Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold compared with the one-year Central - EOK

129770904412656250_152-Reporter Hui Wang Bank of Shanghai, 20th in the open market for a $ 50 billion repurchase operations, close to the due amount of the $ 51 billion this week, is expected to net the second week in a row the return of funds. At the same time, institutional traders expected tera power leveling, Thursday March Central may restart issue. Analysts said that despite recent open market operations early raiseBut moderately loose monetary authorities to maintain funds regulation did not change. Buy-backs maintain higher scale Tuesday (20th), the Central Bank has $ 50 billion of 28-day repo operations to hedge funds market due this week. Operation show that during this period is 28 days buy-back the bid rates at the level 2.8%. In addition, the 20th Central Bank has not yet startedCentral issue, this 1-year Central has been stopped for 12 consecutive weeks. Number of operations, this is $ 66 billion in repo trading volume over last week by $ 16 billion, compared to a few weeks before still belong to a higher level. According to the public markets expires this week funding for the $ 51 billion, compared with $ 29 billion last week have significantly increased the size of, if Thursday's Central BankNumber of open market operations is higher than the $ 1 billion, the Central Bank this week the second week in a row to achieve net return.����Last week the Central Bank for a total of $ 86 billion repurchase operations, net circulation capital all week $ 57 billion. According to the Wind information data, as of March 20, expires March open market capital for $ 254 billion, in April for $ 329 billion,5 June, then there will be reduced to $ 142 billion and $ 59 billion.����Current schedule of short-cycle tasks have been reversed to produce anything funds.����Care for money attitude unchanged and analysts point out that, despite nearly two weeks of Central Bank money back slightly enlarged, but its regulation to maintain market liberal intentions remain clear. Worthy of note is the last week for 91 daysNet return is repo rate down and the open market, caused the market a variety of interpretations. In this regard, China Merchants securities believed that bid in a 91-day repo rate fell last week tera gold, may indicate that the Central Bank's intention to demand to short-term variety Guide. Taking into account 4 May impact market liquidity will be faced with factors such as corporate tax, the Bank is intended to boot the current surplus funds to 28 daysIn order to smooth short-term liquidity.����In the Central Bank's recent operation stability of short-term market funding under the surface, compared with the one-year Central, central recovery likely to be issued during the three-month much interest rates may be lower with 91-day repurchase. Body traders in Shanghai said, down 91-day repurchase rate last week, on the one hand continued to showIntention of the Bank to fine-tune, but also to March Central comeback this week or next week do in mind.����In General, open market still for a long period in the future will be a continuation of the current short-cycle operation, which also benefit under the background of slower growth in the recent exchange of non-conventional policy development. CICC, orient securities agencies also believe that March was under the repurchase rate slightlyLine embodies the Central Bank preconditioning fine-tuning operations, indicates that the Central Bank still wants to maintain the current money market interest rates are relatively stable, funds continue to moderately easy. At the same time tera gold, 91-day buy-back issue rates downward, also can be seen as a sign of decline in money market funds interest rate the central one of the optimistic view, the 7-day repo rate is expected to fall to near 2.6%.At the same time, huatai securities analyst Lin chaohui, points out that since 2009, 7-day repurchase rate monthly mean relying on Central ticket issued under the interest rate for rail close to March period running. At last week's bid in a 91-day repo rate down 2 basis points to 3.14%, Central in the past two weeks may return cases, R007 is expected in the future over a long periodRunning on a 3.2% level, to make market money continue to be more comfortable. Others:

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