Thursday, January 12, 2012

star wars the old republic power leveling but persistently high unemployment rate OAK

129668682412187500_111Since the beginning of 2011 Ireland after debt downgrades, markets think Spain will be the protagonist of European debt crisis ultimate burst, then market without interruption outgoing Spain debt almost explosive pot (Busted) messages. However, Spain scrambled to now unexploded, halfway through out Italy. First data, 2010 Spain national debt and domesticGross domestic product (GDP) ratio of 61%, compared to the remaining "four pigs" about 112.9% of the debt ratio is still lagging far behind. Comparative financial stability if countries such as Germany Diablo 3 Gold, and France or the Netherlands, such as debt ratios of about 60%~80%, Spain as well as what the debt situation as serious. Interpretation of European debt problems in the past two years, not only failed to resolve, counter-Has continued to deteriorate as well. The reason, is a powerful implementation of European powers failed to hit the nail on the measure, which of these attitudes and their nationals. Germany and France by the nationals of both countries for economic growth remained robust, Ou Zhuguo grant adamantly refused financial assistance funds, which the two leaders also often hesitant. However the actual economic situation, and whether such as German, French nationals of both countriesThink? Germany, France and China are big buyers of intra-euro area trade and therefore to European countries (especially the "European pig") of commodity exports and financial situation of the countries have a significant impact. Unfortunately, can be seen from Figure 1, either Germany or France, whose imports have been increasing slower than last year, approximately 20%~30% more than half. And in the second quarter GDP growth rate of the two countries are belowA quarter of exports also has the same situation. Thus, nationals of both countries is clearly too optimistic. Eurozone "second brother" France in recent months, often by international rating agency lowering rating, mainly because of its total debt to 82.3% per cent of GDP, a level with Ireland, and Portugal compared to issues such as not far away. "Second brother" distressed, brother to jiujia do? Non-Also! Germany bonds accounts for GDP ratio than France and then a little higher, up to 83.2%. Count on the two big brother saved "European pig"? Hard! Germany and France have enough to do to look after oneself. "European pig" is uncertain. Judging from the bond proportion GDP, Greece and Italy and 144.9%, respectively, far behind the rest of "three pigs" (an average of 83.0%). If a closer look at debt ratio can be seen from schedule until March this year, Greece's public sector debt in the total external debt as much as 22.3%, is a "pig" in the highest. Who is the second highest? Is not a "blast pig" of Ireland or Portugal, Italy, 20.2%. And Italy and Greece more than half of all government bonds are owned by foreign investors�� Presumably Italy debt problem appears to be Greece's pirate. Italy with Greece is like two brothers, both public sector debt and Treasury bonds, they are both debt levels are not low, but what's wrong with that? Of course! Have you not seen this debt restructuring involving Ireland, and Portugal, one of them is because Greece debt has long delay, the other main reason is that the Government debtSerious. Government debt than banks or private debts are more vulnerable to rating agency lowering rating, is the main government debt related to the sovereign credibility problem, once the sovereign false to the people, the consequences would be disastrous. Recently there have been reports that Greece nationals are stepping up from bank deposits and selling has been set as the default of Greece debt, this is because Greece national concerns countries facing bankruptcy riskMachine. Therefore, the Government departments as well as the rise and fall of the national debt amount was sovereign. Italy face problems like the present Greece. Today Greece is tomorrow's Italy. At the beginning of 2010 Greece debt crisis, Greece Government 110 billion euros by the eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund assistance, but it is year after year to tighten fiscal spending painBitter, Greece economy continues downward. Take a look at Figure 2, 2010 in Greece after receiving assistance star wars the old republic power leveling, accelerating down the economy in the third and fourth quarter, until the beginning of the year showing modest recoveries seen better. In this case Italy last "explosive pig", as you can imagine the end is going to be?! German, French economies are facing downside risk, expect this to save European pig? Not paranoia! As for Italy, Its debt structure and Greece similar to last quick-fried pork is only a matter of time. Spain debt ratio is low, or may extend the time of infection with swine influenza, but persistently high unemployment rate, coupled with the serious fiscal deficit. ����Last burst pigs, also is not too difficult! Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. CastFunded operation, at your own risk.

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