Saturday, January 28, 2012

Diablo 3 Gold 2004-2011 8. According to the daily economic news finishing - JNV

129668600983437500_56Summary: had gone is the Chinese new year, but also to the "seeding" of the time.  Well, 2012 first document will be the center of focus where? what stocks should we care? Remember earlier this year in the three gorges Water Conservancy (600,116, closed at $ 14.3) for outstanding representatives of water stocks prices do? Yes, it is in the middle of 2011Charm of Central first document. So-called central file, first, that is, the CPC Central Committee issued each year in the first file. Its significance goes beyond this, in the minds of investors, it may lead markets for direction of the force, is a bugle call in the first round each year. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors FuSound: hold stocks saved! Had gone was approaching, but also to the "seeding" of time.  Well, 2012 first document will be the center of focus where? what stocks should we care? /Review/Central fried theme first, into the calendar year will focus on "three agriculture" is the mainstream since 1982, there were 13 Central first documentThe oven. Among them, 1982-1986 5, 2004-2011 8. According to the daily economic news finishing, these 13 in the first 12 copies of the document have no beating around, go straight to "San Nong" theme; by the year 2011, although the topic becomes water conservancy construction, but it is also based on "water is an indispensable prerequisite for the construction of modern agriculture" this considerationCoverage is wide, but the focus still lag in agriculture. It can be said that first, seems to be the importance of the Central "three agriculture" a proper noun.  Not only that, but found the daily economic news, the central placement of the first document in the spring of each year has set off a wave of decent, the historical experience must give investors have confidence in the coming year, the arrival of the new market. Attention "Farmer "proper nouns of first central file at the national, a creed and guiding position in the annual work, the problems mentioned in the first document is the Central need to focus on for the whole year, is the country's current problems should be solved. China is a big agricultural country and agriculture the weak, farmers in the country has the largest proportion in the total population, the peasants ' average living standards in the countryMinimum, by the rural development of the "three rural" problem, naturally became a central concern of the first document focus. Therefore, the CPC Central Committee, was released in 1982-1986 for 5 consecutive years to agriculture, countryside and farmers, the theme of the first Central files, made specific arrangements for rural reform and agricultural development; 2004-2010, also published for 7 consecutive years to "San Nong"Central with the theme of the first document, stressed the "three agriculture" problems in China's socialist modernization period "top heavy" position, and that by the year 2011, Central files, first targeting the water, which is 62 years since the founding of new China, the central document for the first time to full deployment of the hydraulic engineering. This shows that the Central first, seems to be the central importance to"San Nong" proper nouns in the area. 8 years focusing on 6 year impact believes that most investors are not forgotten in January this year in late February and early water plate wave surging market, all eyes focus when in water conservancy sector when the market, as represented by the three gorges water conservancy shares kept investors disappointed, just a dozen sessions, gained nearly 80%. In addition, moneyRiver water (600,283, closed at $ 11.91), Anhui water resources (600,502, closed at $ 13.82), Dayu water-saving (300,021, closed at $ 12.97), are also doing well, cumulative gains 30% level, while the broader market gained about 7%, strong or weak State sentence. In 2011, otherWhat about the year? To this end the old republic power leveling, the daily economic news specifically select each Central first document formally introduced the 2004-2010 years before and after 1 month of data, comparison with the market. Statistics show that 2004-2010 this time, the market's gains, 7.58%, 0.16%, respectively,-, 8.22%,-2.45%, with the same period of agricultural and forestry index per cent,-17.79%,-, 1.72%, 1.56%, 19.95%,. Visible on the Central first, behind the hype guide index of agriculture and forestry in the 7 years, 5 years clearly outperform, Particularly in 2008 that sad reminder of the days when the market fell when a kill, indices of agriculture and forestry remain loud, became one of the few higher index. In addition, the daily economic news reporter also noted that since 2004 mentioning "San Nong" as a central file, first theme, 8 years, the index gained as much as 222.11% of agriculture and forestry, and the marketPer cent to 61.42%.  Advantages of this historical data, am I just a coincidence?  Hair dryer/policy/market-driven agriculture unit began to warm up in late October to the market in this counterattack, agricultural unit has played role of thinking. Policy sounded offensive horns of Anhui seed industry in late October, the provincial government announced a shutModern crop seed industry development in speeding up implementation. News came out, immediately attracting market onlookers, and Anhui Tsuen silver high-tech (300,087, closed at $ 22.74), fengle seed industry (000713, closed at $ 13.26), an instant stock pool of funds entered the market. Fengle seed industry benefit level generic, silver Hi Tsuen is in Anhui ProvinceBuild Super billion yuan output value enterprises one of the best candidates. Side show, October 26, Route Twisk silver high-tech one-day jump Super 8 points, the following week, money even Dayang, gained nearly 40%.  Fengle seed industry have enrolled, have accumulated nearly 20% per cent. Thailand floods caused plate effect of Thailand affected by the floods caused by about 1 million hectares of rice fields in the first quarter waterRice production about 6 million tons, or hurry up international prices, seed price increase.  This became an agricultural unit continued to outburst of catalyst. Driven by such logic, universal Denon (600,371, closed at $ 16.06), denghai.NET seed industry (002041, closed at $ 32.65), Dunhuang seed industry (600,354, closing 22.5), Shen Nong Dafeng (300,189, closed at $ 18.25) succession broke out, eventually driving the rare agricultural index out of the year.  At present Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the agricultural unit has led to a temporary bounce Diablo 3 Power Leveling, but does not shrink back fist to next stronger attack you? Preheating Flash body figure this preheating of the agricultural unit, not justIs idle Starman games, have appeared in body figure. On October 31, at Route Twisk silver behind the high-tech rose 9.98%, main of domestic institutions playing a sweep. One spy too many shows, there were 3 institutions bought seats in coming out, respectively, and $ 5.6987 million to $ 2.8934 million Diablo 3 Power Leveling, HK $, eats about 315,500, 20.950,000, 160,200 units.  On November 4, the new game shares (600,540, closed at $ 8.02) one spy too many shows, in addition to the money to buy a 1-way securities business Department of wenling Donghui North Road, in addition to 2 institutions respectively $ 8.5353 million and $ ranked buy 2 and 4. Body heat holds the agriculture unit ten flows from stocksTong also looked at the clues in the shareholder list. Such as universal German farmers, at the time of the third quarter, a total of 3 private, 1 public placement fund new shareholder entry, Hung Road 3 private equity investments. Its founder Sun Jiandong had to invest in China AMC's popularity and ability after Wang yawei, its total 3 products have universal de 8.1758 million shares, dominated the secondFlow shareholders, three or five seats. /Policy/breeding technology of agricultural science and technology are expected to take the high-tech next year most popular Central first, as the market since calendar year required course, now approaching close to the agricultural unit in a collective to warm up, is that investors can be targeted for the winter "seeding"? the answer is Yes. This week, the daily newHearing reporter, after communicating with many brokerages understands that agricultural science and technology has become the industry speculation about 2012 theme be the hottest non-seed industry.  In 2012 star wars the old republic power leveling, or focus of agricultural science and technology in November, on the market were rumours that the 2012 Central first document would focus on agricultural science and technology. Livelihood security analyst told the economic daily news in mind2011 first, although the focus in the middle of water conservancy reform and development, but deep concern remains food security, 2012 development direction of agriculture is already consensus. Another industry researcher in Beijing pointed out that, because of China's agriculture and rural economy have entered a new stage of development, ensuring national food security, agricultural restructuring, to improve agricultural efficiency, and increase peasants 'Income, improving the rural ecological environment and achieving sustained and stable development of agriculture and rural economy, must promote a new revolution of agricultural science and technology. This view be recognized by the Xin Wang Dongxing securities analyst. He said, China has entered in the advanced stages of industrialization, entered a period of great development of industry-financed agriculture, agriculture and rural development to Rome for the modernization of agriculture, mainlyAgricultural science and technology, speed up the process of agricultural science and technology is or will be the focus of the first document in the future. 6 in or benefit from what is in the field of agricultural science and technology? that is, the science and technology for agricultural production and high efficiency technologies for rural life means, where the high-tech agriculture and high-efficiency agriculture. The daily economic news in communicating with many brokerage analysts after cardingSolutions to, to agricultural science and technology, mainly reflected in the high-tech content of breeding, mechanization, water-saving irrigation construction, scientific allocation of 6 areas such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides, agricultural material circulation. These livelihood security analysts believe that per capita of cultivated land in China is very limited, increase supply must first rely on improving yield Diablo 3 Gold, which relies on the varieties and cultivation techniques for improvement.So, high technology and breeding technology of concern. Agricultural machinery, in the national agricultural and rural economic development in the 12th five-year plan clearly proposes that the focus on strengthening agricultural mechanization to promote public service system construction. "Twelve-Five" total power of agricultural machinery to reach 1 billion-kilowatt, comprehensive mechanization of crop farming received around 60%,Will also improve the agricultural machinery subsidy policy. UBS Securities believes that due to the high threshold of agricultural machinery industry and immature, creating a characteristic of rural market attention to Word of mouth to legend, so, as an industry leading jifeng agricultural machinery (300,022, closed at $ 11.8) would have obvious advantages; are listed at the beginning of this year swtor power leveling, with high-end agricultural machinery research and development, design, productionCapacity, marketing a full range of "new" shares new research (300,159, closed at $ 33.45) whether in Xinjiang grew quickly, are also worth the wait. Central first, plays one of the construction of Water Conservancy works this year is indispensable. In accordance with the deployment, the investment will reach $ 4 trillion over the next decade, water conservancy construction of the golden decade has just started. ItsThe leader in the Dayu pump industry in water conservation, New Territories (002532, closing price of $ 18.36) and so on. Highly toxic pesticides out of the emerging in recent years the Ministry of agriculture policy, environmental protection, high efficiency, low toxicity pesticide market development space is huge, but China's pesticide enterprises mostly generic raw, innovative capacity, with international giants match, poor profitability. TheWell, whether this year's field of water resources in the field of pesticide in order to "catch up" form, have a place in the middle of the next first,? related company xinan shares (600,596, closed at $ 9.58), Evergreen shares (002391, closed at $ 16.81). In recent years, chemical fertilizers on yield-increasing contribution rates gradually reduce, resourcesHigh incidence of, and the environmental pollution and, therefore, became the trend of efficient fertilization. In 2011, the national development and Reform Commission, published in the catalogue for the guidance of the industrial structure adjustment, sustained and controlled release fertilizer for the first time include giving priority to the development of industry, Ministry of agriculture and the Ministry of science and technology are sustained and controlled release fertilizer technologies as a key development plans. Thus, the possibilities for the included file, too, involvedAnd shares of Jin Zhengda (002470, closing price $ 16.95), new chemicals (002539, closed at $ 14.41). In addition, traditional agricultural output and sales were affected by the parties concerned. Because of the "direct farm" to address agricultural products unsalable issues to help farmers, Government continues the policies responsible for agricultural material circulation of faiLung shares (002556, closed at $ 21.85) natural market focus.  Brokerage: focus on Science and technology in the concept of breeding in the above, breeding areas is the most favored brokerage. CITIC Securities researcher Yang Liu told a press conference in 2012, the central theme of the first document, agriculture has been focused on, but farming has always been the important agricultural baseFoundation to safeguard the effective supply of food is the primary task of the agricultural development, food security is the political security, dissemination and application of agricultural science and technology focus areas may be planting. CICC says, policy continues to promote seed industry and the implementation of the future will provide impetus to the development of the s for the industry. From a profitability perspective, domestic sales prices of seeds are still relatively low, the futureObvious liftoff from sales, leading enterprises in varieties rich reserves, new varieties of excellent overall performance, promotion has a great potential in the future, provide a guarantee for sales business continues to grow.  Therefore, gold looking at upgrading of product structure leader of rice and corn business businesses with growth potential, such as the Long Binh Hi, Tsuen silver high-tech, denghai.NET seed industry. Key companiesRoute Twisk silver high-tech: local base of leading low flexibility Tsuen AG-Tech is a leading enterprise. In 2011, Tsuen AG-tech primarily focused on mergers and acquisitions business plan formulation and promotion of elite varieties of rice seed volume and other factors, 2011 annual growth of a low base. But with the promotion of accelerated elasticity of its future performance spaceLarge. The company now has reserves of rice varieties include you two new liangyou 343 new liangyou 223, Hui liangyou 6th, wandao 153 outstanding variety. Tsuen AG-tech now to push for new rice of rice variety, 6th, now its marketing area of more than 5 million acres, are all varieties of rice are within the top three. CICC optimistic estimates, thisTotal promotion potential of varieties will be more than 20 million acres, is the company's future earnings growth potential. Long Binh HI: reinforced cooperation between enterprises and enhance the strength of Long Binh Hi is the world leader in research and utilization of hybrid rice, rice seed market share of more than 17%.  Yuan longping, as the company's Honorary Chairman, holding 4.4581 million shares. DangFormer company has y main varieties of rice, 1th, liangyou 608, c you two, two excellent 1128, where y liangyou 1th is a two-line Super hybrid rice varieties, the gross profit margin of up to 60%. In September this year Diablo 3 Gold, guided by Yuan longping y liangyou 2nd number hundred acre plots average output successfully more than 900 kilograms, an all-time high of the highest in China. In November of this year, the company visionProposed with the Hunan hybrid rice research center sign exclusive cooperation agreement.  It is learnt that the y above you 2nd is the Hunan hybrid rice research centre, national approval variety obtained latest, once cooperation in an all-round way, Long Binh, Hi-y you 2nd is expected to be in the Pocket. Denghai.NET seed: the two main varieties of good denghai seed industry is growing of maize seed industry in ChinaLeader, main push denghai.NET 605 belongs to planting varieties, 3500~4000 plants per MU.  This year is a sign denghai.NET 605 field for the first time, from the perspective of current sampling, denghai.NET 605 of high yield this year has been better validation, heralded for 2011 and 2012 1 quarter results exceeding expectations. In addition, jade 335 still maintained a good growthMomentum. Huatai securities expects this year production area at around 70,000 ~8 MU, 65% revenue in the 4 quarter of this year, this part will be able to contribute to the company of $ 0.303 per share. In addition, the company a modern seed processing plants have sprung up in Zhangye, is expected in August 2012 production, it can form a 26,000 tons of corn seedProduction and processing capacity, and denghai.NET pioneer in Jiuquan production and processing base of only 200 km distance, the future can meet the processing needs of jade 335. Shares new research: positive trend of Xinjiang's regional leader shares new research designed specifically as a regional leader in Xinjiang, the main products include agricultural harvesters, farm machinery, farm and sideline products processing and fruit three broad categories, multiple products areDetermined as national key new product, many varieties have filled the domestic blank.  Product gross profit margin higher, less competition and, at a greater price advantage over similar foreign products, customers apart from Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, North China and central China and other regions. The company's "Xinjiang agriculture and animal husbandry base on mechanical product manufacture and technology achievement transformation project" construction of phase 2,Year, has now completed the investment, forming a 1200 pieces (sets) of agricultural productivity. In the 3rd year, reaches the postpartum formation of farm machinery and equipment annual production capacity of 3,000 units (sets), productivity growth will improve 400%.  As of 2011, the first three quarters, offering investment and progress on a project to 70%. Huilong shares: agricultural material circulation leading honghuilong shares primarily fromAgricultural material circulation business, main business for all types of important agricultural material chain such as fertilisers, pesticides and seeds business, is one of the circulation enterprises of Anhui provincial government focus on fostering mode of operation for "distribution center store". As of the first half of 2011, the company distribution centers have been established within and outside the province 67 new Trojan, a net increase in the first half to join Shop 201, Trojan and has been at the provincialInternal and external development franchise 2,602; all fertilizer companies active in the Northeast, Southwest, South and East China regional development, such as network layout in 12 provinces and set up a company, operating income grew by 138% outside the province, than to the 56.8%. In May this year, the company intends to increase capital and $ 260 million for distribution center construction project, plan new standardization and distributionSend Center 20 upon completion, is expected to form an annual distribution capacity 754300 tons, with an average annual added sales income of 1.706 billion yuan, total net profit of 67.525 million Yuan. Company 2007-2010 years received government subsidies for respectively $ 17.85 million, $, and $ 49.28 million and $, accounting for the proportion of the total profit of the period, 41.85%, and 31.79%, respectively, dependence on Government subsidies policies there is a business structure.

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