Saturday, January 7, 2012

after the lock personnel to remove the lock

129667697096709142_92 <a href="">the old republic power leveling</a>China Huaihai network message: we're the people living at home, first concern is the security issue. However since this summer, many cities across the country there were a number of strange case of burglaries. These cases have a common characteristic, it is our home and lock intact, leaving doors and Windows and no prizing marks, but the family's property is being taken. TheseBizarre cases were brought to the attention of many and speculation: the thief by what means star wars the old republic power leveling, can so easily into other people's House? June 22, Ms Wong door locked out, and an hour later, she returned home, only to find the door would not open.   So she had to call Please unlock staff for help. Lock in Hefei cityAssociation unlock Member Hu Qifei: first, the key is inserted will not go on, there is something in it, asked me to open for her to see.   Unlock member tool to lock Ms WONG then breaking down.   Unlock the lock Industry Association Member Hu Qifei in Hefei city: after I break down core, which is the tinfoil in it. Ms WONG's House have been upside downAnd cupboard more than 5,000 dollars were missing. Two days later, on June 24, the tinfoil appear again.   That afternoon, home, who lived in the village of Tongling, found the home key not plugged into lock. Unlock the lock Industry Association Member Liu Xiaoyang of Hefei city: key on the plug will not go on, he thought the lock broke, they called people to unlock, found in theTinfoil.   This situation should be stolen. As expected, he disappeared more than more than 4,000 dollars, a separated by another household with him, also appeared in the same situation, door locks were foreign bodies stuck and opened the door and found or stolen thousands of dollars.   And two after the lock was opened, which has a tin of paper. This Tin note on HefeiUnlock the lock industry association members is not alien, as early as November 15, 2010, they received such help. People called Grimmjow has just married at that time, said his key can not open the door, after the lock personnel to remove the lock, only to find there is a piece of Tin thin paper. Small gejia from cash to jewelry at that time, all the valuable thingsCleaned are thieves, loss of tens of thousands of well. In addition to the tinfoil was found in the lock, no sign of any move and remove the lock itself.   This shows that the thief used this Tin strip unlock the door, and burglary, once the thing is stolen, left the scene and then locked the door. Lock Industry Association President Zhang Ruxiu in Hefei city: we speak, the tinfoil can also unlock it? None of usImagine by. Since then, unlock players often met with the mysterious Tin note. According to Hefei lock Industry Association statistics, from November 2011, the first found this Tin of Hefei city paper in early June this year, unlocking Member has for over more than 600 people of Hefei was tinfoil jammed door locks for lock. In their homes, are all experiencing money stolenSituation.   Lock Industry Association President Zhang Ruxiu in Hefei city: trace do not, and we say, the tinfoil can unlock, we simply do not know before. Door lock and left no trace, but the thief is in and out freely.   The thief is how to take advantage of this little Tin strip unlock the door, to burgle them? Xuzhou Locksmiths AssociationWei Weixin: this grainy see? A smaller exclusion exclusion, a small excluded excluded. Then he put the tinfoil over it. Tinfoil used it cut open, is the distance of the lock it. Billiard distance lock. You see, these 7 marbles of distance. It has 7 marbles, 9 billiard. ()

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