Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling Director says he is "brothels drugs" - UIZ

129773810117812500_33Southern Metropolis daily reported on March 27, micro-Bo and Guo Mei Weng Tao, Chairman of Hung fraternity is famous for fight criminal arrests! Because he was suspected of taking drugs. According to police, insiders said, he belonged to the "brothels drug addicts", "different from ordinary drugs." He 24th of this month in Shenzhen Luohu hotel is taken away by the police, according to his family in Shenzhen Yijing garden also did not receive policeNotice in writing.   Police said then there will be programs, files submitted to the public prosecutor's Office of Weng Tao. Weng Jia that haven't received a written notice Weng Tao Guo Mei Mei is famous for its war on the network, from his microblog content, he is more interested in public affairs. Weng Tao Sina micro-blog has stopped updating three days now. While his two mobile phones, a Communications AssistantWake up feature, another shutdown. Press the Weng Tao home the doorbell, is a young woman, she did not disclose her relationship with Weng Tao, said Weng Tao had failed to return home for two days, she knew Weng Tao had been taken away by the police, but was unable to find out more, "has not received a written notification from the police". Home at Lo Wu Yi Weng Tao Garden, is a two-Floors of the Villa. Qing green of the trees next to the Villa, birds, very pleasant environment.   Security said, lived in the Yijing Garden, is a rich man. Weng in hotel was taken away by the police in the southern reporter from the sources that, Weng Tao has been in criminal detention, because he "suspected drug users". The sources say, Weng Tao in Lo Wu on 24th of this month called "Dan MaplesWhite Dew "was taken away in the hotel, and he was taken away with investigations on them, he says one chaperone.   This person said, before it was taken away, Weng Tao drivers at the Fontainebleau Hotel opened a room, the actual occupancy is Weng Tao and the chaperone. South reporter confirmed that take Weng Tao is Lo Wu Huang Bei Station Chief of public security police. According to people familiar with the case of the police sources said,Weng Tao was arrested for drugs in the hotel room.   Weng Tao has now been criminal arrests, police files to the public prosecutor's Office on the next step.   Fontainebleau Hotel is located in the downtown of Lo Wu, is a five-star hotel. Certified police arresting people at Lo Wu tera gold, Director of the police station did not disclose this arresting people are there for the public to report, or from the information obtained from other sources, sent out arresting people. AlsoWeng Tao taking dangerous drugs were not disclosed. According to the information currently obtained from police, Weng Tao is because the drugs were taken away. However, including civilian police, lawyers who expresses you cannot understand.   One civilian police public order at Lo Wu expressed his doubts: drug addiction is not a crime, only up to administrative detention, cannot be criminal charges. Do CT Huang, Director of the police station long acceptedNan journalist said in an interview, Weng Tao is yellow Bay police station arrested. For why the sentenced to criminal detention, Dragon, Director says he is "brothels drugs", and is different from ordinary drug, Weng Tao more than one person is present at that time. Next the police file will be transferred to the public prosecutor's Office.   He said it had sent a criminal arrested by notice in writing to Weng Jia. South reporter on the matter to the Lo WuPublic Relations Branch Chief of public security proof tera power leveling, officials can't be informed, say sorry, could not be asked about the details of the case. Police insiders to the South reporter says, the more sensitive cases, Weng Tao worth is rich, not ordinary people, he has a reputation, resources, activities, "combination of factors led to the Weng Tao was caught, or do you think so many drug addicts, whyWhat happens is that he was caught? "The people believe that Weng Tao I there are some problems," seamless egg flies do not bite.   "Weng Tao according to the internal personal life style there are some problems, but he also admitted that these inadequate and crime. Link Weng Tao Guo war enjoyed fame Weng Tao was born in 1966, red fraternity in the current asset managementHead of limited. He first appeared in the public eye, and Guo Mei incident.   He first disclosed the Director Wang June before Guo Mei Mei and red in love relationship, making Guo Mei Mei after the events in bewilderment, there new Vista. Since and after Guo Mei on Twitter on the pinch, Weng Tao Guo and enjoyed in often you come to me to reveal the inside story on Twitter. Guo MeiHas repeatedly claimed that micro-Bo Weng Tao "mistresses", "drug", "he had been in prison", Weng Tao in addition to response, also grabbed Guo Mei Mei and Wang June relationship. Weng Tao Twitter response to admit in June 2005 to June 2006, had been in prison. But the other term for denying Guo Mei, including drug addicts, said Guo Mei is libel tera power leveling, defamation of his character, his last December the micro-Bo said, on December 13 of that year, lawyers to the Court at Lo Wu Guo Mei Mei was officially commissioned. Microblogging microblogging content of public conversation from his point of view, he is more keen to talk about public issues and public events, for instance, he published on 18th of this month in Xiamen City management bundle girls expressed concern about the events of microblogging, was published on the 19th of this month of attention the Sichuan earthquakeDisaster relief supplies unopened event microblogging, published on 23rd of this month focus on Liangshan children education problems in impoverished mountain area of microblogging. Because statements involve a number of sensitive issues, Weng Tao Sina ID has been deleted several times, one of his latest post ID was first started at the beginning of this month, currently number of fans was 22,800. He recently released a microblogging in theThe 24th at 5 o'clock in the morning, is about Guoyang, Anhui girls abandoned events, he commented: "the inhuman, heartless, seriously requires accountability for its murder! "Lawyers view drug addicts are not crimes, subject to reeducation through labor, or compulsory detoxification South reporter interviewed Kyoto zilong Liu lawyer at law firm yesterday on this case, in his view, the Penal Code does not provide for" drug crimes", And" the crime of smuggling, drug trafficking, transport, manufacturing ".   Police punishment of persons arrested at Lo Wu, said he was arrested for "drug" is a ridiculous argument. He said that drug-taking was in fact found in the judicial practice as "criminal" behavior, and were severely punished. Certain administrative rules and regulations stipulated: "smoking, drug injection, by the public security organs ' 15 days of detentionCan be single or fined a maximum of $ 2000. Force quit after smoking, drugs, implementation of reeducation-through-labor, and compulsory treatment in a reeducation-through-labor. "Author": the magazine Roundup "(Editor: Enami) Others:

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