Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold 2011 report shows insurance fundsOn the traditional closed-end investment fund at 41.06%

129773869001406250_28Annual report revealing the funds of institutional clients rely on strong (schedule) mobile phone free March 27, 2012 business news Wang Yanwei view comments in both stock and bond markets downturns in 2011, funds for institutional clients rely on stronger than ever before。 Yesterday, the first 17 215 funds owned by venture capital firms (A/B/C-level statistics respectively) revealed the 2011 results, according to the Fund the fund company is one of the most dependent on institutional clients. According to day companion Gu statistical data, institutional investors hold a share of the Fund as much as 43.15%, highest in 17 funds in the company, Two of Peng on China and international funds, this figure and 33.43%, respectively, is relatively high. This shows that the dependence of these funds for big clients such as body strong, and the development of small and medium-sized investors, slightly less than. At the same time, and also in 2011 and 2010 annual report revealed that basically the same information. 2010Year in the annual report, institutional investors hold a share of the silver Fund in 28.03%, three years in 2011, is also the highest in 17 companies. And North Germany, day treatment, such as small firms, mostly by individual investors, institutional investors hold a share which is and 2.54%. However, from anotherPoint of view, the higher percentage institutional holders, also tera power leveling, to a certain extent explains institutional holders to investment and research capacities of the fund company is recognized. Insurance Fund in particular, is very careful to select investment fund, from investment and development mechanisms, investment ideas and methods in all aspects of a comprehensive investigation of fund managers, fund managers, and there are at least half-year assessment cycle. And the FundOnce elected to the bodies of fund investment pools, will be able to purchase for a larger scale, but also because it is a direct, fund companies are not required to pay any additional account maintenance fee or sales incentives. Therefore, to overcome institutional investors, has become the major expansion of large and medium-sized firms in the past two years, also in banking and sales channelsQuo; but under what circumstances. In contrast, small firms may be out of consideration for marketing, more willing to cooperate with the Bank, clients mainly to individual investors. If the Fund types, highest proportion of institutional investors holding is a money market fund. In addition to the specific funds away from b-money market fund shares, Shen Wan in the currency, deliveryCoins, Tai gains, facility Monetary Fund holdings of institutional investors are more than 50%. This is also in line with the market last year. As the market nervous last year, both stock and bond market downturn, funds of money market funds only to make money, so in the second half of last year, total net purchase of money market fund tera gold,In the natural is to purchase, the main institutional investors have a keen sense of smell, especially when it comes to the end, the fund company to tile size rank, seeking funds to help around, can also cause the end point in the money market funds very high percentage of institutional investors. Traditional closed-end funds and closed-end funds is also influenced by institutional investors favor innovation, 2011 report shows insurance fundsOn the traditional closed-end investment fund at 41.06%, which climbed from 39.47% show in 2011, at the same time, closed-end funds of funds since the purchase of the company from 0.67% to 0.74% at the end of 2011. While the individual investor appetite for more traditional stock type, hybrid type, such as capital preservation fund, calendar yearAlso tera gold, showing the institutional and individual investment needs and preferences of different tendencies. In addition, large institutions such as insurance for regulatory reasons not to invest in QDII funds, therefore, this kind of risky funds most of the holders are individual investors, accounting for more than 99%. 2011 schedule first disclosure annual report Fund institutional investors hold shares of the companyInstitutional investors hold a share of the company (%) Fund 43.15% penghua Fund International Fund on 33.43% 27.02% Pu Yin Axa Fund cent Shen Wanling Teda Manulife Funds South Fund for fund 21.36% 20.2% tianhong Fund 19.25% BNY Mellon Western cent institutional investors hold a share of the company (%) Silver Agricole IFAD 13.53% Thailand Fund sang and peace greater China Fund 12.49% 12.62% Fund 8.88% 7.92% rongtong Fund cent Morgan Stanley huaxin Fund day treatmentFund data 2.54% 4.31% North-German Fund deadline: March 26, 2012-diameter: 17 Fund's 215 funds source: companion lab Others:

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