Sunday, January 8, 2012

diablo 3 gold before the Renminbi to pay instead on November 10 PDM

129667750452802892_107On November 18 the morning, when the Chinese consumers when they open their own iPhone in the App Store, the familiar dollar sign "$" changed it on behalf of the Yuan's "us". This was seen as good news in the country's widely disseminated among Apple users, Chinese consumers do not need to go to dollar pricing for mechanically to himself is not used. However, for theFor Apple developers in many Chinese, this is an awkward day, some of the current row of the top 25 best-selling application, ranked fell in just a few days in the hundreds. At the same time, some international ranking of major manufacturers of software once again took up App Store bestseller rankings. Big wave receded, we know who's swimming naked. For some time, due to aPp Store rampant black cards and brush in ranking, ranking widely questioned the authenticity of the application in the App Store, Apple switched after the RMB payment, App Store rankings are actually returned to a normal state. App Store rankings change reporter compared the App Store in China in the Renminbi to pay instead ofTop ranking after ranking and switch to the RMB payment, find this list varies greatly. For example, a call of the island Empire (Island Empire) program within the pay for play, before the Renminbi to pay instead on November 10 diablo 3 gold, ranked bestseller of App Store China 19th. Just use the RMB payment 1119th ranked violent slipped to 116th. November 24, the game had fallen out of the top 300 in China. And falling game rankings with an extensive program of paid games, a number of applications fell in just a few days, dozens of hundreds. Famous plants vs zombies iPhone game developer PopCap company (Po opening game) of China President Liu Kun found that the plant wars zombie's ranking greatly enhanced, and substantial increase in downloads of the game. "Before the Renminbi to pay instead, plants vs zombies on the App Store selling software for China top rankings in between di9dao16wei. "Liu Kun, but reporter 1January 25, the game's ranking soar to second place. Liu Kun said that not only the plants vs zombies, including EA, Gameloft, an international application in the App Store's ranking of the major manufacturers have started to rise. And those ranking slipped badly, you are considered to be more black card users, mostly within the program receiveOnline games. Users of these programs is the first player, higher demands on funds – many of them victims of black card. Prominent Chinese Apple Developer Community cocoachina Chen Hao diablo 3 gold, founder of the University of Chicago noted that many developers are taking advantage of black card ranking of brushes for yourself. The so-called "black card" referred to is not a valid credit card if they are using an invalid credit card, In the App Store for consumption, because the credit card has been frozen in a Bank, banks do not sum settlement to Apple, Apple is not developers into. Atmega international credit card theft is actually behind the business, and has become a business chain. Section e-commerce site has become a black card major sales channels, in which Apple users only need to spend $ 1Yuan you can buy the equivalent of $ 1 App props authorization code. The developer of the World War II Wu Gang also found that the App Store after use Renminbi to pay high fluctuations in the list, "masterpiece ranked overall most distinctive feature is the overseas big company rise. "Wu Gang pointed out. It also gives investors an unexpected opportunity to developers and the mobile Internet,To see real revenue for developers. Nearly a week of App Store rankings are PE investors and developers as the focus list. Brush ranking hit after Apple switched to the RMB payment, famous Kay LiDE navigation software in mobile navigation system restore again to the best-seller list first. Kay LiDE, Vice President of special inspector told reporters that they wereIn paid close attention to use RMB after the change, "overall, we fixed this kind of navigation software users groups, not as a game of downs". In the first few months, Kay LiDE navigation software and guide two famous once from the App Store's selling top positions disappear for a time, this is believed to be because China Pan-Abuse of black cards and brush ranking phenomenon. It makes the App Store in order to become foul atmosphere, making some real revenue software is over. Some Apple developers told reporters, Apple switched to black after the RMB payment cards by effectively combating, at the same time, eager to brush across the whole App Store ranking among is contained, is currentlyApp Store ranking are considered to be reflecting the real income of developers. "The App Store now looks a lot like the list prior to the June List, the comparison is then normal. "Chen Hao Zhi said. This May one day, one called Kung Fu English sudden rise of software by App Store China's bestsellerThe three – the software cost up to $ 899 (about more than 5,800 Yuan RMB), such a high price does not conform to the Chinese consumer spending habits, this is considered a developer arrested for buying selling typical brush rankings. Since then, the black card brush in the App Store ranking growing phenomena, even created a special help developers brush rankingThird-party companies. These companies use illegal means to get black card, some developers apply a brush to a high ranking, to obtain the market concerned. Reporters seen on Taobao, there are several shops can provide this service, called "dingzongqiu" shop in public that, in several countries the brush in the App Store rankings.

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