Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold taking off - QMN

129777272443281250_41Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll newsletter hexun top pick book reviews the history of celebrity anecdotal books feature interview with famous historical photographsBlog reading Forum reading > body font size print RSS source March 31, 2012: China NET abstracts from the truth: "913" event of textual criticism, Zhang Yuwen the China Youth pressPeng in the history of the Chinese Communist Party, most mysterious and merits a distinct character, when the case of Lin Biao; the most thrilling, complex events, when is "913" event.   On September 13, 1971, a day of China and the world flounder. 0:32, a Trident number 256 aircraft, no night serviceLighting and all the communications guarantee, the crew too late to snap on case, forcibly took off from Shanhai pass airport.   Trident aircraft while taxiing, taking off, No. 256, of 8 tera power leveling,341 forces pursuer to, has been unable to stop the aircraft take off, shots, shouts, car motor noise in the airport, confused. 1:50, No. 256, JIAircraft after flying for over an hour in the Northwest direction, in Mongolia over the boundary pillar sites, No. 414, into Mongolia, it cross the border!   2:25 tera gold, in the vast night there came a loud, No. 256, Trident plane crashed in Mongolia ndrhaan, then ignited a raging fire on the Prairie. Identified, the crashed aircraft were China, second personLin Biao's plane. 9 on crew were killed, including the "Deputy Commander" Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council and Defense Minister Marshal Lin Biao, Lin Biao's wife and member of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission, Director of Office of the members of the banshizu, Lin Biao Ye Qun, Lin Biao and Ye Qun, son Lin Liguo, VP of operations tera power leveling, air force command, Minister.This is the shock the world "913" event.   "913" event occurring is blue!   Lin Biao was authoritative, Vice President of the party, every day is Merry the whole nation as "health", their status after Mao Zedong, is in the Constitution of "successor", how could he "fled flee, flee in a panic to defect to the enemy"? Lin Biao wasMao Zedong's "closest comrade", Mao Zedong of "good students", was recognized as "the most loyal to Chairman Mao", "Chairman Mao the most aggressive", "best of Mao Zedong thought", "great red flag of Mao Zedong thought had the highest", why was he driving counterrevolutionary armed coup d ' état, attempted murder of Mao Zedong? Lin Biao was famous strategist, is one's fame spreads far and wide ever-victorious GeneralLife burdened with pressing military duties, deploy troops with great skill, three battle to decide China's fate, he conducted the two, push all around from the North has been hit Hainan Island, how could he make such an unwise move, as well as the full set is all lost, ruin it? Occurrence of the Lin Biao incident, in the view of many at that time was incredible. Others:

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