Wednesday, March 7, 2012

rift platinum if it is a stock market index class - WAI

129742939235468750_65Prices tend to be involved in the best period in the early start, individual stock selection is critical at this time. Sometimes it is because the stock is not selected, even participating in good time, but it is difficult to gain in the market's rise, which we commonly referred to as making the index lost money. For the current market, how to grasp the principle of selecting stocks for discussion and analysis. GeneralSay that each have a mainstream hot wheels rally, and the mainstream hot is unlikely to be the early gains the largest groups. To market in the near future rift platinum, for example, those who have outstanding performance indicators in the second half of class a shares should be excluded. Such a unit may follow the market rises, but not leading the market. And those who are leading the way in the future in a variety of market indices are falling in resilient productsTypes of share price performance will be better than index over the same period. Regarding the recent situation, clear is 5��30 low price subject to a plunge in the class, the Group's stocks have shown a strong resilient. We can learn from two aspects to determine the scope of individual stock selection: first, fell in this round are strong in the adjustment to the market; adjust time reach six months. According to thisTwo requirements basically have determined should participate in the unit's range. However, in accordance with the above ideas stock picks, we found the selection of larger, often there are hundreds of different types of breeds. Among them, some relatively resilient, but rose is a mild form; others are bucking the strong gains, even at historically maximum price around. This time investors should be basedDemand and capacity to make a selection. For the pursuit of prudent investors, you can select those species which record highs near, especially characteristic of representative and leading varieties. Because these species first to drop punches, already had large gains, although participation is part of chasing rising stocks, but such stocks tend to be stable, the risk is minimal; For those investors that prefer bottom, you can select those gains limited stocks at the bottom, on the current situation, was focused on shares in the six months between the line and the line of variety, which is to build the bottom time is full of variety, should in the future be better than market index over the same period. Of course, this round of market leading varieties, you will receive anRebound, but difficult to become mainstream in the future section, just adapt to short-term participation. It is to be noted that, for the different nature of the market, participation in the variety of practices are different, investors need to be adjusted according to the actual situation at the time. If the mainstream class a shares are subject matter of time, and indicator market stocks often have funds and participation,Gains may be lagging index; if it is a stock market index class, low price subject such stocks may not be. Therefore, stocks in the quotes flow in subject matter, indicators of participation in such a unit would have a stable return, but indicators of class a shares in the primary market, participation themes such stocks will only make low price index does not make money. With the current market, weRecommendations focus on those stocks with the actual subject matter, but at the same time, to the good performance of the oversold stocks can also participate, such stocks are mainly financial tera power leveling, insurance, securities and banking, every turn of these stocks will have a chance. In actual operation, the investor also needs attention is, bands generally have to have a certain amount of patience, do not frequently access.Expect this round of market timing of selling should be at least in the second quarter of next year, now strategy is buy and hold. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content blade & soul gold, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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