao Rufeng. It is understood that the last century 80 's, young Zhao Jidi, Zhao Rufeng duo Hua Shizhen do women work, manage family planning. Later, Zhao Jidi Dragon sand village was elected Secretary of the village Committee, and became a village-owned entrepreneurs, Zhao Rufeng became the head of the Office of the Bank of China, Hua Shi town, retired, Zhao Rufeng jointly opened a pawn of others. In 2009, Zhao Jidi started collective asset lending to Zhao Rufeng pawn shops in the village.  Dragon sand village, Director of the Commission for discipline inspection Wang Qi said, lending to the pawn shop is the result of collective assets in the village village Party Committee discuss and decide. Zhao Jidi to pawn lending, Along with the amount increasing year by year. According to Hua Shizhen the cadre with knowledge revealed, Zhao Jidi also began to attract private financing.  In 2011, the Zhao Rufeng Zhao Jidi describes two projects, one is lending to the agricultural Bank of China President Sun Feng, is lending to China. According to these people, human Feng Sirong days of actual control technology can produce a study a few years ago calledNew films of high-profit products, plans to the products for leading companies to create a public company, such as Zhao Jidi investors lend money to the company at this time, not only can enjoy 30% high interest rates, its capital contribution or as a corporate asset, restructured into joint-stock company converted the original unit. On March 21, the Lotus is located at Jiangyin Hua Shizhen Bridge South of Tin WahTechnology deserted, looking outside the locked steel doors of the company, was deserted, the company built a new factory buildings leaving only the exposed steel foot skeleton.  Lodge a old man said, at the end of last year, the company collapsed. Day of China Science and technology history last name accounting and company money chain is broken, debt of 150 million Yuan, Feng Sirong is arrested by Jiangyin. Then Sun Feng has lostTracing. After Sun Feng incident, Zhao Rufeng is done by Jiangyin police please go to related record. Others:

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