Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera power leveling Guizhou - IWE

129784668092241250_71Yanghe shares were selling light weight being questioned was stuffed with tera gold, or into the next Qin Chi Just over two years, yanghe shares from a local second-rate Winery wine became a national brand, and shares on the secondary market the March all the way, recently worth more than wuliangye, second only to the Guizhou maotai, second top spot of the market value to get on liquor-making industry in China. Behind the increase in market value was crazy expansion of yanghe shares listing and its expansion methodPo, is the company's advanced marketing mode. But when an enterprise selling bread flour are missing, even if their bread sells well, and also a cause for concern. Yanghe shares surge in mass marketing and performance at the same time, has been faced with inadequate base of short plate, base foundations directly relating to the existence and development of liquor-making enterprises. More worrying is that executives of yanghe pattern exists behind Lee impulse�� Because of yanghe holding more shares Executive, through performance and dual lever of capital to expand their own earnings, executives and shareholders are dynamic and rapid expansion of the original ultimate intent. "Liquor" light "wine" from the 2002 investment of $ 90 million to set up medium-sized Winery, now worth more than 130 billion worth of liquor "predators", yanghe shares riseIs to a large extent due to the depth of its marketing strategy. In the competitive world of wine markets, yanghe shares willing to invest a lot of money on advertising. Earnings data from 2008 to 2010, yanghe shares in advertising expenditures of $ 107 million, $ 143 million, $ 435 million, respectively tera power leveling, with an average annual compound rate of up to 175%. Companies not only inCCTV's advertising and local TV channels, strong named gold shows, participating in large-scale events, and through such media as radio, magazines, newspapers and the Internet publicity through various channels. Cool advertising while yanghe shares decline in net profit growth in 2010 net earnings growth for 75.86%, 2011 performance express showed that net profit increased comparedAbout 80% long, double and pre-IPO growth compared with the performance of, their performance marked slow. Net profit growth of advertising spending an average annual compound rate of more than reality, company Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Zhang Yubai claims, increased advertising investment plans in the future to meet the appropriate national development budget. Compared with yanghe shares, wuliangye "low key" much, wuliangye 2010Advertising costs to $ 421 million, and Yang he shares, but its operating income in the year it is twice in yanghe shares more than doubled. Advertisement promotion mode of yanghe shares continued, and when the popular "King alcohol" Qin Chi routines are very similar. Comment on the pros and cons of yanghe shares sales model, should be returned to one of the most basic logic: what should a successful wine business wineFirst, is still dominated by alcohol? The best answer is to brew good, also sold well. But in the process of formation of a liquor brand, be sure and focus on. Whether it's national liquor moutai, also is wuliangye and Luzhou laojiao, is has a very deep cultural heritage and accumulation of old wine brands and enterprises. Its historical and cultural inheritance of genes, are other brands cannot be copied and imitated. Yanghe shares since the beginning, has chosen a different path, and "s" compared to more emphasis on "alcohol". This manifested in two areas tera power leveling, is one of the eight traditional wines of Luzhou yanghe daqu liquor has disappeared, yanghe shares a sense only borrowing its name, the second is in the process of development of the company emphasizes deep marketing. Selling bread flour is missingTube in its current stake in yanghe capital strength and expansion ability, can offset the high marketing costs, but this simple expansion of the advertising-driven model is clearly not sustainable. For a liquor company, production capacity and the base of the original wine wine reserves are the guarantee of sustainable development, but this is precisely the yanghe shares short. In early 2009, yanghe sharesRespectively to the wuliangye group has two subsidiaries to pay two advance payment, amounting to nearly $ 60 million, which has sparked speculation of yanghe outsourcing base. Company Executive acknowledged that the wuliangye group buy base wine. In fact, the liquor-making industry in China, with the exception of basic wines of northeast of Sichuan, Guizhou, and enterprises do not need outsourcing base, the rest of the province, almost all liquor-making enterprisesYou need to buy base wine. In this sense, including throughout the Soviet Union, yanghe wine enterprises, their fate is not in their hands, but to master at the hands of rivals. Due to the listing of yanghe shares after growing too fast, either the market or the market value, wuliangye was threatened by the strong opponents, wuliangye yanghe through base to be controlled. IfWuliangye sold yanghe base wines, yanghe you will need to search for new channels, if the base wines from a number of small factories, quality cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, a lot of outsourcing base yanghe consumers for their quality doubt, as it does not have the yanghe wine brand heritage, but by blending together. Keep yields under rapid growth continues to maintain a high margin, high end liquorsCapacity is unlimited expanded? The answer is ' no '. Executive double leverage to pry their revenue shortage of knowledge base will undermine the brand influence, also knows a successful liquor brand after years of accumulation, and when the warning of the decline of Qin Chi, depending on depth of yanghe shares why would also like to take this article marketing ways to speed expansion? This one isBecause the shares of yanghe executives is not the wine industry origin, unlike Guizhou maotai and wuliangye, the charge is per person for wine industry origin, culture has deeper knowledge of liquor. But more important reason is interest driven. Yanghe holding more shares Executive, former Chairman Yang Tingdong yanghe shares held 5.32% shares; the current Chairman Zhang Yubai 4.93% equity. Yang Tingdong and Zhang Yubai was once the local officials, are superiors appointed in yanghe distillery leadership positions, the company listed its wealth reached after billions of, a strong impulse. Moutai management do not have enterprise original stake, there is no impulse, wuliangye State-owned equity accounted for more than 60%, is in absolute control, shareholders pay more attention toDevelopment and corporate reputation in the long run. In this case, yanghe shares taken as distinct from patterns of moutai, wuliangye speed expansion intentions very clear, that is, on the one hand via rapid capacity expansion, release of short-term results; through the short-term performance quick-release on the one hand pulling stock prices for large amounts of cash. This also explains the yanghe increased performance shares jump as reasons for executives of large cash�� Problem is, yanghe can go far this marketing model, will be another Qin Chi? Others:

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