Tuesday, March 13, 2012

world of tanks power leveling richer their investment and hedging strategies - JSB

129756501022187500_112Private line network on the survey of nearly 50 private companies in the Mainland, 54.76% private plans to sell trust products this year, Sun participated in the stock index futures hedging transactions, which participate in the proportion of hedge and arbitrage and 44.44%, respectively. Investigation also revealed that plans by trust private companies involved in the stock index futures, 66.67% has, through its own funds and limited partnership form of futures hedging transactions.   Analysts believe that the hedge will further contribute to the sunshine of the private equity industry product innovation, so that it can, especially turbulence in the market gets in return. Private water, limited partnership hedge in January 2012, the first private equity hedge fund-the Sun-Warburg · seaSet 1 index future arbitrage investment trust recently completed raising of funds and the collection was set up.   Private officially, it means that the sun into the hedge investment stage. Since the end of November 2011, Warburg Trust became the first stock index futures trading business award after trust, private formally into the hedge, Sun times. Prior to this, many private placementOnly through the water in the form of limited partnership hedge investment mechanisms.   For example, forest ownership, Cheng a, b, c wot power leveling, g, and rose Finch of the rosefinch its index of Ding Yuan world of tanks power leveling, neutral, fan base of its fan base first, have taken this way. Sunshine private equity hedging products have made beyond the results of the investment market in 2011. Among them, win money (blog)Management of "win 2nd" are particularly eye-catching. The product to some participation in stock index futures investment wot power leveling, investment manager based on judgment and flexible decision-making of marketing products in stock-index futures on the configuration, under the CSI 300 index fell last year, creating 48.51% performance gains. But because of the high burden on the tax, massive participation of the private enthusiasm of hedging is not high, it alsoLed sunlight in the private equity industry, weak "scenery is no longer".   Hong Rong, Chairman of Shanghai Fortune said in a bear market, if there is no hedging instruments and "hedging thinking", Sun private pursuit of absolute gains can only be empty talk, but also inevitable that more and more "collect alms". Hedge thought more important country rich in Shanghai investing total investment management companyCommissioner Chen Hai-feng, stock index futures hedging is not only a way of thinking is more important than the stock index futures hedging. "Hedging phase not only macro-policy or strategy, there are more ways to go. "Chen Hai-feng told the China Securities newspaper reporter, they started very early with a-share ETF hedging and directional add-issuance policies, former hedge whichCommission risks. And as system of doors open, hedging strategy mode is more. Rong Zhi ratings research fellow Peng Xiaowu believes that domestic partnerships private equity has been at the forefront of the hedge, richer their investment and hedging strategies, investment strategies including the neutral, the relative value of the stock market and macro-policies. He further pointed out that the hedge fund's development depended on financialWider use of derivative instruments, margin and stock index futures in China under the background of the market matures, hedge funds in China's future development space is very large.

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