Sunday, March 4, 2012

eq2 platinum 647 - FWN

129746324669318750_68Last issue 875, and the value of 20, even and odd formatting: qiqi, size format for large span of 3,201 equation to 212. Nearly 10 hundred stage, 8 warhammer gold,640,750,647, hundred in number, number nearly 10 relatively active. From odd: the hundred odd out of the less. Mass: hundred Prime onlyFew composite numbers is relatively active. According to the analysis of the trend of next issue concerns 1 number.  Kill codes provided below 5. Analysis of the period of ten 10, 7,492,220,675, ten sizes occur basically the same probability. From odd: ten odd out of the less. According to the analysis of the trend of next issue concerns number 2 road.  Next provide a kill code 6. Analysis of single digits during nearly 10 eq2 platinum, 5236,351,407, single digit number out of the smaller, more decimal places. Parity: a bit more odd, odd more active. According to the analysis of the trend of next issue concerns number 2 road.  Provide killed under code 9. 049 fucai 3D: the format analysis of small-size 1, size 2, parity even and odd-even and odd format analysis 3,Two code analysis and value analysis of 11 17 4 aoc gold, 8 7 71 78 42 5, span analysis 5

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