Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling after entering a building illegally - XBG

129773438982656250_1130The accused person on trial "is shocking, the 31 defendants, 21 were from the same village, basically share with relatives and friends, many of whom are husband and wife, brother, father-in-law. "A few days ago, journalist, Miss Betty CHAN, an interview with Zhao Yuxi 31 people, such as theft, robbery, Daxing District, Beijing, people's procuratorates handling when prosecutors Ma Xiaoxia, she said with feeling. SinceJanuary 26, 2010, Miss Betty CHAN, and Zhao Yuxi together with Liu Zongchao, Zhao Jingfu, who has 17 robberies, theft in the Daxing District, Tongzhou district, Chaoyang District 16 units of property, involving more than 1.15 million Yuan. To dig holes in the walls, specifically theft unit property "these people had committed has its own distinct characteristics. "Introduction to Ma Xiaoxia, whoOnly theft unit, no individuals have been stolen, their logic is ' there must be something to steal '; advance must explore a way, committing in the early hours, mainly cut out hole in the wall into the scene of crime; committing money after sharing, they think; not divide the spoils are very prone to conflict, are easily exposed. "Is ridiculous, Daxing District, Beijing in recent days when the court hearing the case, prosecutionPeople Ma Xiaoxia in the process of proof when it comes to participants after a theft of $ 12,000 each, suddenly angrily accused Zhao Jinglin said that he also participated, but only $ 10,000. Ma Xiaoxia, smiling, told reporters: "you know, Zhao Jinglin always before refused to admit his involvement in the crime. "Given the particularly poor stolen security awareness, or was not installed monitoring equipmentOr monitoring equipment useless. Coupled with these people is a night job at this time is the time when most trapped, general staff, security, fell asleep on duty, so they frequently succeed, only one was found. "Introduction to Ma Xiaoxia, November 3, 2010, at 2 o'clock in the morning, Wang Likui, together with ltwen, Miss Betty Chan and others stealing when some industry and trade limited company, Xu GuanMedium who is digging on the walls, was found by the patrol of security, Xu Guan Middle people in the security hole and drop out, he sticks threats, intimidation, others entered the company, steal safe, watch cash totaling $ 5,800 and some $ more than 24900 worth of property such as computers, mobile phones, scrap copper. "If the company had required two people for security patrolsAnd perhaps in this case can be avoided. To this end, the holes of our outstanding 5 theft of procuratorial recommendations made by the unit, there are two units sent, have been mending, eliminating security risks. "Ma Xiaoxia said. The end of 2010, Miss Betty CHAN, Zhao Yuxi, frequent job sometimes had committed two times a night. That period of time, Daxing police connected to the number of units to beTheft report, site surveys, practice similar were found, trace analysis should be ranging from footprints left at the scene of gang crime. On December 13 of that year, Beijing police unified action, were wiped out in one fell swoop, Miss Betty CHAN, Zhao Yuxi 31 people, such as theft, robbery gang. See others steal the money, villagers have to follow suit according to the account of the defendant, they see the village in BeijingThe "work" of the person's house building was built, it was also "working to earn money to" run for village cadres tera power leveling, it is envy. Although they know that "route that money is not being", but to "get rich", still carrying his wife and scallops, friends called friends, have come to the capital, take the initiative to "occupation", their "get rich" dream. Ma Xiaoxia pointed out: "Miss Betty CHAN's father is the village's Deputy Director, Zhao YuCaptain of the West is the village of small and medium-sized teams, the two of them had a great influence on other villagers, relatives. "" The 31 defendants in the case, in addition to Chan Wah, Zhao Yuxi 21 persons from outside the same village in suixi County in Anhui Province, there are 4 and 21 others are one and the same town, 3 from the adjacent huaiyuan County. "Introduction to Ma Xiaoxia, accused Chen Junling and Xu Kui is husband and wife, and Zhao Zhao JingchengKeifu are blood brothers, Zhao Yuxi is the land attractive to consult his benefactor, Zhao Yuxi and Liu Jingping Yes tree plantations, Chan Wah is the nephew of Chen Junling, Chen Junling Chen Junqing is Don and brother and sister and so forth There was a daughter-in-law of his fellow people, relatives, neighbors, and so on. "But before money, family became very fragile. "Ma Xiaoxia said that Zhao Yuxi Lu Shuai young, ugly one point o after splitting up their loot, he gave land to spend money, itMost of his own to help Lu Shuai custody, Lu Shuai Zhao Yuxi was dissatisfied with. When the hearing of the case, Lu Shuai's defence lawyer argued: "my client is only 18 years old when the crime, crime is under the influence of its laozhangren of Zhao Yuxi, because ' life difficult against the father ', and most of his money in the hands of Zhao Yuxi, confused was my client's personal property is also families of common propertyRequesting court given a lighter sentence my client. "Zhao Yuxi's lawyers after listening to head on to have refuted. "In this group, the accused Liu Qimeng moved in a different way. "Ma Xiaoxia said Liu enlightenment is from Henan and black car drivers, Miss Betty CHAN, Zhao Yuxi, who rent housing near work, Chen hua, Zhao Yuxi, frequently rented his car to explore a way. A long time, it is suggestedFirst know what they are doing, is active in the group. "Although Liu enlightenment after occupation did not once to scene of crime of robbery, theft, but he was driving with other gang members to explore a way, to the crime scene, also the accomplices. "Not ashamed to theft, what saved them why there are so many people in a small village of gang theft? They know of stolen money "Origin not being ", why make the committed? Facing reporters ' questions, Ma Xiaoxia replied: "the Court, defence counsel's words, you can explain the problem. "" What? "The reporter asked. "In today's ' poverty laugh laughter prostitutes ' social background, requests the Court to reduce sentence of my client. "Ma Xiaoxia said, heard the lawyer's sentence at that time, she was shocked, I do not knowWhere something has gone wrong with this society, a lawyer should be defended in court? "Why people think stealing is not a shameful excuse tera gold, theft crimes, with very significant deviation values, moral values. "Ma Xiaoxia said that 31 accused in the case, had committed time maximum of 51 years of age, a minimum of only 18 years old, the vast majority aged 20 to 40 years oldBetween positive young adults, with the strength to make money is to support his family. "What's more they are not poor, theft is not to fill the belly. In Beijing, most of them rent to live in a large yard, and amateur activity is the playing cards of gambling, illicit money some people didn't warm up after heat lost to the Confederates. "Ma Xiaoxia said," a man without a standard of beauty and ugliness of good and evil, ignorance is noAwesome, very scary. "" Low level, weak legal sense, also contributed to the cause of this phenomenon. "Introduction to Ma Xiaoxia, the 31 defendants, illiterate culture 17, 1 primary school, junior culture 13, although they know that theft is not a crime, but have no clear understanding on its serious consequences. Under criminal law, theft of public and private property, large amounts of,Or repeatedly stolen, after entering a building illegally, carrying weapons theft, theft, three years ' fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or public surveillance, or fine; huge amounts or other serious circumstances, imprisonment of up to three years to ten years and a fine; huge amounts or other especially serious plot, punishable by imprisonment for not less than ten years or to life imprisonment, andFines or confiscation of property. Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of public security of the theft amount stipulated in the provisions of the standard issue, personal theft of public and private property, "large amounts", from $ 500 to $ 2000 as a starting point; " Huge amounts "for $ 5,000 to $ 20,000 as a starting point;" Huge amounts "for $ 30,000 to $ 100 tera gold,000 as a starting point。 Ma Xiaoxia said: "criminal amount of 29 defendants in this case belongs to ' huge ', two men, belonging to the amount the defendant's criminal ' huge '. "" As far as I know, now the rural children dropout situation is very serious, some junior high schools do not have went out to work from. Because of the low educational level, means are limited, they are difficult to find in a big city, badGet lost, to commit crimes off course. "Ma Xiaoxia recommends that the Department concerned to take practical and effective measures, concerned about rural education issues, strengthening the rule of law promotion, villagers learn to protect themselves with knowledge, legal discipline, heart of fear, shame and back. Only in this way can our social harmonious. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

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