Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling imports of 23.15 million tons respectively - UUU

129770871330625000_75Business, March 24-Iran oil embargo continued to ferment, international oil prices remain high tera power leveling, and eventually spread to the domestic market, raises domestic fuel recent substantial price adjustment. 20th meeting of the "General energy information seminar on oil" provided data showing, at least the last 3 years tera gold, Iran is China's third-largest crude oil import source country.General's view tera gold, "geo-political" and "turmoil", become the main factor affecting the global oil market. General energy information provided by the 20th the latest data show that domestic oil supply gap huge, more than half need to rely on imports. Degree of dependence on oil imports in 2009 after the break 50%, both the 2011 and 2010 remains at 55%.At the same time, domestic crude oil output held steady, however, with the steady increase in the apparent demand for crude oil, import of the synchronization increase.  In 2011, apparent demand for more than 450 million tons of crude oil, just over 250 million tons of imports, production remained at 200 million tons. Worthy of note is that Iran oil embargo continued to ferment, and eventually spread to the domestic market, triggering aProduct just conducted a substantial price.  General's data shows that at least the last 3 years, Iran firmly held the country's third-largest crude oil import source country, from 2009 to 2011, imports of 23.15 million tons respectively, six tons, 21.32 million tons. The EU announced earlier, will launch a Iran oil embargo plans, as Europe, GermanyHeland part of economic sanctions, the delay to July 1. Reporter Xiong Xin Others:

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