Thursday, January 12, 2012

swtor credits the amount of new listings JSP

129667840535302892_321New shares can be said to be almost "zero-risk, high return", once you purchase, check, income doubles possibilities a lot. For individual investors, while playing new shares is luck, there are still a few tips to be found. By the purchase of new shares revenue = success rate x x per cent effective purchase, the amount of new listings, new revenue to improve playing mainly in the following 3 ways: increase the success rate, improvingGain and increase the listed capital valid configuration. Stock picking stocks is important in the success rate of new unmanageable, but you can choose higher success rate of the stocks. Avoiding hot recovery of lost IPO success rate will have a certain periodicity, investors should move higher success rate when the opportunity to enter to avoid funding focus of attention, get stocks of relatively unpopular. For example, in the same week ifIssue two stocks diablo 3 gold, you should select the less concerned that only. In addition, it should be to analyze the fundamentals of listed companies. Focused funds large stocks if a number of new shares issued, accurately select a bin to strike. Smaller funds of retail investors should be actively involved in the super market shares of the new share purchase, because the State-owned circulation market share, and they have a size or hundreds of millions of, the success rateSignificantly higher than small caps. Select online offering great equity-new rules and the lack of online, offline purchase, for a clear provisions, only that the net purchase amount shall not exceed the total amount issued under 50% swtor credits, which manoeuvre left to listed companies. Proportion of online and offline offerings as "new" important factors network distributed under greater proportion, the higher the success rate。 Cash profits new shareholders in a timely manner after the checking often have this kind of confusion, if I should sell after new listings? Fried process due to a storm of new listings, which have been checked for shareholders as soon as possible deliver profit, or after impact on time will enter an adjustment period. According to the associated stock statistics, China yields on the first day of the IPO company on share price movements of the medium and long term impactLarge yields in the event of a critical differentiation after 3 months, although IPO company on its first day of the 99.75% rate of return is positive, but after 3 months, there are 23.72% of the company fell below issue price. Individual accounts limit new shares is designed to meet the revenue, if it can be reasonable configuration, combined with capital efficiency in the use of fixed (that is, the success rate unchanged) forLarger the purchase, the amount of capital, valid check number, the more in the can, this is an irrefutable truth. To do so would be a prerequisite, is to determine the number of accounts according to the size. For large stocks, may only require investors to my account is fine, but for small and medium-sized stocks, if more funding is needed by family friends opened a few more accountsTo make the new. If you have more than two and a single account to try to bring the account to the ceiling, do not have reached the limit for blindly opening an account is not necessary. Because a single signed-digit number is even number in the account, the maximum may be 1000 (Shanghai Stock Exchange requirements. In Shenzhen is 500) connected to a number, if checked, the new shares is higher than 0.1%, then the individual accounts inRocker number 1 in check, increases the certainty of checking.

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