Sunday, January 8, 2012

China in October

129668688743750000_2Recent reports about monetary and price policies often appear "revisions", for example, the report of a bank down "save rate", the corrected immediately as "not down just to revert to the original level", and has just reported a change in disguise "buy limit order" after ", announced the cancellation immediately. More reports of "call notification" and so on, without leadership is willing to be interviewed. TheseA great number of amendments or rejected, highlighting the existing macroeconomic policy orientation difficult. In fact, more macroscopic fine-tune measures has not been reported, are "just do not say" category. "Do not only say" rationality is that many of China very unbalanced economic structure complex, regional development, macroeconomic policy with a one size fits all tastes, in large numbers before modifying, all on the local areaDomain have the adaptation swtor power leveling, direction and effectiveness of measures in some respects after the approval, only to do pretty pretty, beneficiaries of tacit. The difficulties private businesses have now was obvious, and spin down economic data also show that economic growth may, but money is still not relaxed, why? Currency of the original issue too much, and too slow to return, if we relax, I'm afraid "Ruined hard-preliminary results ", only when we consistently, for the CPI adjustment levels of commitment to the objective, price control objectives are achieved. Recently there are more important international factors, to decide whether monetary easing have a long period of observation. Recently a message body caused by extensive attention, executives recently pointed out that risk prevention is the eternal theme of the financial sector, it is necessary to guard against systemThis bottom line, regional financial risks. Institutions formerly emphasis is monetary fine tune signals release, such as the Central vote in 28 months, such as the first drop in yields made it happy in the third quarter of the China's monetary policy report on "monetary policy will duly moderate preconditioning fine-tune" his kiss. But risks that found that coexistence of fine tuning and control risks might be, thisSome early week basis for short. But careful study, the conversation can be largely local-oriented processing of financial irregularities. Policymakers also recently said that global economic recovery was the overriding task, if this sentence for domestic, extraordinary significance. In fact, stressed that "preventing financial risks" is also on Tuesday the IMF's first Chinese financial sectorAssessment program report in response to IMF with respect, "systemic risks facing China's big banks, China's banking in extreme cases may result in huge losses". Due to the authority of the IMF, we cannot deny, which local financing platform for credit risk have been controlled processing, mortgage risk in a global context also requires attention, especially after house prices began to fall, the so-calledDown 50% Bank can bear has been widely accepted. Jose Emmanuel Barroso, President of the European Union warned that the disintegration of the euro is likely to face if we do not take action. Europe's debt crisis spread will eventually affect global emerging economies including China, it is difficult to escape. Negative impacts have emerged, China in October, exports to the EU grew by only 7.5%, less than in September,Only per cent in August. Macroeconomic policies must be seen within the eurozone developments may be, must know in order to deal with the most difficult situations, the local government the movie lost, "did not only say" is a response strategy. HSBC launched November China manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI), a value of 48 first became "the bear", but eurozone manufacturingPMI data, 47.1, 47.2 9-12 months the old republic power leveling, check and balance can be seen in the global economy. In this context, macro level only in more subtle ways of easing, naturally limited impact on the stock market.

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