Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold is still not open case - QAV

129773932881562500_3According to a report in the legal daily, yesterday, Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau through the "Internet police" authority issued a message, says Jiang Yin Sun, head of ABC network of an alleged contract fraud case. According to information released by the police, the Ministry of public security has issued a red Sun's most wanted, police are to carry out arrests. Reporters learned that Sun is the media had previously reportedGovernor of the agricultural Bank of China, Jiangyin City, Fort branch of the former Sun Feng. Sum amount of official now determine more than 126 million dollars, but according to banking insiders, large sum of figures could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. Police arrested reporter-bashing to the Philippines also confirmed that the suspected financial help for Sun Feng flight Shanghai Xintiandi branch of Standard Chartered Bank private banking customer adviser WuEden, also recently for allegedly harbouring conceal crime criminal detention by the police. Eden NG of Singapore origin, Sun Feng also achieved before at the time of the Singapore passports. After Sun Feng family fled, Wuxi, Jiangyin police have sent two groups of cases of civilian police to catch on a small island in the Philippines, but its success could not be arrested. Sun Feng visited after going to Thailand and the Netherlands, finally went to Canada. Their flight routesCarefully prepared before the incident. Interviewed by reporters confirmed, Sun Feng incident has attracted the local Government principal leaders of Jiangyin, worried that without a huge amount of public funds involved. But afterwards found, involved in the flight of more than 126 million dollars, is largely based on its "President" identity and personal and corporate funds borrowed to Jiangyin local boss, and agricultural bank depositors ' money or free government public expense involved. ItsIn the biggest victim of Jiangyin City long Zhao Jidi, Secretary of the village before the sand village. Thanks to the capital and loan funds to others nearly billion yuan of funds, on December 28 last year, Sun Feng and his parents, his wife, a son and a woman has family "outing" Thailand reported missing, causing enormous amounts of money cannot be returned. In desperation, Zhao Jidi made a report to police. Fried futures fled because of noReturned by huge loans it is understood that Sun Feng had fled, mainly fried futures during its working, and suffered heavy losses in the second half of last year, cannot be returned to massive borrowing. And its main source of funds, use of its accumulated for many years in banking industry reputation and contacts to attract local private capital directly, and promised high returns. Jiangyin City, which dealt with the China Science and technology companyFeng Sirong, head, because illegal fund-raising were controlled by the police. Zhao Jidi himself whether or not to accept the judicial treatment cannot be confirmed. Journalists also learned, is currently under investigation by the police in Wuxi involving bank staff or security companies, micro-loan companies from the number of cases of illegal fund-raising, which have similar Sun Feng has banking status of defrauding customers trust, client money lending. In addition, Since a few years ago to set up bonding companies, micro-lenders, pawn shops tera gold, and other capital threshold is low, some bank executive resigns after the setting up of such companies. From "employed the prohibition" requirement for bondage, its details through prior experience with banking customers, Bank insiders information, door raising funds or lend charging high interest returns, which came up with the current silverIndustry management of many "holes", and relevant authorities make vigorous efforts to the education regulation. "Event" Governor of the agricultural Bank of China branch wanted by the Ministry of public security of the global volume of 200 million having flight in late December 2011 tera power leveling, original Jiangyin ABC Fort branch in charge of a Sun suddenly disappeared. Jiangyin after police received a report that rapid survey. The investigation, Sun an individual capacity to cheatSeveral friends borrow more than 100 million Yuan. On December 28, 2011, Sun a family left for the outside. At present, the Ministry of public security has issued an INTERPOL notice. Police are now on a Sun for further investigation of the crime, and to pursue work. On 25th, this reporter learned from the police in Wuxi: the head of China's Ministry of public security of Wuxi, Jiangyin ABC Fort point a red Sun TongWanted. Police are on the Sun a crime for further investigation, and to pursue work. A few days ago, according to media reports, on December 28 last year, Governor of the agricultural Bank of China Jiangyin Fort branch Sun Feng and his wife, parents, two child family "outing" Thailand. Then, with no sign of the "disappeared". Thus, a involved in illegal financing amount or up to 200 million Yuan, Governor of the Bank ofFamily flight case in "silence" had emerged after more than two months. This reporter has learned that on December 31, 2011, Jiangyin ABC network Sun, head of a police investigation for alleged contract fraud is Jiangyin. On January 7, 2012, procuratorial organs on a Sun approved the arrest. Journalists to understand the situation on the ground, found on this event and the media by the partiesReported in the figures also have greater access. Current reporters learned from the official was in late December 2011, former head of Jiangyin ABC Fort point Sun suddenly missing. Jiangyin after police received a report that rapid survey. The investigation, a Sun in his own name obtain several friends borrow more than more than 100 million Yuan. To the Jiangyin municipal government information Office Press Conference on this matter, the OfficeOffice officials said some cases involving specific media is not accurate. Local Government attaches great importance to this case, is actively organizing the investigation. But, during the investigation phase of the case tera gold, is still not open case, you need to wait for the findings of the police. (Guangzhou daily) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirmed its descriptionAs described for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

1 comment:

  1. good article. Is this a repost from somewhere?
