Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold Recently - IAE

129773822124375000_129Recently, the building Department issued the notice about 2012 supportability housing project for work in cities and towns (hereinafter referred to as the circular) to encourage local governments to expand financial sources in order to increase the investment rate. The circular specifically, housing and social security departments at all levels should actively coordinate with the Ministry of finance to study public rental housing commercial bank loan specific discount policy, and innovative financialSupport, support and appeal to social capital social housing construction, operation and management.  Grant funds after the release of the Central, provincial (district, City) construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department and coordinated with relevant departments tera gold, breaks the subsidies for the implementation within the prescribed time limit or a clear, specific and reported to the Department of housing construction projects for the record. At the same time tera gold, for people concerned about affordable housing to matchFacilities construction and engineering quality problems, the notification requirements around the light, optimized 2012 construction project planning, raising the level of planning and design.  Set construction and location to make an appointment for convenient transportation, complete infrastructure sites, drainage tera power leveling, electricity, gas, heating, fire protection, and other facilities. To increase investment in supporting infrastructure, improving the investmentChinese completion rate, as soon as possible an effective supply; on the pressure of supporting investment in infrastructure areas, at the Central and provincial subsidies to tilt on funding arrangements. Others:

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