Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold for the peasants to increase income-generating more than 100 million Yuan - LKI

129773822123906250_128Home of jinxiang, Jining city, Shandong province was known as China's garlic.  At present, the County planted area of more than 600 tera gold,000 acres of garlic, exports accounted for more than 70%. "Since the beginning of this year, garlic price fluctuation is large, within a short time dropped from more than 1000 dollars a tonne to hundreds of dollars. Such a dramatic price fluctuations, so that enterprises are faced with great risks and difficulties. "JinxiangChina foods import and export limited company General Manager Li Shuanglei said tera gold, jinxiang garlic exports of more than half of businesses have suffered the risk of not receiving the loan back, but more of an enterprise buyers and old customers cooperation for many years there were risks, which buyer to reject the goods and the risk of default on loans was particularly notable, frequent risk customs confiscated and auctioned. In order to help the garlicEnterprise risk evasion of export proceeds, with the local business sector and China's export credit insurance company, national support export-related policy, guide enterprises to avoid Exchange collection risks by insuring export credit insurance, give them to take down the "assurance". According to statistics, jinxiang County and surrounding counties and cities in key exporters of garlic, nearly 90% of exporting businesses select insuranceTo control the proceeds of export credit insurance risk. After insurance, companies can be more flexible choice of payment method, lifted the confidence of enterprises undertaking overseas orders, playing a "rush order". When risks arise, Sinosure implemented claims-the green channel, to pay to the enterprise in a timely manner. Only in 2011, Sinosure jinxiang garlic in and around export enterprises to pay compensationClose to $ 1 million to help exporters in recovering the arrears of more than 1 million dollars.  In case there is still a more than more than 50 tera power leveling, involving more than 3 million dollars loss nuclear compensation as soon as possible. Jinxiang big garlic export enterprises, huaguang IMP annual export volume of more than US $ 100 million. In 2011, the company has overcome garlicAdverse effects of falling prices, have maintained relative stability in export.  Jining xingyuan Ltd is actively looking for trade opportunities for fruits and vegetables, rise in sales to achieve a contrarian, in 2011, a total of more than 26 million dollars of exports, an increase of more than 10 million dollars. Deputy Secretary for business, so much as an inch of Jining city said, "last year, jinxiang garlic export enterprises in Shanghai and its surrounding counties over more than 300 million$ Export cargo insured export credit insurance. According to estimates, guarantee the smooth garlic exports of 355,000 farmers, for the peasants to increase income-generating more than 100 million Yuan, were employed more than 5,000 people driven processing of garlic. ” Others:

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