Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling midfielder downturn led to tackle promptly enough - BIQ

129770905954375000_83Morning Post reporter Song Chengliang "in Beijing if the game does not lose the third ball, maybe we can accept this game a draw, but now, CSL game on Saturday (micro-blogging) must win. "Super (micro-blogging) start to the tournament 1-1 negative, Shenhua coach Jean Tigana and his team have no retreat tera gold, home tonight to face the League leadGuangzhou Fuli sheep (microblogging), several players injured in the team's case, while Jean Tigana in the change, continue to call out the winning number. The past two weeks He Shuntian, Guoan (micro-blogging) after two fierce battle, there have been some injuries in the Shenhua team, "our 7th (Feng Renliang (Twitter)) has been injured, 25th (boxiqi) have also been injured, there are Song BoXuan (micro-blogging) nose just doing corrective surgery, in addition to several players in the team had a cold. "Injury factors in addition to irresistible, Jean Tigana said another reason for tonight's game portfolio adjustments, he for some of the player's performance in Beijing-Shanghai war, not satisfied with," we're doing some fine-tuning in the First team, now lineup is uncertain but certainly willAnd the game is very different. "Currently, Anelka basic knee injury recovery cases, combination attacks between the Frenchman and Joel are more stable, in addition, CSL in the field of personnel arrangements, there is great uncertainty. Team two games was broken into 4 balls tera power leveling, after Jean Tigana considers not only of defense issues, the midfielder will take responsibility, "which isA problem as a whole, our midfield in the competitions of the Beijing team in a depressed state, midfielder downturn led to tackle promptly enough, grab the ball enough. "In the absence of the boxiqi may match case, Jean Tigana, or choose to Dai Lin (micro-blogging) prerequisite as lumbar discitis, Qiu of the Beijing-Shanghai in reserve matches scoring last week added a (micro-blogging) into the First team, and Moises tookDocument Centre, "must be in front of the front position for tackling, expanding the scope of Defense, which required the team to work together. "" Last year, the team lost a lot of balls, just continue the same error now. "Started two games for the team's performance, Jean Tigana was clearly not satisfied with," we only by increasing training, training for good, I want to be able to bear fruit. ��Jean Tigana admitted he and foreign aid for Shenhua, will need to adapt to the Super League, he was sure, CSL after two weeks you can achieve an ideal State, "players on the pitch more headroom, in my experience can help them progress. "Shenhua two rounds only got 1 point, the team desperately needs a victory, Jean Tigana and certainly understand this point, Unit Manager Farias(Micro-blogging) and r CSL senior shout out before the match away against Tag Heuer, Jean Tigana is very calm, "they have a reason so to say, the newly promoted Fuli continuous defeated last year's champion and runner-up, lost only 1 ball into 5 ball, such an outcome tera power leveling, they have reason for confidence. But tomorrow is another race, Shenhua must win. �� Others:

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