Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera power leveling Gu Zhengwu ship is more than 130 tons of modern fishing boats - FYL

129779483462343750_11Knife fishes of the Yangtze River, one of the famous Yangtze River three fresh delicacies, sword fish, Shad and Blowfish and known as the Yangtze River with three delicacies. Taste is delicious, but there was a dish of knife fish, that is, the common people, a few dollars you can buy a pound, but do you know what knife fish today is how much? One of the most expensive to sell for 8,000 dollars, the letter has become a luxury. Why knife fishExpensive? What kind of situation now? The News 1 1 aired on April 2, 2012 the sky-high knife fish: fish under the knife!  , As of the following record: (Program Guide) Narrator: the highest price per pound of 8,000, is called sky-high knife fish.  Gu Zhengwu: is now so expensive when we lose money. Zhu fabing: So expensive, also on the supply.  Narrator:, sold stock, fish, fishermen will lose money, expensive knife fish come from?  Gu Zhengwu: two 12 hour.  Zhu Fabing: (price) than a year by year, but cargo a year less than a year. Narrator: 50 knives slump in fish production of the Yangtze River, is an ecological deterioration or a transitionFishing?  Implementation of the ten-year limit to catch protected and why poor results?  China fisheries enforcement officers: it is illegal to net in Sham Shui Po.  Narrator: three fresh delicacies of the Yangtze River, make people salivate and how not to expect to see someone who never comes? Today the News 1 1 concern "sky-high knife fish: who made it? "The facilitator (Lao Chunyan): Hello, and welcome to todayNews 1 of 1. Programs begin to take you to see a picture. Do you know the fish? Fish knife, knife fishes of the Yangtze River, one of the famous Yangtze River three fresh delicacies, sword fish, Shad and Blowfish and known as the Yangtze River with three delicacies. Taste is delicious, but there was a dish of knife fish, that is, the common people, a few dollars you can buy a pound, but do you know what knife fish today is how much?One of the most expensive to sell for 8,000 dollars, the letter has become a luxury. Knife fish, why so expensive? What kind of situation now?  Through a short video clip.  (Play video) Ji Kaixiang (Qidong fish traders): boss, fish have sold?  Gu Zhengwu (fisheries Chief crewman): how much is a pound? Ji Kaixiang: todayYi, 3,500.  Gu Zhengwu: 3,500 cheap, 3,500 does not sell too cheap.  Ji Kaixiang: today is not good, how much?  Gu Zhengwu: two fish.  Ji Kaixiang: two fish, red today.  Gu Zhengwu: that we do not receive or over. Ji Kaixiang: 3,500 to。  Gu Zhengwu: 3,500 too cheap, 3,500 loss.  Ji Kaixiang: loss, this is no way.  Gu Zhengwu: playing a total of two, my fees are more than.  Ji Kaixiang: fees are more than, this is no way, my brothers. Gu Zhengwu: 4,500, 4,500, I couldn't sell, is 4,500,Today I lost today to 6,000 dollar expenditure.  Ji Kaixiang: this beautiful fish.  Not to mention, 3,800, in a Word, 3,800.  Gu Zhengwu: you're a integer, 4,000 to integers, I also lost. Ji Kaixiang: anyway, we have older brothers, not to say about things and let it go, 4,000, saidForget it.  Narrator: Ji Kaixiang buy fish, fishing knife, knife them in thousands of budget is the Yangtze River fish, two 4,000.  Reporter: cent so fish, today after a long day, do you think worthwhile? Gu Zhengwu: the how do I say it, pay not pay, that is, it is hard to tell, this is not expected, losing of what is expectedIf today I see which can received a ten pounds of eight Jin, but was not confiscated, receive two pounds of fish, but the two pounds of fish, I have well earned one thousand or two thousand dollars. Narrator: fishmonger Ji Kaixiang by speedboat from the Jiangsu Qidong special fish, although rarely, but it sold well. At noon on the contract, he is by not having a press conference in the afternoon shooting fish quicklyWas sold to a hotel in Wuxi.  According to the about the hotel, this was a few days ago guests order, who asked not to be named tera gold, these eight fish to made two dish of steamed and fried, it is said that eventually cost more than $ 10,000.  Reporter: now provides also many fish do? Some hotels charge: clause may this season, not too much, butYes this is the order to purchase, just because (Jiang's knife) prices are more expensive, so that (Jiang's knife) cost is relatively high. Narrator: a fish it is difficult to find, price for your gold, Ning to the death house, to assure you a kind of sea fish fish places.  Already notorious knife fish are now being referred to as "expensive knife fish". Zhu Fabing (Huimin bridge fishery market wholesalers): now this is225, has already sold 5,000 yuan in the market today (a pound), about $ 5,000, upper and lower, but now is not available at home, for others to provide all gone, big or expensive.  Reporter: refers to a multiple of? Zhu Fabing: 32, normal market this year sold for $ 6,800 and 7,000 (pound), 325 normally sell for $ 8,000 (A kilo), 42 is more than 8,000 to 9,000 yuan (pound). Reporter: the knife fish wholesaler Zhu Fabing, told reporters of the more than 20 years, even if for the moment how expensive knife fish, but also are in short supply in the market.  Knife fish only eat in Jiangsu and Shanghai in the past, I do not know how, now all parts of the country. The other hand, because the knife fish are wild, you can not haveColonization, so yields less and less, are more expensive.  And expensive knife fish are divided, 22 and 32, a total of three specifications, and the difference in price between the three $ 1000 or so, and 32 per cent of the knife fish is hard to see. Zhu Fabing: we first started selling sword fish pound in 30 years or so, year by year, from 30 to 60,80, to more than 100, to more than 300, slowly turning, year by year, but the cargo a year less than a year. Explanation: your knife fish is no longer news, but appears especially attract the eye this year, Wu Yi XI Wei GUI is being overweight. There are media reports mentioned in an interview, animated time one week later than in previous years this year, makes the water of the Yangtze River was notMeet the knife fish of migratory condition, coupled with the drought and other climate reasons, of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other places, knife fish production is not high, these are knives yield reduction in fish, and fishermen will face the worst in 17 years of bad harvest. Moderator: because the output is different every day, fishing knife like number of fish every day, so the knife fish pricesDay is not the same. Today is exactly what kind of price?  We also interviewed a staff of the Shanghai knife fish, to hear her say about today's prices. Staff: one or two is no, there are no one or two.  225 is 2,071 pounds, about 2,300 to ten Jin to you, the lowest. Reporter: 32 no?  Staff: 32 to more than 3,000.  Reporters also have cut prices recently?  Staff: marketing has always been the price, estimate two days are not cheap. Moderator: more than 32 per cent of, note that this is a price of aquatic products in the market, in fact the most expensive in the hotel to sell for more than 8,000 dollars a kilo more than last yearMuch more than 2000 dollars, last year's price is not cheap, to more than 6,000 yuan a kilo. You can say knife fish prices have always been high, why the price is so expensive? Simply said, Wu Yi XI Wei GUI and still supply and demand decisions. On one hand, now in great demand, not just people on the edge of the Yangtze River to knife fish, is now the country's rich to eat sword fish,Sword fish and even became a status symbol. Another reason production is large, small to what extent?  Half day fishing the last two, then look down. (Play video) Narrator: almost zero, while the fishing period has not yet ended this year, but Jiangyin fishery Department staff has used such words to sum up the year knife fish production. As the local fishermen in a yearBest sources of income-generation, Wu Yi XI Wei GUI tool can fish on the income ratio over more than half a year of work.  But this year, many fishermen have been fishing on the next results had little hope.  Reporter: why only two?  Gu Zhengwu: two 12 hour.  Reporter: how many networks under?  Gu Zhengwu: got off the net six times. Reporter: A network of so little? Gu Zhengwu: a network hit so many, there are no fish.  That is now shipping tera power leveling, less output. Narrator: played 20 years fishing Gu Zhengwu, is fishing in Jiangyin there earlier, when a network is more than 10 pounds, but because fewer and fewer fish, now he had to run to the estuary of the Yangtze River to the gold rush. Journalists seeTo him, he had repeated the job for three days in the Yangtze River estuary, knife for your gold fish for him could mean losing money.  Reporter: how much money you can sell this article now?  Gu Zhengwu: about 2000 dollars. Reporter: the 2000 bucks?  Why so expensive? Gu Zhengwu: this little fish, fish if not your words,That we can't do, is now so expensive, we also lose money. Narrator: Gu Zhengwu ship is more than 130 tons of modern fishing boats, day diesel half-ton, plus nine crew and gear costs 6,000. Gu Zhengwu said, if a fishing season does not get baishilai pounds would have to lose money. And this year was a lot of professionals known as 17 yearsTo crop the worst, actually it is an endangered species.  Gu Ruobo (freshwater fisheries research centre for fisheries research institutes in China): mostly because over the years of excessive fishing, there are changes in water quality, ecological and environmental damage along the Yangtze River, also has a waterway transport increased this to catch a falling knife fish resources of the Yangtze River a main reason. Commentary: stopTo the present, overall catches of fish while Yangtze River a knife and there are no exact statistics, Shi Wei, but in fresh water fisheries resources Research Center, Research Center Director outlines in the eyes, fall has long been the obvious thing, and this decline is not a freefall, but Cardinal fall geometrically, this proves that our use of coilia resources to the limit. According to the journal of the Jiangyin City records, Jiangyin Yangtze RiverKnife catch fish year 1956 years, 174 tons, between 1987 and 106 tons; after 2002, annual production is less than hundred tons, catch for Jiangyin knife fish less than 0.5 tonnes last year, only for high yield of 0.28%. And a report from the Chinese Academy of fishery sciences information displays for the freshwater fisheries research centre, River along the Yangtze River in 1973 knife production3,750 tons in 1983 to around 370 tons, yield is less than hundred tons in 2002.  Knife of the year fish attract everyone's tongue, knife fish attract everyone's attention today, this one-sentence summary of the helpless three fresh delicacies in the common destiny of the Yangtze River. Knife fish, Shad, puffer fish, this is the time to get the world to praise the Yangtze River with three delicacies. Today, the knife fish prices availableShad and Blowfish appears more on the news.  In the 50 to 60 of the last century, Shad and puffer fish production of the Yangtze River are up to hundreds of tons, but from the 80 's but after declining, since 1996, Shad, and the Yangtze River Puffer will almost disappear. Moderator: attracting tongue into eye-catching, historically knife fishPoints are not unusual.  I looked at the history information, knife fishes have been accounted for in the history 35% per cent of fish catches of the Yangtze River, among the fish that is up from the Changjiang River one-third even in one-second really is the knife fish, in Jiangsu section of this ratio is higher, at 70%, it is not rare, but now of knife fish has become a rare. Must point out herePoint is, less knife fish are not overnight. Look at knife fish production in the past 40 years, fish production was 3,750 tons in 1973 knife, the 1983 year becomes a 370 tons, less than hundred tons that by the year 2002, and now has an image, only half a day to catch up on two knife fish, this year is the worst harvest since 17Year. Now, what kind of a situation is? Why is there such a situation?  Next line Chinese Academy of fishery Sciences Shi Wei, outline of the freshwater fisheries resources Research Center, Research Center Director, Hello effects Director.  Outline of Shi Wei: Hello.  Moderator: knife trend of decline in fish production year after year now to what extent? Outline of Shi Wei:What base is declining, particularly this year generally reflected the yield is very low, fisherman knife was not catching fish.  Moderator: has reached such a degree, if measures are not taken, sword fish will be completely gone, extinct? Outline of Shi Wei: this may be completely there, because according to the 70 's to the 80 's, 80 's to now, everyDrop rate is basically the Decade to halve the drop, that is every ten years the yield had dropped by half.  So the current situation in which less than hundred tons, estimated there to be within ten years or ten years, Shad fish with the Yangtze River Yangtze River knife, is certainly not seen the inside of the Yangtze River, perhaps ten years later we went to the Museum to see it. Moderator: more lessEarly adopters?  Outline of Shi Wei: it is.  Chair: why is there such a situation, overfishing is caused by water pollution in Yangtze River or other reasons? Outline of Shi Wei: decline year by year of the number, of course, is nothing but a reason is that water quality issues, plus some non-scientific fishing, these two factors together.But if you really want to major and minor, environmental issues I feel more focused, more heavily on it. Because now the output of fishing with fishing in the history of output, just a fraction less, but because the knife fish are characteristic, it is a migratory fish. It annually from the East China Sea into the estuary of the Yangtze River, on the estuary of the Yangtze River started to migrate to find its spawning, throughEstuary, Shanghai, and then to go through the entire section of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, but after most of the section of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province, basically you want to migrate to above all the way to Lake of Hukou in Anqing city, Anhui Province, is basically it's spawning areas. It can go even further in the history, of course, historically ran to the Dongting Lake to lay their eggs, migratory distances shorter and shorter now, indeedPrecisely because it is migratory, throughout the whole migratory intermediate, if you say so even if there is a kilometer or two kilometers along the Yangtze River a short piece of water, in the event of bad water quality or water pollution events, coilia migratory than the waters, makes the whole migratory activity terminated. Migratory activities after the termination of then is the ripple effect of seed production for the year will be a substantialDecline, which yield little FRY. So knife fish migration of environmental problems is very important, to maintain throughout the whole migratory fishery water in water quality to meet our national standards, in which case it can reach the spawning grounds with a smooth, knife fish fry production it is possible to ensure that above a certain number. So that environmental issues are a very prominent problem nowHasn't led to overall water quality of Yangtze River Yangtze River knife fish disappeared, but still did not rule out the possibility. Moderator: Shi, Director, we will go on later lines. I am now going to take you to see a film, because you sure as you say, sword fish, environmental pollution is a big problem, but in addition to environmental pollution also has a veryOutstanding issues, it is under the fishermen's net.  We also take a short film to find out. (Play video) Narrator: on February 25, the knife fish licence issued fishing permits in Jiangsu Province this year on the first day, after 9 o'clock in the morning, fishermen came to the fishery in Changshu station crawls (tone) Standing Advisory. Jiangsu Province this year sword fishing on the fishing licence from March 1Start to end on April 20, a total of 51 days, the province issued knife fish fishing quota of a total of more than 700.  In order to protect the knife fish resources of the Yangtze River, Fisheries Department on licensing fishing vessels using nets do have strict requirements. Dai Zhenguo (Changshu fishery station Vice head): upper-level requirements is more than 4 cm, mesh size is 4 cm or more, but our side normalUse is around 4.8 cm.  As the trend of the us section of worry, so we use 4.8 cm, this has the advantage of catching small is great (fish knife) catching up, small (fish knife) from the mesh to drill inside the past, this is the protected resources in the most effective way. Narrator: knife fish are typical of the migratory species of the Yangtze River each yearSpring migratory Yangtze River from the sea, on the counter, the distance up to lay their eggs in the Dongting Lake. In autumn of that year, after hatching knife down the return of offshore, long in the third year and then migrate into the River. However, from the early 90 's of the last century, Hunan, and Hubei section of migratory fish knife could not be found.  Around 1996, Anhui, Jiangxi section is also not a fishing season. Gu Ruobo: as it is nowFrom above the mouth of the Yangtze River, to layer network, now net nets or fishing intensity increased, fewer and fewer it above, less and less, so it hardly above the knife fish. Narrator: migratory fish breeding season since 2002 without a knife, the Yangtze River is carried out subject to catch on, only fishing vessels holding a licence to fish fishing knife, and for fishing vesselsOut of the strict rules, but the results are still not satisfactory.  Spring season each year, migratory fish from the sea to spawn in the Yangtze River Yangtze River knife, first through to Chongming County, Shanghai chenjiazhen unity sand harbor waters, unity sand and thus became a place of fishermen and fishmongers are most concentrated. Just recently, in the East of the unity sand embankment, reporters found that fifty or sixty meter longNET, mesh most key not stretch into a finger.  Fishermen: (MeSH) minimum of 2 cm, fish net is basically a knife like this. Explanation: the local fishery sector, although during the knife fish fishing, sector a number of law enforcement at all levels, but due to the Chongming island waters, vessels, illegal operations is difficult to eliminate, coupled with the knife of the year fish prices to record high, A large number of unlicensed fishing ships, three ships can say that fishing was a scrimmage. March 26, Shanghai 12 fishery and maritime police department law enforcement vessels proceeding from the fishing port Chongming, and the Hengshan mountain, to the North of the mouth of the Yangtze River enforcement, 10:30, patrol boat spotted the three deepwater stow NET in unlicensed fishing vessels. Deep water network is deep and thick, even the knife fish seedlings is a networkPlay, capture minimum length of knife fish fingers.  31,008 the Chinese fishing boat fishery law enforcement personnel: find two or three, are small, of deep water network had been illegal. Narrator: undocumented even in law enforcement personnel seized in Sham Shui Po when the network cut the rope with a knife, impeding the network, but even so, the Fisheries Department confiscated illegal fishing nets, or quicklyFull deck. It is reported that, as of March 26, Shanghai fisheries, maritime police have organized joint law enforcement five times, investigated and handled 86 cases, and confiscated more than 300,000 yuan.  River of Baoshan and Pudong to Chongming, and stationed cruise ships 24-hour law enforcement. Moderator: scrimmage of this fishing knife fish, what should we do? How to keep the knife fishThe number of?  Continue to in-line outline of Shi Wei officer.  Application officer tera power leveling, heard that your limit and no take catcher's view on the issue is clear, is that fish should be no take a knife, is it?  Outline of Shi Wei: Yeah.  Moderator: why? Outline of Shi Wei: because of coilia ectenes in recent years fisheries production and fishing areas are greatly reduced, fishing area has shrunk by 2/3, now less than relate mainly to Shanghai and Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, and so on, may also involve before. So if you ban, transferring from fishermen or impact from the fishermen's production, and so on, better than before, because the area was small, short of the number. But from another about the Yangtze River Shad is gone, coiliaIn accordance with fall now, sooner or later is the way to go, which means that our management is determined to go out in the end of this step, just coilia completely no take. There's also a level of total resources, other species, such as Chinese sturgeon, artificial propagation have been broke, but knife fish are not fully break through of the Yangtze River, so the seed,Migration source is that it can only be obtained from the Yangtze River, so this little bit of quality seeds, seeds of natural resources library, on the issue of the role of the Yangtze River in coilia must be no take.  Moderator: the significance not only of preserving knife fish is said to satisfy the desire for good food, but it also has a meaning of protected species. Experts also referred to just now, knife fishes so farOnly wild, not artificial propagation, so if the River was not a knife, then how much will not be able to enjoy the delicious knife fish, mouth mercy. Thank you for watching the news today 1-1, bye. Others:

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