Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold reduce the burden on parents and contribute to social harmony. In this context - WQW

129770856275937500_7Reporter Li Miao Beijing "hope that we attach importance to school bus safety last year, now the Prime Minister is talking, then we should consider what to do next, my core proposal this time is how to do it. Where the money came from, for example, how to, who's going to pipe tera power leveling, what are the requirements, including the associated rights, most of these contents. "Zhengzhou Yutong groupWhen President Tang Yuxiang in the face of an exclusive interview with this newspaper, outlining his proposals differ for two consecutive years. In his view, private school vehicle advantage is obvious, high safety factor, reduce the burden on parents and contribute to social harmony. In this context, the latest of the four national standards, such as the school bus safety specification (draft) is actively soliciting the views of the community. WhileSince the beginning of 2010 in 6 pilot cities such as deqing, school bus pilot application and quickly expanded to the national level in the 1 year, follow-up will accelerate growth in demand trends, value of visible school bus has people's hearts. Reference foreign experience, school bus in China goes through three stages of development, 1, early stage. Its characteristics are of sound laws and regulations were not enough, operating mode does notOK, running large, frequent security problems. 2, standard operation. At this stage, involving school buses run the gradual improvement of rules and regulations, trading professional, effective protection for security issues. 3, maturity. In urbanization rate reached 70% per cent and urban traffic system when complete, school bus entered the mature stage of development, when the city of studentsTraffic problems will be addressed mainly by the public transportation system, and the dedicated school buses will be mainly used in suburban counties and towns. At present, China is still in the first phase, actual safety in General, also purchase school bus his money come from? Who's going to pipe? How to pipe?����Problems are worth exploring. In fact, capital investment, operational and regulatory aspects of the school bus, among the various departmentsLack policy basis for the coordination and integration of planning, to some extent, "no one is responsible for the management of" problems cause hinder the further development of the school bus. At present, operating multiple coexisting, but most of these organization do not have professional experience in transportation management, less professional experience with school bus operations, circuit design, vehicle maintenance, scheduling, allocation, andDrivers training administration lacks the necessary capacity. Tang Yuxiang recommendations from four drive school bus strategy implementation, first introduced as soon as possible to buy school bus funding policy, which should implement the premier on the general thinking on school bus purchase Fund indicates, shared by the Central and local finance, made to raise. National school bus subsidy policies and standards should be as soon as possibleIntroduced, and publishing guidance to local financial subsidies. Second, the refinement of school bus management as soon as possible, operational policies, management, operational mode of guidance around the establishment of school bus. School bus industry clear as soon as possible to the competent authorities at the national level, and to establish intersectoral coordination mechanisms to strengthen monitoring. Local level, you can determine the Home Management Department and led by local governmentsMechanism for multi-party cooperation, joint management.����School bus on the mode of operation, should strengthen the expertise of the operators, introduce professional management experience, improving the efficiency of resource use, and passed legislation to establish a comprehensive security system. Again, continue to improve school bus-related laws and regulations. Accelerate the school bus safety requirements such as national technical specifications and safety standards introduced tera gold, guide linesThe healthy development of the industry and technology progress.����School bus priority rights, collision avoidance, traffic rules, should be implemented as soon as possible to the relevant laws and regulations, to promote school bus full of value. Finally tera gold, strengthening the promotion and universal culture of school bus. Through advocacy, the media, and other types of activities, strengthening the sense of national school bus safety, set state "school bus", establish long-acting mechanism of safety education�� For current social controversy "rural road conditions are not conducive to the promotion," said Tang Yuxiang think "village has now reached more than 90%, we sell a lot of cars is a village in the car, most of the region can meet at this stage is to grasp the main contradiction. �� Others:

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